God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 2616: Sheng Qian Yu

What kind of scene is this, full of despair and sorrow, Qin Qi heart full of shock and panic, can not help but slightly back a few steps.

Here, how can such a female giant appear?

"This is, the ancient Protoss?" Qin Qi took a deep breath, and the horror in his eyes was even worse.

In front of this female giant, I am afraid that it belongs to the ancient Protoss, and the blood of Qing Litian is still in the same vein. Even after such a long time, the kind of gods can still feel one or two.

Qin Qi’s perception will not go wrong, but it will make his heart heavy.

Previously, even the information collected by Zhao Cai did not mention the existence of such a female giant in the mine. Obviously, she only appeared this time.

In the event of such a change, it can only be said that the previous judgments on the Taikoo mines were inaccurate and must be handled with greater care.

In addition, Qin Qi can not help but worry.

The women of this ancient Protoss have lived for such a long time, but they are still immortal. The traces of the body are not like those left in the years, but they are so during their lifetime.

In this way, her strength before her life must be extremely strong, but she still died here.

And still die so desperately, try hard to escape but not available.

What did she encounter at the time?

Is it the place where she wants to escape?

However, now Qin Qi is going to go in and enter the place where the ancient Protoss want to escape but can only despair and die.

"First activate the lock armor, ready to use", Qin Qidao, so that the different Kunlun will keep the lock armor in a semi-start state, ready to use.

Immediately, Qin Qi no longer hesitated and jumped into the big pit in front of him.

This is a pit in the pit, and a deeper pothole appears in the center of the pit.

I am afraid that it was opened at the expense of the millions of dark scorpions before.

Qin Qi carefully went down and came here. The surrounding environment has a much greater suppression of power. It is not easy to keep flying, and it takes more than 100 times of power.

If you do not rely on foreign objects, in addition to Qin Qin Qi, the resilience of the generation of metamorphosis, few people can go deep into this place.

With the constant falling, Qin Qi finally saw the feet of this female ancient Protoss.

On the top, there was a pair of cockroaches locked, and two dark iron chains went straight to the bottom of the hole.

This ancient Protoss was locked, so it was impossible to escape.

Qin Qi fixed his mind and continued to move down.

And immediately after seeing, suddenly Qin Qi paled a few points.

Under the female ancient Protoss, it turned out to be a dense body of dead bones. They all climbed on the rock wall, desperately reaching up, but could not climb out.

This number is too much, completely covering the rock wall, and looking at it at a glance, it is really confusing.

Qin Qi is not a dead person, but they are desperate before death. At this moment, the picture in front of them is really a cold heart.

And at their feet, they are also a pair of shackles, locking them to death.

Qin Qi took a deep breath and restored calm. If you carefully distinguish it, you can see that these people come from all ethnic groups, whether human or heterogeneous.

Most of them, even Qin Qi, couldn't name them. They needed different information from the Kunlun Mountains to confirm their race.

What Qin Qi did not expect was that it included the dark genus!

This is the first time that Qin Qi has encountered the dark genus who died in this bright group.

This makes the place even more strange.

"What is this in the end, is it a mine or a cemetery?" Qin Qi could not help but say.

Slightly past these deadly corpses, Qin Qi seems to be able to hear their original mourning, that feeling is like facing the end of the world.

Everything is sealed, and I can only wait to die.

It is like being buried alive here.

Qin Qi knows about why the dark genus used the blood of hundreds of millions of souls to lay a road to open this place. Without these blood, it is impossible to neutralize the resentment here.

After about two hours, Qin Qi’s footsteps were implemented and finally came to the bottom of the pothole!

This depth is already very amazing. It is afraid that it has already exceeded 10 million meters from the ground. The surrounding depression and darkness are very uncomfortable.

However, the ground under the feet is a bit of an accident for Qin Qi, which is even flat.

This is obviously not a natural shape, but a trace of artificial polishing.

Qin Qi looked around and felt sent out.

Here, the breath of the Thousand Feathers has become more intense, at least with the perception of Qin Qi, it can be clearly sensed.

He is under the pothole.

Zhao Cai, it is estimated that Qin Qi has not yet accurately captured his breath when he has not shown his power.

"Although it is a pit in the pit, but the scale is not small." Qin Qi whispered, carefully following the direction in the direction of perception.

The input of the dark genus this time was beyond imagination, and Qin Qi had to be cautious.

After all, no one knows whether there is a big heavenly level in the darkness, or a different one.

No one knows, there are several big heavenly ranks.

Qin Qi is almost completely integrated into the darkness, and the hidden level is not much worse than the black shadow lurkers.

On the other side of the darkness, it seems that there has not been a new step yet, and the position has not changed. This naturally facilitates Qin Qi.

After touching the small quarter of an hour, Qin Qi finally saw some light.

There is the place where the darkness is at the moment.

Their number is still quite a lot, and they are not simple. Qin Qi took a look and found that these people came from the abyss palace and the **** sacrifice.

This is similar to the research at the same time, but the configuration is much higher.

Not only are the researchers of the gods sacrifices more old, they are obviously older, they have more advanced knowledge and skills, and they are the warriors of the abyss. The abyss badges of everyone are inlaid with gold. .

They are the high-level commanders of the abyss ritual cultivation. They are much stronger than the ordinary warriors. The realm is undoubtedly at the level of heavenly respect!

Qin Qi and the warriors of the Abyss Festival have fought, knowing that these people have the strongest combat power in the same environment, fighting ability and strength grade, are the upper generations.

Of course, with these Tianzun, it is not enough to defeat Qin Qi, only to cause some trouble for him.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Abyss Festival are separated from each other, always alert to the surroundings, and the more peripheral places, there are ordinary soldiers defending the palace, relying on each other, strict and abnormal.

Even if they have a lot of detectors, they still haven't relaxed their vigilance.

And those researchers, there is no effort to think about it.

They are all wearing special costumes, and from time to time they will light up the road to offset the power of this ancient mine.

Otherwise, they cannot go here at all.

Qin Qi can clearly see that they are carefully assembling a pillar.

These columns are irregular in shape and have a spot on the top.

The pillars are assembled from countless parts. At this moment, they are inserted into the ground, which is like being integrated with the ground, and they are no longer separated from each other.

At this moment, 999 pillars have been assembled and inserted into the designated position.

The ninth and ninety-nine roots are almost shaped.

Look at them, there should be no first thousand, and this step is completed when the pillar is inserted into the ground.

"This is the arrangement for summoning!"

He inquired about the materials of the gods.

Although the techniques of these columns are not within the scope of his investigation, the arrangement is traceable.

Wait until 999 and the column are installed, and then you can call it.

As for what to summon, it is still unclear.

Qin Qi slightly decapitated, and his eyes fell elsewhere.

In addition to these busy researchers, there are many other people present, and there are two figures that make Qin Qi particularly care.

He couldn't find the breath of the two figures, but the intuition told him that the two were extremely strong!

Here, Qin Qi also finally saw the Zhao Cai and Qian Yu drill.

Zhao Cai, the fat man at that moment, seems to be completely devoted to the camp of the dark genus, and his face is flattering, and he is pleased with the dark genus wearing a cloak.

As for the diamond of a thousand feathers.

When Qin Qi was in the opposite world, he used his watch to see his information. At this moment, he also confirmed that this person is a thousand feathers.

However, compared with the past, he is really too strong now, and the realm has reached a high level!

Even if he does not run the power, there is still a sacred light on his body. It is obvious that the realm has been completed and ready to hit a higher level.

"Dead pig, nausea is dead, give me a roll away!" The man in the cloak shouted, full of disgust, kicking Zhao Cai away.

Zhao Cai is ignorant and unconscious, still a charming face.

"Really, I don't know what to bring you!" The man continued, his voice getting colder: "If it is useless in the end, you will stay here forever!"

"You can rest assured that I must be useful. My cornucopia, which is specially used to attract baby's creation, will definitely make you adults have a big harvest!" Zhao Cai smiled and smiled.

"Hey!" The man snorted and was very disgusted, but did not say anything.

Then she looked at the progress over there and looked at the drill of the thousand feathers: "Sheng Qian Yu, you need to use your strength later, hope, don't let us down."

"I try my best", the diamond of a thousand feathers is faint, and the face is expressionless.

"What is your attitude? In front of me, do you think you have something to be proud of?" The man was annoyed.

Thousands of feathers gave her a look and said: "Otherwise, why did you force me here?"

"You!" The man bit his teeth for a while, and his heart was even more angry.

Coupled with the great shame that I received recently, it made her breath sigh and could not stretch for a long time.

"Mina Master, already prepared almost, do you confirm again?" An old man came to the person, his look dignified.

Mina suddenly embraced God and dared not reveal her own thoughts. Instead, she nodded and said, "Okay, I will try my best!"

At the moment, Mina opened a box and took out the crystal inside.

Inside the crystal, there is a drop of crystal blood, shaped like a black wood, which is extremely extraordinary.

This is the supreme of the black wood gods, Wendy's drop of blood.

Mina held the blood, and her look became solemn. Immediately, there was also a black wood behind her, and the power of the silk was connected with the blood.

She began to predict!

"It turned out to be her!" Qin Qi looks a little weird.

He did not expect that the man would be Mina, the woman who was swayed by him in the public.

I thought she was so angry and angry that she had fled back to the dark heavens and had no face to see anyone, but she did not expect to come here and participate in this action.

With Mina’s ability, she is eligible to participate, but she is young, she can be here, there should be other reasons.

Mina comes from the black wood gods, the battle is not a strength, her most powerful power, should be prophecy, or prophet!

They are natural daytime performers, can be used to promote the secret, divination and fierce, and this ability is difficult to manifest in the battle.

Therefore, she was defeated by Qin Qi, and it does not mean that she can not compare with Yumi Yuan.

In addition, Qin Qi has always been concerned about it. With Mina's blood, it is not too difficult to predict what will happen after World War I.

Even if it involves Qin Qi, it is difficult to have accurate predictions, but it is no problem to measure a good or bad.

But how could she finally be so miserable? Qin Qi played a hooligan and almost committed suicide.

Obviously, she did not measure.

At first Qin Qi felt that she was too confident and did not think that there was any need for deduction. Now it seems that it is deliberately retaining this ability of foresight.

This is preparing for this action.

"Blood and blood linkage, hehe, it seems that the blood of this woman's body is very close to Wendy, otherwise it is impossible to use her blood to use the power to carry out the deduction." Qin Qi whispered in his heart.

From this point of view, Mina's blood is stronger than Rita's big heaven, otherwise she will not let her come here.

This Wendy can't be underestimated!

Of course, it is only on the level of the heavens.

In the case of combat power, Qin Qi can still easily slap her.

Of course, what Qin Qi cares most is not Wendy. Her actions at this moment are just the smoothness of the actions after the deduction.

What really makes Qin Qi can't help but be surprised is the name of the thousand feathers.

Prior to this, the name of the Thousand Feather Diamonds has always been a mystery, never revealed.

Qin Qi did not expect that he would call Sheng Qianyu.

It sounds similar to the Holy Thousands.

Although this is just a name, there are hundreds of millions of human beings in the world, and there are countless numbers. Don’t say that the names are similar, that is, what the same name is, nothing.

But at this moment, Qin Qi is somewhat concerned about it.

This holy thousand feathers, really have nothing to do with the two brothers?

Just thinking, a wave of volatility suddenly came out, 999 light beams straight into the sky, looks spectacular!

Ready! "It has been re-introduced, no problem, start summoning!" Mina took the blood and opened her mouth.

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