God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3136: Progress

The calculation of the yarn weaving did not go wrong. The special corrosive liquid, with the aid of laboratory equipment, has begun to erode the surface film of the source blood.

This process takes only three days.

In three days, Qin Qi also stayed in the laboratory and carried out various transformations together with the yarn weaving.

Qin Qi is also a small experience in this respect, coupled with the help of different Kunlun, can help the yarn weaving to achieve more ideas.

In this way, for three days, Hongnan children will walk around in a leafy sky.

Qin Qi is the case with the yarn weaving improvement laboratory.

This has enabled the yarn weaving to grasp the research of source blood, and it has improved a few points.

Thus, after three days, the corrosive liquid in the culture tank has been pumped away, and the incompetent water is reinjected.

Incompetent water is a liquid that does not contain any force at all. Soaking it can perfectly maintain the characteristics of the source blood without change.

"The characteristics of the source of blood, some strange", Qin Qi eyebrows.

Losing the film, Qin Qi can more clearly sense the power of the source blood, which is indeed different from before.

In the face of it, Qin Qi actually has the feeling of a mountain to stand up!

But in fact, the power revealed above the source of blood did not reach that level, and it would not make Qin Qi so shocked.


But it is extremely powerful!

Very strange feeling.

"First look at the lock fairy technology, there should be changes", yarn weaving.

Locking technology, naturally not falling more armor and Xianli engine, etc., this is not a treasure armor, but an extremely powerful technology, or power!

The core of the lock fairy technology is to lock the fairy veins, just like the muscles of the human body, which is the foundation of the lock fairy technology.

At this moment, the yarn weaving is inserted into the blood of the source with the vein model of the nine generations of locks, and the test can open the shackles of the ten generations of locks!

I saw a line like a vein in the culture trough, and the source of blood, like the heart, was shrouded in these tendons.

But obviously, it is not so smooth.

The source blood and the lock xian network are obviously incompatible, and they cannot always be connected together.

"Start debugging, at least something has been done," said the yarn weaving.

If it is not smooth, it is expected, naturally there will be no depression, but the yarn will be woven.

In the past, the ten generations of locks have no way at all. I don’t know what to do to achieve it, but now, at least, there is direction.

Although I don't know if it is correct or not, I have already done something.

Qin Qi nodded, using the different Kunlun, began further deduction, try to connect the source blood and the lock Xianxian really connected!

Without the source blood of the film, the power characteristics are completely different from the previous ones, and it is extremely changeable. If you want to master them all, you need to make a lot of adjustments to the locks.

This is a complicated work. It can be said that it is not as simple as creating the lock technique from the original goddess.

The days go by.

Qin Qi and Yarn weaving have always been in the laboratory, and it’s almost nothing to do with the ears.

During this time, the nightingale has appeared. He knows that Qin Qi has come to a leafy sky, so come over and see one side.

Just did not see it.

Or Qin Qi has no time to take care of him.

In this regard, the nightingale just shrugged and left.

He came over this time, bringing in a lot of resources and a few messages needed for gauze.

Among them, Lu Lingyi is most concerned about and is one of the most important events of the entire mother ship fleet.

The civil strife in the northern pirate regiment is over.

The person who caused this civil strife has also confirmed that it is already a certainty that has already confirmed death!

The one who was in the top of the three flowers, the extremely powerful pirate king, returned again.

But she does not seem to have renewed her plans for the Northern Pirates.

Because afterwards, the northern pirate ship collapsed directly, and the northern pirate group disappeared into the historical arena.

However, the northern pirate group after the disintegration summoned the peak of the peak of the North Peak.

This shocked the entire mother ship fleet.

Xuebeifeng has always been the supreme force pursued by the ice system strong, but unfortunately, even if it is cold and returning to the market, it has already lost the trace of Xuebeifeng.

Outsiders speculate that Xuebeifeng is the power to make the ice system strong.

Unexpectedly, it will come in this form!

However, since it is ambiguous, then all this is over, and this is what she did when she formed the Northern Pirates.

I just didn't expect it to take three epochs before I finally reached it.

But it's not too late!

The return of the ambiguity, coupled with the power of Xuebeifeng, I am afraid that the great wise will be taboo.

After all, the original ambiguity is also able to fight the emperor among the Chaos beasts!

Now that the entire northern pirate group has been sacrificed, the strength will surely come back.

For a time, the mother ship group was shaking.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing is that you have to return to the market.

虞 contains 霁, but the traitor who went to the market in the cold, she returned again, and got the snow north peak.

This is almost an unacceptable situation for the cold and returning to the market.

No one knows what will happen next.

Even if it is the first to use the Xuebei Peak to become the first great wise man since the three eras.

At that time, I am afraid that the situation will be even more difficult.

I am afraid that it will be their hands!

It’s just the current situation, but it’s impossible to focus on the shackles, because the end of the boat anchored by the hunting mountain has already begun to counterattack.

Since this time, a large number of warships of the mother ship group began to invade the boat of the end.

The battle is getting more intense.

The rebellion of the Doomsday boat was even more fierce than expected, and the casualties were not small.

Just because of some considerations, the mother ship group did not seem to think about the boat of death.

So the war is not over yet.

In addition, there is news from Chaos Wang Ting, and it seems that the Chaos Beasts will also act.

It should be because of this that the mother ship group can not invest too much force to deal with the end of the boat.

After all, the power of the boat of the end is not to be underestimated.

The Lord of the Doomsday is a mysterious existence, and no one has ever seen him so far!

After reading these news, Lu Lingzhen was sad.

After all, the situation in mind is still happening.

Even more terrible than imagined, the northern pirate regiment has been destroyed and has become history.

"Next, what do you do?" asked Hongnan, some worried.

Lu Lingqi shook her head and said: "I have already thought of such a result. Now, I can afford it."

"As for the future, it doesn't matter, it's just living here," Lu Ling said.

Hongnaner nodded and said nothing.

In the future, no one can say clearly, and now the chaotic fairy world seems to be no longer calm.

I am afraid that soon after, it will usher in a storm!

What happened outside, Qin Qi is not clear, he only knows to constantly adjust the lock xian network to guide the power in the source of blood.

And the results have already begun!

The breath of the source blood is getting stronger and stronger, and a red breath begins to flow from the inside of the source blood, slowly injecting into the lock veins!

This is something that could not be done before!

Maybe after the power of the source blood will fill the veins of the fairy, the tenth generation of armor, you can be born in the world!

"Great, finally found the way!" Yarn woven eyes bright.

The research since this time has not been in vain!

And then, it is just a matter of time. The yarn weaving and the combination of Qin and Qi will inevitably allow the power of the source blood to flow into the lock veins!

"A strong breath, a good guy, a drop of blood, what kind of power is contained in the end!" Qin Qi was amazed.

The power of the source blood is one point per turn, and the breath is stronger.

It's hard to imagine how terrible it would be if it were completely guided!

"It's full of a vein!" The yarn weaving surprises, almost half of the veins are full of blood power!

It was just at this time that there was a wave of fluctuations above the source of the blood and could not be prevented from being passed on.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Qi seems to have sensed other fluctuations, although it is extremely far away, but it echoes this blood source!

They are resonating!

Is it the other source of blood!

Qin Qi’s heart sinks, and if so, then the goddess’ support must have been noticed!

And then, the alarm sounds in the lab sounded.

Qin Qi's face sank.

So fast?

"Adult, outside..." Shirley stepped in and her face was pale.

If it is not an emergency, she will not come to disturb Qin Qi. "I know, let them in," Qin Qidao said.

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