God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3137: Celine

Shirley was surprised. It is obvious that Qin Qi already knows what happened, and there is not much to say at the moment, leaving in a hurry.

"Is the man of the goddess coming?" asked the yarn weaving, some worried.

"Reassured, there is me," Qin Qi slowly said.

Qin Qi’s perception is strong, and he has already noticed the breath of the coming, very strong, and has a unique fluctuation with the goddess.

But even if he was, some did not expect the other party to come so fast.

This source of resonance between the blood, but the moment has appeared, the other party has already come to a leafy sky!

This kind of space leap forward, even if the goddess wants to display, it must consume a lot of energy.

Only the largest type of portal can make such a fast space transfer.

And it can be seen that the control of the blood of the goddess has reached a very deep level, but it is estimated that there is no way out.

Otherwise, you will not always pay attention to the fluctuations of the source blood.

This is why the other party can react in the first place.

They are always looking for this source of blood!

The goddess embraces the strongest, and naturally the pressure is greatly increased.

But Qin Qi is not afraid of anything.

Even if the other party is a three-flowered gathering, but with his current realm, plus the ban, it is not without a means of countervailing.

Not to mention that the source of blood is still in his hands.

In this way, Qin Qi is just waiting, and Saori naturally believes that Qin Qi can solve everything, so he will continue to participate in the adjustment of the lock.

Soon, Shirley walked in again, and behind her was a man and a woman.

The woman looks young, but in fact the realm is extremely strong, and she does not see how many years old she can.

As for the man, it is indeed a younger generation, but since he did not go to the hunting mountain, it is not a genius in combat.

Instead, the people who study the lock technology!

The moment the woman came in, she was attracted by the source of blood, and her eyes lit up with radiance and could not help but be excited.

She can be sure that this is the source of blood they have been looking for. "Nine hundred and ninety-nine drops of blood, only this drop, but let us look for three eras, I did not expect that it is left in the lower bound!" The woman's gaze was occupied by the source of blood, did not care Qin Qi and yarn weaving, it seems that there is no

These two people are like.

She is just hard to calm down.

Qin Qi’s eyes are slightly stunned, but it’s faint: “The predecessors didn’t ask for it, really don’t plan to introduce themselves?”


Waiting for what the woman said, the young man is a cold drink, looking proudly at Qin Qi: "This is the chief professor of my goddess, Celine, you dare not respect!"

The goddess embraces one of the top ten mother ships, which can be said to be the giant power behind the ancient times.

And the chief professor of the goddess, that is naturally the existence of a very high status, not much difference between the captain, second only to the absolute high-level of the great wise!

In front of her, even Qin Qi, indeed, is not enough.

However, here is a leafy sky, not a goddess!

On Qinxi's site, don't put a high profile on it!

Qin Qi snorted, and the light flashed in his hand. Panlong was already in his hand.

"Do more words, you will die here!" Qin Qi said indifferently.

Pointed at the gun's muzzle, the young man was pale and suddenly felt a deadly threat!

As if you really have to talk a little more, you have to die here!

But how can Qin Qi dare to be so mad!

Dare to threaten him!

Is it not afraid that the goddess will bring down the anger!

However, even if the heart is out of anger, I want to kill Qin Qi directly, but I dare not say a word.

The attitude towards Qin Qi, Celine also changed her face, could not help but gave birth to anger.

After all, in her position, this life has not encountered such a mad boy, even threatened to kill her students in front of her!

Also don't put the goddess in the eye!

"Young people, misfortunes, don't make mistakes!" Celine said.

"Predecessors, don't ask yourself, you are already provoking me. If you are a goddess, do you think you can stand here safely?" Qin Qi did not let it.

Qin Qi’s attitude, Celine’s eyes were stunned and her face was blue.

"Kid, do you know what you are talking about?" Celine's voice was cold.

Qin Qi did not care, said: "Predecessors, I killed the Sikong cat, abolished the grip of the evil energy in the entire forward base of the hunting mountain, went to the West Wangting, but still lived well."

"Predecessors don't think that the goddess of the district can hold me, can you shake me?"

Now Qin Qi, is not the one who just entered the chaotic fairy world five years ago.

The goddess is of course powerful, but what about it?

The other party came for the source of blood, and his attitude was arrogant. I am afraid that this matter is difficult to be good. It is better for Qin Qi to show his posture now.

Also avoid the idea that the other party should not move.

Celine couldn't help but anger, Qin Qi, dare to say this.

The goddess of the district.

The two words of the district will appear before the goddess!

It’s only seen in this life!

However, Qin Qi’s words also made Xilin’s heart shake.

Indeed, Qin Qi has come this way and has done a lot of things that are shocking, but now it seems that there has been an intersection with the punishment days.

Xi Lin focuses on technology and does not know much about outside rumors, but she also knows who the sentence is!

But even so, Qin Qi is too arrogant!

There were outsiders entering a leafy sky, and the news naturally uploaded the horse. Soon, Hongnaner also rushed over.

"Nothing?" asked Hongnan.

"There is still no time, but the visitor is not a guest, it always has something to do." Qin Qi smiled lightly.

Xilin snorted and said: "Young people, too frivolous, you do have a lot of skills, but you should not think that this will be able to compete with my goddess!"

"Predecessors, more to say no benefit, you only say what to do here will do," Qin Qidao.

"Recycling the source of blood!" Celine said directly.

"Impossible!" Qin Qi's answer is more direct!

Celine’s eyes shook a bit, and coldly said: “You don’t forget, the source of blood belongs to our goddess. We come over and take back what belongs to us!”

"At the time, this blood-dropping prototype was not bought. It was bought for money. Now, when I take it back, the goddess is not going to have a face?" Qin Qi said.

"You!" Celine was furious.

However, she glanced at the Panlong in the hands of Qin Qi. She naturally knew about this famous gun and knew what kind of power would be in the hands of a strong man like Qin Qi.

So now I have tolerated a few points.

"We can pay you enough," Celine said.

"Yes," Qin Qi laughed.

Xi Lin took a deep breath and could talk about the conditions, so I can accept it.

"Speak your terms," ​​Celine said.

"Give me a set of ten generations of locks, the source of blood is put on both hands", Qin Qi faint.

"Globe!" Celine sighed.

Ten generations of locks, the goddess is not there for the time being!

"When you look at one of the top ten mother ships, we can give you a set of nine generations of locks, which is already cheaper for you!" Celine said.

Qin Qi heard the words, could not help but laugh, full of ridicule. "It's better than this. How many blood sources are in the hands of the seniors? We have a set of nine generations of locks for a drop of source blood. Ten years is limited. How many are there? How?" Qin Qi smiled coldly.

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