God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3160: Leaving the mother ship

"Is the man of the ancient times coming?"

Qin Qi did not expect that there would be people who came to the throne of the Thousand Swords.

In this sensitive time, the appearance of the ancient times is not like the regular exchange with the throne of the Thousand Swords.

It seems to come for Qin Qi.

In this way, Qin Qi did not avoid the suspicion, and took the red Nannan to the sword king court of the Thousand Sword Throne.

For the emergence of Qin Qi, some swords are naturally angry, after all, so free to enter and exit, it is really not to put the Thousand Sword Throne in the eye.

However, it did not stop.

In the sword king court, Qin Qi saw the top of the Thousand Sword Throne, and the two strong men of the goddess of merchants.

With them in the same place, chatting, it is the hard-working comers!

It is not surprising that these people have seen Qin Qi come over by himself.

"Sit down," Yi Qingtian faintly said, let Qin Qi sit.

This is already acknowledging the strength of Qin Qi, enough to be on an equal footing with them.

At least, it is enough to sit with them.

Among the younger generation, no second person has such treatment.

Qin Qi took a ceremony and sat down according to the words, while Hong Naner stood on the edge of Qin Qi, and he was a landscape.

Of course, she won't sit down.

"You are Qin Qi, I have heard a lot of names for a long time."

He looked at Qin Qi, his eyes twitched slightly, and he was so deep that he could see Qin Qi in general.

Very simple!

And Qin Qi noticed that his eyes are very special, and there is actually a pupil in the pupil!

It’s not the same kind of experience I’ve seen before.

If you want to come, you must have a strong courage!

"Predecessors said that the name is not dare to be!" Qin Qi laughed.

Naturally, I dare not make it as casual.

"Since you are here, it saves you the effort."

"Predecessors came for me?" Qin Qi asked.

"It is indeed for you!"

"Then ask the seniors to speak up, what do you need to do with the younger generation?" Qin Qi asked.

The hardships of the ancient times are extremely powerful. They took the initiative to send people to come. There may be many reasons. Qin Qi is also uncertain.

Perhaps it is for the knives.

Perhaps it is to smash the fragments of the ancient fairy sacrifice!

It is also possible to prevent Qin Qi from going to the dungeon!

But no matter which one, even the current Qin Qi, we must be cautious about the world's first mother ship!

And the first person behind the mother ship!

"You don't need to do anything, this time, I will give you a gift!" Gu Kaihe laughed.


Qin Qi looks slightly, not sure: "Isn't it going to give me the debris of the key to Heaven?"

Gu Kaihaha smiled and said: "This is the case!"

It is said that everyone is slightly discolored and does not understand the plan of the ancient times.

Why, to give the key to Tianqi?

Is it difficult to see the hardships of Qin Qi?

When I first built the man of the dungeon, it was unparalleled!

The hardships of the ancient times have no doubt have their own considerations, but such things, Qin Qi naturally cannot be rejected.

"That would thank the seniors!" Qin Qi holding a fist.

Gu Kai nodded, a light group appeared in his hand, drifting to Qin Qi.

This is the third piece of Tiangong key.

After that, you only need to find the last piece of debris drifting in the chaotic sea. Qin Qi and Hong Naner can go to the dungeon and open it!

"The key has been given to you. As for whether you can open the dungeon, you will see yourself."

"But there is a point to pay attention to", the ancient Kai slowly.

"Predecessors please say!"

"In the dungeon, the three eras of reproduction, there are indeed countless innocent descendants of sin, but in the same way, there are also many people with great sins!"

"You can open the dungeon, but if you release a sinner, the consequences will be borne by you!"

"Predecessors rest assured, I will bear it!" Qin Qi solemnly said.

Gu Kai nodded, and then laughed again. "Perhaps these are unnecessary, you may not be able to live out."

Qin Qi is a sigh, no doubt.

He can hear that Gu Kai is not a rumor, but he still has this judgment in the case of knowing Qin Qi’s current combat power.

It can be seen that the Dharma is dangerous and not a leisurely one!

But Qin Qi believes in himself, and will never fall into the place of Tianqiang!

For this, the two sides naturally have no need to debate, waiting for the results.

"Well, things have been handed over to you, I will go back to life." Gu Kaihe smiled and prepared to leave.

Qin Qi suddenly spoke.

"Predecessors, I have something to ask," Qin Qidao said.

"You said."

"I heard that one of the twelve ancestors, the candle nine yin re-emerged, is it true?" Qin Qi asked.

The ancient opening, including everyone, was a slight surprise. I did not expect that Qin Qi would ask the question that the gossip could not be played.

However, at the highest level of the mother ship fleet, there are indeed such rumors.

The candle nine yin, as the master of the time of the twelve ancestors, has always been the most terrifying existence in the ancestral witch.

He has been disappearing for a long time. Although there are occasional wills to be discovered, the ontology has never been seen since the three eras.

There is also speculation that he has some problems.

Gu Kai did not understand why Qin Qi was interested in this, but it is difficult to do this, but there is indeed a first step of intelligence.

And all of them are human top pillars, but it is not impossible to say.

"The candle nine yin deity is still not in the world, chaos Wang Ting over there, the same is not convinced", the ancient open eyebrows, "but the power of the candle nine yin, indeed live, even proven, once appeared at a distant starting point !"

The starting point is the mother ship group sailing, entering the era of the era!

That is, the already broken ancestral land!

Although the mother ship group has sailed three major eras, it still has some control over the ancestral land.

The smell of the candle nine yin appears naturally, which has caused great attention!

And more information is gone.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Qin Qi held the boxing.

He is not sure what is happening, whether it is a perfect woman, or a candle!

But since there is relevant news, how can it be better than nothing!

But no matter what, you must go to the dungeon first, and then wait until you come out.

Thousands of swords and thrones, the purpose has been reached, although it has encountered many problems, but in the end it is considered smooth.

It is an unexpected surprise to send key fragments to the ancient times.

In this way, Qin Qi did not stay in the throne of the Thousand Swords for a long time, with the red Nan children, leaving directly.

Next, they are going to the Chaos Sea.

Going out of the chaotic sea, it is natural not to rely on its own strength.

Even if Qin Qi's current combat power, it is impossible to sail in such a vast sea of ​​chaos.

After all, who knows when to find the key?

Fortunately, the goddess of support provided support for Qin Qi.

Giving him a new model of small warships, the speed is several times that of a conventional mother ship, and the energy stored is enough for ten years.

It is completely new technology and has great value.

After several space jumps, Qin Qi emerged from the Qinglong port and plunged into the Chaos Sea.

"Look first, the general direction of the key," Hong Naner said.

On her body, a scarlet stream of light rises, and in her hands, it is red.

This is the red dragonfly that was obtained in the past without a ship, and can be sensed with the place where the last piece of key is located.

Red Naner has the blood of the red stag beetle, which can strengthen this induction.

Therefore, only her, can find this last piece. Perhaps, it is also the arrangement of fate!

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