God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3161: Boarding the ancestral land

The chaotic sea is infinitely vast and huge.

When the mother ship group dropped the key pieces into the sea of ​​chaos, the purpose was not to open the dungeon.

Even now, no one in Qin Qi has this plan.

If it is not the emergence of Hongnan, and Qin Qi shot, Tianbao may never open.

But even so, it is not easy to open the dungeon.

Hongnan children used the blood of the Zerg to sense the fluctuations returned from the red dragonfly, but for a long time, nothing was obtained.

The Chaos Sea is still too big.

Even the most advanced and powerful Xianli radar has a wide coverage, but compared to the entire Chaos Sea, it is only a place of the sea.

Hung Hom, although with magical blood sensation, cannot be explained by Xianli Radar.

But if they are too far apart, they are still unresponsive.

Therefore, Qin Qi can only drive without purpose before the red dragonfly feels.

Of course, although it is purposeless, but still going back, the key fragments will not fly to the front of the mother ship group!

“Even if the time-space leap forwards, each time it will not exceed the sensing range of Hung Hom, it is still possible to miss it.”

"We are still ready to go back and forth several times." Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

The warship automatically drives, does not need him to control, there is nothing to do in this process, naturally boring.

"It can only be so", Hong Naner sighed.

She really wants to find the key pieces quickly.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing is not going to come.

"But I have never been to the broken ancestral land. If I can't find the key, I will go to the ancestral land to see." Qin Qidao.

"Well," Hong Naner nodded.

The ancestral land of mankind, that is the world that existed before the three eras.

It has already broken.

But even if it is broken, it is also reserved, forming a number of worlds, but they are all dangerous and the laws of terror are rampant.

Humans simply cannot live in it.

The tower is the only exception!

But among the broken ancestral lands, there are also countless treasures, which were left in the ancestral era of infinite prosperity.

It was too late to be taken away.

Therefore, in the past, many people have returned to their ancestral lands to explore. Some people have indeed made a fortune in them, but more people have not come back.

To some extent, going to the broken ancestral land is better than going to the land of chaos.

There are more opportunities there.

Going to the ancestral land, this is a relatively bad plan. Qin Qi does not want to go back and forth in this chaotic sea, too time-consuming.

Unfortunately, there is really no reaction on this road.

Obviously, I have already missed it.

The route to return, fearing to be more sinking, may be sensitive.

And if you don't have it, you have to continue to change, and your luck is not good. It is impossible to spend ten years on it!

"The ancestral land is coming," Qin Qi opened his eyes and smiled helplessly.

And time has been used for a year!

In one year, Qin Qi did not lose anything. At least he was studying the power of the system.

It has already gained something.

The number of people that can be used has also increased a lot.

The other point is the realization of the three flowers.

Sanhua, it is not so easy to open, at this stage Qin Qi can not find the three-flowered strong or chaotic beast to hunt.

Possibly, you need to cultivate yourself to climb the three-flower level.

Qin Qi must be prepared first.

"The ancestral land of mankind has been smashed by the Chaos Beast." Red Naner stood on the side of the ship and looked at the ancestral land that was far away.

It was a group of boulder floating, and there was no trace of human activity on the periphery.

Very desolate.

"How is it better than being ruined by oneself?" Qin Qi smiled.

After all, similar things he has experienced, the bright world of the lower bounds, is not indirectly destroyed by the ancient and the present!

"Since it is here, let's go and see, but it should not be too deep, or there may be a big danger!" Qin Qidao.

The ancestral land was once endlessly prosperous. After being destroyed, some dynasties, some dynasties, were destroyed, and those powerful forces were out of control.

In the past, the existence of the king of the king died in it.

When Qin Qi came here, he did not dare to say that he was walking sideways.

"There may be unexpected gains!" Hong Naner smiled slightly.

"hope so!"

When they officially came to the periphery of the broken ancestral land, Qin Qi and Hong Naner left the warship, and after they were put away, the two went into the air and went deep into the ancestral land.

The ancestral land has been completely shattered, and the peripheral side has been attacked by the Chaos Sea. There has been no trace of the past.

Just a myriad of boulder floating.

However, after about ten thousand miles, the breath began to change.

Although it is still a huge stone everywhere, it has formed a certain position and isolated the Chaos Sea!

In addition to the strong human beings, it is difficult for ordinary humans to live in the chaotic sea.

They need to rely on an independent world, or a mother ship, to isolate the chaotic sea.

Although this ancestral land was broken, after it was stabilized, it naturally formed a world-like existence.

Only the rules are too confusing and not suitable for human survival.

Qin Qi and Hong Naner entered it, and the surrounding forces changed rapidly.

"The law of chaos is not only the natural formation of the heavens and the earth, but also the laws of countless human concise!"

"And these, now all are mixed together, completely chaotic, no clue!" Hong Naner snorted.

In this environment, human beings cannot cultivate at all!

"After all, the past was too prosperous, and once it was destroyed, countless forces collided and could no longer be stabilized," Qin Qidao said.

Looking up, I can see many traces of the past ancestral era.

There are broken palaces, half-destroyed mountain gates, statues with only the heads left, and broken walls!

Unfortunately, there is no complete land!

"The ridiculous land..." Red Naner is also looking around, but it is slightly frowning.

"How?" Qin Qi asked.

"I have a strange feeling. It seems that not all creatures live here," said Hongnan.

She is a bit strange herself.

But this feeling is very subtle and cannot be determined at all, so she only has doubts.

"It is nothing to have a strong person to set foot on this place, even if it is a big Luo Jinxian class, you can also survive here," Qin Qidao.

Hong Naner nodded, the reason is this.

However, it does not seem to be the same.

"In short, let's take a closer look, here is still a very peripheral area," Qin Qi laughed.

The two of them will continue to go deeper and want to explore what it is like to be what this ancestral land looks like.

With the continuous advancement, the feeling of Hongnaner was slightly stronger.

She began to feel a little confident that she was right.

This ancestral land is not as simple as a single strongman.

Instead, there is a race!

What kind of race is it that can survive in an environment where the broken ancestral land is so dangerous and worse than the Heavenly Prison?

It seems that no one of the human races of Chaos and Wanzu can do it.

Chaos beast?

They are not as strong as they are born!

"Zerg!" Red Naner suddenly thought of something, a flash of light!

Only Zerg, it is possible to evolve descendants who can adapt to the environment through continuous reproduction!

"The words of the Zerg..." Qin Qi is also a slight glimpse, but immediately, but surprised to see Hongnan children.

In the hands of Hongnan, the red dragonfly began to feel! Isn't the key to the Tiangong already drifting into this broken ancestral land?

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