God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3162: Million

Red dragonfly.

It is the thing of the Scarlet Witch, and will stay after death.

The Scarlet Witch is a branch of the Zerg.

The source of strength comes from the first Zerg powerful who broke into a butterfly!

However, after the Zerg mess, the whole family has been sealed, and it has not appeared in the outside world since then.

Even the Chaos Wang Ting, there are very few people who know the scorpion's scarlet world.

How can there be Zerg in this broken ancestral land of mankind?

However, the blood of the Zerg of the Red Nann Scarlet Witch is not weak, but it is very strong.

Especially after the evolution of Chaos West Wangting, it became pure and incomparable.

I am afraid it is enough to compare with the strongest scarlet witch.

Her connection with the Zerg is evident.

Since she has such an induction, it is clear that it is not a hole in the wind.

And now the red dragonfly has reacted.

It is even more interesting.

Two things should not be unrelated.

"It seems that this piece of broken ancestral land is not as simple as imagined," Qin Qi said.

The Zerg has always been known for its incomparable horror, and its rapid evolution.

The reason why they were sealed by one of the twelve ancestors was because they were too dangerous.

It is regarded as the existence of aphids.

It is the blood of the pollution chaotic beast.

But it must be admitted that they threaten the entire group of chaotic beasts.

Strong and good, it is also to solve the threat in advance.

And if the Zerg comes out of the scarlet world, it takes root in the broken ancestral land.

That is not a simple matter.

If you want to survive and prosper here, the power of the individual is a must!

So if there is a zerg, then at this moment, even the larvae that have just emerged from the eggs have reached the level of the Jinxian!

At least the flesh is so!

This is terrible!

"It is not necessarily a Zerg, it is a step back. Even if there is a Zerg, it is not necessarily an entire group!"

"Look and see", Qin Qidao, and then let Hongnan children must follow him.

The zerg blood in the body of Hongnan is of great value to other zerg.

The Zerg is the most advocating breed, with a huge number of descendants, the survival of the fittest, in order to continue to evolve.

In their eyes, Hongnan is not a peerless beauty, but the most high-quality mother, which can improve the speed of evolution!

Hong Naner also knew this by himself. Some lovely patted the cocked goose bumps and then approached Qin Qi for a few minutes.

She is not afraid.

There is Qin Qi around, nothing to be afraid of.

Going deeper, the surrounding natural environment is getting worse and worse, and the law storm can be seen everywhere, enough to make the strong of the five gas Chaoyuan seriously injured and died.

Qin Qi and Hong Naner all walked together, not very smooth, and even once entered the ancient dojo, was locked up by the big battle.

If the big battlefield of the trapped prisoner is broken, Qin Qi is afraid to be refining and not turning over!

This place is dangerous and amazing.

In this way, Qin Qi was more careful and spent several months, which went deep into the middle area of ​​the ancestral land.

Of course, the central part of the ancestral land is still extremely broad, and they are now in the middle of the periphery.

"The son, how did you stop?" Red Naner asked, and at the same time guarded.

"Here, there are some fresher breaths," Qin Qidao said.

This area, decaying and ancient, is too long and too long to live without the living beings.

The fresh breath is enough to illustrate some problems.

Red Nan’s heart glimpsed and then perceived it.

Gradually, the blood in her body got a slight feedback from the long veins of the blood!

This is not perception.

It's real, the feedback from the long blood of the Zerg!

"It can be confirmed that there are indeed Zerg people coming here!"

"However," Hong Naner looked at the red dragonfly in his hand, but its induction did not increase much.

Obviously, it is still far away from the location of the Tianzhu key fragment!

"Catch the worm out first, and ask what is going on here." Qin Qi snorted.

Qin Qi’s ability to perceive is extraordinary.

Once locked by him, the other party cannot escape.

According to the feedback from the blood of the Zerg, Hongnan was determined to have a direction, and Qin Qi took her to the front!

Breaking the void in such a place will directly disrupt the law and is extremely dangerous.

In addition, Qin Qi’s own strength is strong enough to be able to do so.

After a few breaths, Qin Qi plucked from the void, and immediately a sword directly slanted down a hill!

In the ancestral era, this mountain should be a dojo of a certain system. It is faintly visible in the original building, and there is still a sense of temperament.

I am afraid that it is a big one.

But now, it is ruin, only a small hill is left.

Qin Qi, a sword, took out a **** sword, and killed the sword and smashed it out, and opened the hill!


A huge snoring came out immediately, and then it was a loud noise.

It is the sound of the stone cracking.

"Oh?" Qin Qi blinked.

From the moment of the void, Qin Qi perceives that there are strong people hiding here, so he does not say anything and directly draws a sword.

It seems that the Lord is found.

The stones fell, and the black limbs stretched out. They were all the sounds of gold and iron, and it was obvious that the dark carapace was extremely hard.

"This is, huh?" Qin Qi was amazed.

What is drilled from the hill is a skeleton.

Or, it is a zerg in the form of cockroaches!

The Zerg itself is a strange-shaped chaotic beast, and it is not surprising that such an alien shape appears.

And this embarrassment is very huge, and tens of thousands of limbs are constantly fluctuating, like a sharp knife!

"Hey!" Wan Hao stunned the body, facing Qin Qi.

And its breath is also completely exposed, at least the existence of the third gas of the five gas Chaoyuan!

"Humans, there are human beings who are close to here, how many years have passed, and no human power has ever been encountered!"

Immediately, its hundreds of eyes kept flashing and stared at the red nan.

"Human, no, Zerg!" Hundreds of eyes are full of greed.

Whether it is to swallow red Nannan, or to breed, the temptation to it is very big.

Just the next moment, Wan Hao is screaming.

Its hundreds of eyes split at the same time, and the blood was like a waterfall, splashing out.

It is cut by sword air!

And it did not react at all until the eyes were destroyed and realized that they had been hurt!

A kind of horror, suddenly filled the heart.

"It seems that you still don't understand your situation." Qin Qi is indifferent.

Tens of thousands of limbs are bent instantly, indicating surrender. "Tell me, how did you come here, here, are there any other Zerg?" Qin Qi asked.

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