The Wan nationality trembled, Qin Qi's killing sword, let it feel the feeling of dying!

It did not expect that such a young human being could be so powerful!

"Please also keep your hand, I will answer your question!"

"Say", Qin Qi is indifferent.

"I entered this world before 10,000 years ago, but I accidentally arrived here."

"As for other Zerg, there are, but deeper!"

Speaking of this, there is a bit of jealousy in the voice of Wan Hao.

"You and the Zerg here are not the same batch?" Qin Qi blinked.

"No," he said.

According to it, it was originally living on a certain land mass outside the Chaos Wangting.

Although the body also has the blood of the Zerg, it is not pure.

About, it was the strong blood that did not completely cut off the Zerg, leaving a few small branches.

In other words, this is not the same road as the Zerg in the scarlet world!

"Then why are you here?" asked Hongnan.

"In my original ethnic group, the blood is more inclined to the traditional chaotic beast, but in my generation, the blood is returned to the ancestors, and the Zerg blood is revealed."

"We were expelled by Chaos Wang Ting, but I couldn't help but escape. Finally I hid in the ancient ancestral land of mankind."

"But when I got here, I sensed a sigh in the bloodstream, and finally, I went deep into this place."

Hong Naner nodded, and she also had the blood of the Zerg, knowing that what Wanzuo said was true.

"Original, I followed the message from the bloodstream, and the instinctive wanted to be closer, but I met the same kind!"

"I can't stay close, I can only be here, but I also got a gift from the bloodstream, and my blood strength is getting stronger!"

Wanzuo roughly said the situation.

This made Qin Qi more surprised.

“What is the number of Zerg in it?” Qin Qi asked, when did the human ancestral land become the home of the Zerg?

"A lot!"

According to it, the Zerg even has more than one ethnic group, and there are three flowers that are top-notch!

As for ordinary people, although the realm is not so high, but the physical form is extremely horrible, the natural external shell, I am afraid it is enough to compare with the seven generations of locks!

This is amazing!

"Three flowers gather the top Zerg strong?" Qin Qi whispered.

This is a very strong opponent, the physical strength, I am afraid it is not weaker than him!

But this is the best, Qin Qizheng can not find a way to promote.

"Hello, I know you have already told you, please also raise your hands!"

It certainly doesn't want to die like this.

"Going it," Qin Qi did not want it.

If you are as big as you are, you will quickly escape.

"Go, let's go in and see," Qin Qi laughed.

There is nothing more than a slap in the face, and Qin Qi is not interested in killing it.

The purpose of this is to look at the situation of the Zerg, as well as to seize the key to the Tianzhu.

Going deeper, the law storms tend to be fierce and incomparably dangerous.

Adding no fixed formula, constantly changing, it is not easy to find a safe and deep gap.

For Qin Qi, the pressure is not small.

However, after passing through this area, the chaotic and complicated situation has been alleviated.

Although it is still not suitable for survival, it has stabilized a lot!

This is probably the root cause of the zerg life.

Otherwise, even if it is a Zerg, it is impossible to thrive in the rules of chaos.

When it arrived, Qin Qi immediately felt the threat.

Several senses have locked them.

"Because of the environmental relationship, has it evolved to a very strong level in terms of perception?" Qin Qi whispered.

Survival in this environment, physical strength and perception are critical.

Of course, Qin Qi is not able to hide the breath, otherwise, it will not be discovered.

After being locked, several powerful Xianli fluctuations were transmitted.

Brushing a few sounds, several black shadows appeared in front of Qin Qi.

High, chunky and thin.

But the same, the body surface is covered with a dark outer shell, just like wearing a lock armor!

However, these are not enough to surprise Qin Qi.

What really surprised him was that these guys were all humanoid!

Although the clam shell has already indicated the identity of the Zerg, it is still eye-catching to walk upright and limbs.

"Human?" The Zerg strong, who is most similar to the human body, speaks.

The grid is generally double-locked to Qin Qi, and the hostility is very deep.

At the same time, it is also very unexpected.

"It should be accidental that I was right. I didn't expect that except for the scarlet world, the human ancestral land turned out to be the home of the Zerg!" Qin Qi snorted.

Do not care about their hostility.

When it comes to the scarlet world, the other side obviously has some reactions, and the breath is even more dangerous.

"Humans should not appear here," the Zerg strong strong voice.

"In this human ancestral home, you told me that it should not appear here?" Qin Qi laughed, with a bit of jokes.

"Here, it has long been unrelated to human beings. Now, it is our home!"

In other words, the Zerg strong will make a "sweet" sound, but the Zerg communication, Qin Qi can not understand.

But soon, there were nearly a hundred breaths.

And in a remote location, above a small land mass.

The entire piece of the earth was cracked, and a huge mouthpiece with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of meters was drilled from under the ground.

The scene is incredibly spectacular!

In the mouthpiece, the incomparable energy fluctuations are transmitted, just like the main gun of the battleship, and a force will burst out.

About, it can be compared with the main gun of the Xianwang class.

This is the power of the Zerg, and in the way of natural evolution, it has evolved enough power to compare the skills of the shoulders!

"It seems that your family is not very friendly." Qin Qi smiled lightly.

The Zerg strong did not intend to answer at all. Hundreds of senile forces were turned into chains, and they rushed out from the four to trap Qin Qi.

Immediately, the several Zerg strongmen are all picked up, and the two are a group, which condenses several rings.

The ring is green, with a very powerful fairy power flowing inside, and it is accompanied by laws.

Even with this piece of heaven and earth.

This leads to their fairy power, which is comparable to the second-order fairy power!

Such power is really unheard of.

And these rings, one of them falling on Qin Qi, are helping the chains and trapping Qin Qi.

The other few, the two suddenly expanded, one to maintain the normal state, listed in the land block and Qin Qi in turn!

After doing this, the Zerg strongman retreats directly, and above the land block, under the huge mouthparts, has been green and shining!

In an instant, the green light reflected the whole world, and the Xianli beam with a diameter of several hundred thousand meters came through.

Then, through a ring, the beam diameter suddenly shrinks.

Then through a ring, the diameter is reduced again.

Until the last one.

The beam diameter is only the size of the water tank!

This is a very strong Xianli, and now it has been concentrated to such a situation. Once it is hit, I am afraid that the strongest of the three flowers will be enough to drink a pot!

"Interesting!" Qin Qi's eyes were bright, and the dragon appeared in his hand, and the muzzle was aimed at the gun. A trace of great power flow, then, shoot a shot!

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