God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3169: Entering the dungeon

The things in the world are far from being as simple as ordinary people.

This chaotic fairyland, humans and chaotic beasts can be said to be completely opposite, not even endless.

Human beings, even the ancestral land, were broken and forced into exile.

Even so, it has to withstand the threat from the Chaos beast.

It seems that neither of these two ethnic groups is destroyed, and it will not end the war.

In this way, the two sides have nothing to lose except fighting.

But in fact, there is a lot of cooperation between the two sides.

The bottom layer is perhaps the most hateful, and once it meets the other party, it will be hunted.

However, the top level will instead converge and even cooperate and pursue their own interests.

At the beginning of Chaos Xiwangting, Qin Qi entered the dream of Hong Naner, and was in the dungeon.

At that time, Qin Qi felt the fluctuation of the head of the sentence.

Later, the resurrection of the Dijiang River appeared in Xianwangtai, and Qin Qi’s speculation was confirmed sideways.

It is hard to imagine how Dijiang put the head of the criminal day into the dungeon.

That is indeed a place that no one can think of.

It is no wonder that the skull can not be found until today.

But even if it is Dijiang, it is not so easy to get into the dungeon.

At least it is impossible to enter silently.

Well, he obviously has cooperation with the top of the human race, and this is the way to do it.

I don't know who it is to agree with him.

"The big probability is that the human race is the strongest." Qin Qi whispered.

Most of the people who can make plans with Dijiang are unparalleled!

This is actually a hidden danger for Qin Qi.

But for the time being, I can only take one step and see one step.

After leaving the human ancestral land, Qin Qi and Hong Naner re-boarded the spaceship, and the space jumped and went.

This time, they will go straight to the dungeon and there will be no more variables.

With Qin Qi's current combat power, don't worry about any variables!

All the way.

Half a month later, Qin Qi and Hong Naner came outside the prison.

This is an independent world that is free from all living areas of life.

It looks like a black hole, dark.

Even the light falling into it will disappear and cannot be separated.

This is the dungeon.

There is no way out!

"Tangjie!" Red Nan's red lips are slightly open, and the eyes are very complicated.

After a long time, she finally returned to the prison.

At first she took the hope to leave the dungeon and traveled between the major forces, trying to find a way, but unfortunately, it was a dead end.

Her strength is simply unable to open the dungeon.

Until, met Qin Qi!

What he can do seems to be everything!

Even if you need a miracle, you can start with your hands!

"Go," Qin Qi smiled slightly and jumped into the black hole with Hong Naner.

The black hole is like a huge mouth that devours everything in the chaotic sea. Qin Qi’s vision quickly disappears, leaving only a piece of darkness.

Here, everything becomes illusory, I don't feel the time space, and even myself is hard to perceive.

It seems that the construction of this dungeon was not achieved by manpower.

I am afraid it is the help of some heaven and earth.

Even so, it was originally a black hole, but it was transformed by the strong man.

Is it necessary to build such a place for the exile of a sinner?

Qin Qi was a little surprised.

But he didn't think much, because the emptiness in front of him finally disappeared, and he has already arrived inside the dungeon.

The picture in front of me is not much different from what I saw in the memory of Hongnan.

It’s so barren and desolate!

Here, even the air is toxic, life cannot survive for too long here, and life expectancy is greatly reduced.

However, the feeling of coming here personally is still somewhat different.

The environment here is even worse!

Although Qin Qi is not affected by this realm, if it has been living here for a hundred thousand years, then the impact will still be there.

The human body may be decaying.

"Although the law is stable, it is not as chaotic as the human ancestral land, but it seems that it is the other extreme." Qin Qi whispered.

The laws of this place are very special and there is chaos in stability.

This situation will be extremely difficult to cultivate, and the realm may break at any time!

Those big sinners are here, and it’s a long way to go!

"More bad than before," Hong Naner said.

Full of worry.

How many people left in the village in the past?

They have been waiting for Hongnan!

"Go to your village first," Qin Qidao.

"Well!" Red Naner nodded hard.

The two men broke away and sensed for a while before they locked their way.

The dungeon is very huge, but it is impossible to compare it with the human ancestral land.

At the speed of Qin Qi, about half a day, I came to the village where Hong Naner lived in the past.

There is some overlap with the impression.

But it has changed a lot and it looks even more depressed.

I can't see the figure.

Hongnaner was pale and quickly fell into the village.

The courtyard where she lived was still there.

But the blood thorns she planted have withered, and the blooming flowers have already turned into dust.

Everything has disappeared.

After so many years, it is difficult for people in the village to survive in the bad weather.

Hong Naner bit his lip and his tears fell.

She still came too late!

"Naner", Qin Qi called.

The heart of Hongnan’s heart was shaken vigorously, and there was no perception of the surroundings. Qin Qi was aware that there were people here.

"Oh," a door was pushed open.

It is an old man, skinny, very unhealthy.

He licked his body and looked at Qin Qi and Hong Naner, his eyes full of doubts.

The environment in the dungeon is getting worse and worse, and the people in the village are dead and dead. Today, only him is left.

Today, it is strange to have strangers coming here.

And these two people are so young, there is no sign of poisoning on their bodies, which is even more surprising!

Hongnaner heard the voice of Qin Qi and quickly turned back to look at the old man.

When the old man saw the appearance of Hongnan, he stunned and immediately burst into tears with two lines of tears.

"Yes, is it you, Naner, I am Xiaoyin!" The old man trembled, his body squatting forward and almost fell.

Qin Qi quickly exerted his strength and held him.

And Hongnaner is holding his mouth.

Xiao Yin is her childhood playmate and her peers.

Now, it’s like being old, like a candle in the wind!

"I knew you would come back. Everyone later said that you can't come back. Some people even said that you forgot us!"

"But I believe that you will definitely come back, and I am really waiting for it!" Xiaoyin said excitedly.

There are no more people in the village.

He is dead, no one is there.

He was really afraid to wait until the end but didn't wait for anything.


Fortunately, waiting for him to be thin, finally let him wait!

Xiaoyin said excitedly, his eyes were white and fell to the ground.

"Xiaoyin!" Hongnaner exclaimed.

"Don't worry, he just fainted." Qin Qidao, now running power, injected into the small hidden body.

His body is very decaying and his soul is close to silence.

Being able to live to the present is a miracle.

However, Qin Qi is here. These are naturally not problems. It is not difficult for him to return to his physical condition at this age.

After a little half a day, Xiao Yin woke up, and he found that he had regained his youth!

Of course, in fact, the acceleration of aging here is that he used to be too old.

"Nan, it’s great that you came back!" After Xiaoyun figured out the situation, he was very surprised.

Hong Naner shook her head in blame, she knew that she was coming too late.

But she has already tried her best!

To clean up the mood, Hong Naner asked: "Small hidden, what happened inside the dungeon, why, worse than before?"

The construction of the Tianmong has been three eras and has not changed.

Red Naner has been away for a few years, but it is only a moment.

It has changed so.

Naturally people care.

"Say yes, say that the end is coming!" Xiaoyin.

end? Qin Qi looks slightly moving.

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