God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 3170: Sin mountain

The two words of the last day naturally have a special meaning, especially in the present.

Often, it is reminiscent of the boat of the end.

The boat of the end is powerful, and there is no doubt about this. The teachings they have circulated, although they have been specially processed, are largely derived from the truth of the disintegration of the ancestral land.

They think that the great wise man is a sinner. From a certain level, there is nothing wrong with it.

Such a doctrine will not arise out of thin air.

The creation of the boat of the end of the day must be to understand part of the original truth.

And how can someone who knows this be an ordinary person?

In the ancestral era, I am afraid that it already exists, and it is definitely not far from the top.

However, this person is extremely mysterious, and the number of appearances is very small. Nearly one era has never appeared.

There are many opinions from outside, and there are many judgments about the hiding place of the Lord of the Last Day.

Even the top ten mother ships took out and entered several suspected hiding places for cofferdams.

But in the end they are all false.

It is the desolation of the Lord of the Lord, deliberately disturbing the line of sight.

But no matter what the game is, the Lord of the Dooms has never been out, and there must be problems.

Especially nowadays, the boat of the last day is anchored by the hunting mountain, facing great difficulties, and may even be endangered.

But the Lord of the Last Day, but still no movement, it is really strange.

Of course, these are just some of the ideas that Qin Qi has extended. It is not necessarily related to the current situation.

"Xiao Yin, you stay here first, we have to go to the sin mountain", Hong Naner Road.

Sin Hill is where the most horrible sinners are held in Tianzhu.

At the same time, it is also the most dangerous place for the entire Tianmao.

Qin Qi, although they have said that they are opening the dungeon, releasing innocent people, it seems to have nothing to do with those sinners.

But in fact, once the prison is opened, these sinners will inevitably rush to leave.

At that time, it was a big mess.

These are the most sinister generations. In order to leave, they will not break their hands. In the end, they will only be those who are innocent.

And to avoid this happening, Qin Qi certainly has to take the initiative.

First repress it and solve it naturally.

For these big sinners, Qin Qi has no psychological burden, and the other party wants to die, then it will be perfect!

Sin Hill, in the center of the Tianzhu, is extremely large.

When Hong Naner left Tianan, it was actually through the sin mountain, among the great sinners, to help Hongnan children get out of the way.

Today, I will face him again.

But if you want him to leave, it is decided by Qin Qi.

"It is estimated that the head of the criminal day is also in this sin mountain." Qin Qi smiled lightly.

The huge sin mountain is clearly visible, spectacular, and at the same time, it gives people a feeling of danger.

It is a sense of guilt that goes straight to the soul, as if a twisted shadow is dancing.

It’s really a sinful lair, so you don’t have to be close, it’s prohibitive.

"Hey, where are the beautiful chicks, come, give my son a cool cool!" A burst of laughter came out, the evil spirits are incomparable.

Then, I saw a big hand relying on a powerful fairy force, and formed it, directly grabbing Hongnan.

The red Naner snorted, and the butterfly wings behind the blood appeared, slightly shocked, and directly shattered the big hand.

Today's Hongnan children, after absorbing red dragonfly, the strength has once again increased, it has already become more powerful, and it is not too far away from the top of Sanhua.

Coupled with the second-order Xianli, even the sinners in the sin mountain, there is not much to fight with her!

"Hey, I didn't expect it to be a strong person. It's very good. I will do it today, and I will take the yin and make up the yang, and I will break through!"

The big sinner laughed a lot, but he was very excited.

In this prison, there are very few powerful women, and no one can be as pure as Hongnan.

Such a woman with special means, yin and yang, will have a miraculous effect!

It is like a heavenly treasure!

Only when the two sides did not do their best, the sinners did not think that this beautiful woman could be against him!

It’s the meat in his mouth!

But when did the Tianqiang out of such a woman, was it just being locked in the dungeon?

The ten mother ships, those guys, such a woman is guilty of a big crime, and how can they bear to be in the dungeon?

It is cheaper for him.

A black gas, transpiration, the sinner officially shot, fierce and arrogant, like the black cloud oppressed, the horror is boundless.

Such a momentum should already be at the level of the fourth gas.

This is naturally a strong person, no matter where it is, there is a place!

"Little beauty, it is better to surrender directly, so as not to hurt you, how bad!" The big sinner smiled slyly.

He does not think that Hongnan is his opponent.

As for Qin Qi, he did not put it in his eyes. In the perception, Qin Qi’s strength is not strong, and there is no Hongnan’s strength.

"I am coming, can hurry", Qin Qidao.

On his hand, a little red mans flashed.

"Kids, I don't know if there is a limit to life and death. Do you think this is the place, and dare to save the beauty?" The sinner laughed.

Here is the sin mountain, the people who can be here, each one is a sinful evil, a sinful and full of generations.

In front of him, he dared to make a second time. He dared to marry a hero. Did he think that it was outside?

Still, kill it directly!

The sinner runs Xianli and turns into a million-dollar sword, straight to Qin Qi.

Under the sword of Qin Qi, Qin Qi is like an ant.

The sinner laughed and said: "Little beauty, I hope you understand, yielding is what you should do!"

"And soon, you will get used to this kind of submission, hahaha!"

The big sinner laughed, but immediately, he stopped.

The sword rain that falls in the sky is powerful, but in an instant, it is broken.

Immediately, the void splits a slit, and between the moments, the seam is in front of the sinner.

Among the dark cracks, there is a **** glow!

The sinner has wide eyes and is stiff.

His heart, soul, and Dantian were all cut off by the swordsman in the blood.

In this case, there is no reason to live!

But what is the reason for this?

With his strength, even in the fourth gas, he can compete with the fifth gas.

After all, although sinners are extremely sinful, their strength is unquestionable.

How can it be so dead?

The other side only condensed a sword mang, and his powerful power was actually disintegrated?

No life is gone!

Who is this in the end!

The sinner can't understand it, and regret is too late.

After all, it is already dead.

Sinshan, originally because of Qin Qi's appearance, was slightly buzzing, even if no strong officially appeared, but the perception has touched this side.

Obviously everyone wants to see the situation here, in order to know the quality of Qin Qi.

And now, all are silent.

Qin Qi and Jian Mang killed the fourth gas, enough to shock a huge part of the people.

After all, even the strongest of the fifth gas can't do this.

Then the realm of Qin Qi can be imagined.

I am afraid it is the top of the three flowers!

I did not expect such a young boy to achieve such a realm.

Ten mother ships, will this kind of person also be placed in the dungeon?

It’s a bit of a violent thing!

In the sin mountain, many powerful people turn their minds, and naturally no one dares to provoke.

It is not that no one is Qin Qi’s opponent.

It's just not necessary.

In addition, several of them were somewhat strange, and their eyes fell to Hongnan in a distant distance.

"This is just the little girl that year!"

"The girl who hopes?"

"Yes, it is indeed her, I can sense the **** thorns in her body!"

"I didn't expect that she came back!"

"Just, did she bring back the hope of going out?"

"Maybe, but looking at it, it doesn't seem to be ready for us to go out."

"She didn't have a choice. We helped her to leave. She is coming back now and will help us!"

The strong people communicated with their minds. Finally, a voice sounded with a suffocating feeling of the end, "They will show their attitude, let them come in!"

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