God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 876: Luo Net

Chapter 876

These two people, one of them wearing a wide-sleeved robes, must be white, quite a kind of feeling of the windy bones, he stood there, but it seems that it is not there, can not snoop, can not be tempered!

Another person, the middle-aged appearance, the national character face, sharp and angular, such as a knife and axe, he wore a gold armor, the body is extremely burly, between the flashing lights, but it is a piece of iron and blood to kill, people dare not look straight.

He is completely opposite to the old man, the old man is illusory, and he is incomparably true, with the hegemony that dominates the mountains and rivers!

Both of them are extremely extraordinary, and such a person should not be present.

"That kid, it seems to have found us?" The middle-aged man had some unexpected roads, his voice was thick, and his eyes were full of interest.

"You and I are in the depths of the void, the space is folded, and they are not at all bounds. This is the perception and sharpness, and I can't detect you and me." The old man of Xianfeng bones smiled lightly.

"It seems that his intuition is extraordinary." The middle-aged man laughed.

"Yes," the old man nodded and the light flashed slightly. "But the more people like this, the more difficult it is to measure."

The middle-aged man stunned and said: "This world, there are people who can't count the elderly?"

The old man sneered and said: "The celestial celestial being is a mortal being able to spy. What my generation can do is to master a key factor and let things go on the road that it will develop."

"I don't understand." The middle-aged man shook his head directly.

"The marshal is too modest," the old man laughed and laughed. He immediately glanced at the battlefield below. "The marshal came to work here and let the old man lay down this game. Now there is something to gain?"

The words of the old man in the sky are a staggering fact.

This battle is actually his plan?

“What do the seniors think?” The middle-aged man asked.

"The image of the **** of war!" The old man of the sky directly said.

It is said that the middle-aged man’s dawn is so powerful that he is shot down like a thunder, and it is a scene of extinction.

"God of war?" The middle-aged whispered.

The old man of Tianji laughed and said: "Of course, it is just a little like it. It is far less than the power of His Royal Highness."

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "The predecessors can be different. The predecessors are the people who are the best at the human race. Since the predecessors think he has a certain look, it is really possible."

"Oh, don't dare to be, the marshal said to laugh." The old man still smiled, but still refused to give up, once again asked: "So the marshal himself, can you have a view?"

The middle-aged man thought for a moment and said: "Although it is a low-level theater, the demon's legion is not like it, but the performance of this kid is quite good. It is a military style and a little training. It can indeed become a military. pillar."

"Good?" The old man smiled. "The marshal is as strict as ever. In my opinion, this performance has been extremely extraordinary. Compared with the few stars in the military, I am afraid that it will not be much."

The heart of the old man has a natural mind, one of the three marshals of the noble people, the highest combat power of the military, a slap in the face, not to mention the human race, it is the demon and the demons will be shocked, such a big man, will be a district The best child has come to such a place personally?

And even if it comes, at most, it is a glance. For middle-aged people, one glance is enough to see through everything, and why he is troubled to arrange such a battle.

Although this is not a big deal for him, as long as a little deduction, a few key factors can make this battle, it is not difficult, but how much is personal.

The eyes of the old man’s eyes are slightly beating. In fact, even if it is the body of the dragon, it will not attract more attention to the marshals. After all, no matter what genius, as long as it has not grown up, then nothing is.

"He is still far away. This place is just a game field. Wait until he reaches the real battlefield." The middle-aged man snorted.

Wen Yan, the old man smiled, not joking: "Although it is only the game field, but the old man tried his best to promote this for the marshal, the marshal owed the old man a favor."

"Haha, how many people want to owe their predecessors a human condition but they can't get it. I can't say this is what I earned!" The middle-aged man laughed, but just then, the knife-cutting eyebrows picked and picked, meaning the hard way: "However, the predecessors are not interested in this kid, is this a mutual benefit?"

The old man of the sky suddenly became stiff, and there was a rush of light in his eyes, but he quickly recovered.

"Marshal Yingming!" Tianji old people salute.

The middle-aged man just snorted and held his hand and said indifferently: "Intrigues and tricks, after all, are just outsiders, and they can't win them on the battlefield. Then nothing."

This kind of rhetoric, the old man of the sky has already been expected, and the moment is just calm: "These are not the things on the table, but if they are done, they may not need to fight on the battlefield, nor do they need to flow so many compatriots."

"Hey, the bright king has been on the board for so many years, and the border is still not bleeding in the fight?" The middle-aged man snarled.

The old man of Tianji does not say anything, because there is no need to say it again.

He is the sacred king of the light, and the light sacred king and the middle-aged man, this political disagreement, in the imperial city of the dynasty, do not know how many years of quarrels, a military officer, a civil servant, although they all have Tongtian Everything can be done, but no one can suppress it.

It’s just that the old man is secretly shocked. The middle-aged man even knows his intentions. It is obvious that the strength of the middle-aged man has exceeded the expectations of the past. I am afraid that this is also the middle-aged man who wants him to convey to the Guangming Wang's.

What does this mean? Only the King of Light can make a difference.

But no wonder...

This little thing, although it is really necessary to use the person who is proficient in the performance of the performance, but the marshal of the hall, how can there be no such person in the account, even if it is not him, but it is more than enough to promote this.

Sure enough, the middle-aged man already knew something, so he was invited to come, and he took it by the way, but was slightly put together by the middle-aged.

However, the results have no effect.

"The matter of the predecessors' calculations, completed this step, is it a few steps?" asked the middle-aged.

"Just add a few more key factors, but they are already on the road. The results we want will definitely appear." The old man smiled.

"Tianji calculus, don't understand, still don't understand." The middle-aged man shook his head, took a step, and the void split, and he, already, did not know where to go.

The smile of the old man’s mouth slowly converges, whispering to himself: “The farmer broadcasts a seed in spring, fertile soil, fertilizes the water, roots and shoots, gets the sun and the moon, goes to its messy branches, and accumulates over time. Fresh fruit."

"The technique of the performance is just to put all the key factors together, such as the fat water, such as the daylight, as long as it is properly controlled, naturally the desired result will appear."

"The vision of the Holy King will be reached in the hands of my generation!" The old man whispered, his body slowly and faintly, "and my wish will come true."

"Teacher, your heirs are growing too slowly, when will I get the fruit..."


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