The 867th chapter

On the other hand, the Terran has set up a big account in the wilderness, starting to rest, and also carnival.

This time, the demon family has a huge loss. In the short term, it is difficult to pose any threat to the hundred war zones. How can such a victory not make people cheer?

After cleaning the battlefield, the spoils that were made were enough to match the military for several years!

"Haha, this battle is really beautiful, and it is the power of my people!"

"It’s a good thing to say, the demon slays my own people, but whoever is defeated is really happy!"

"Speaking of it, I thought that this demon army was very powerful. I didn't expect it to be so. Just now, Laozi killed the enemy and drove straight in. There was no demon to stop!"

"That is, the deputy head of the mad lion also ordered us to be careful to fight, and the result was simply unbearable. I saw the beginning of the encirclement of the Yaozu, and probably killed them all!"

"No, it hurts me to tickle now."

The children of the major families who came to Zongmen were drinking and talking at the moment, but these words were heard in the ears of the soldiers, but they were extremely harsh.

A group of ignorant fools, if Qin Qi has already frustrated the demon army, making them distracted, how can this war be so simple?

The soldiers were uncomfortable in their hearts, and they thought that they had been abandoned by their compatriots. They were even more depressed and sullen.

In the middle of the huge camp, the situation is not much better, the big guys in the battlefield are almost all together, pushing the cup, the look is easy, and the people in the army, especially the hundred wars The war will be a bit scornful.

As for Qin Qi, he can ignore this, sitting in the position of the lion Li Quan, click to receive the task reward.

“Hey, congratulations to the player who completed the S-level mission ‘Hundred Wars Fortress Defense Battle’, and received the award for the upgrade of the Tianpin Gongfa*1, ​​the domain Wushu upgrade book*1, the advanced Runyuzhu*1”

Qin Qi blasted the battle of the hundred battles, has already grasped the consciousness of the failure of the mission, but the system did not care about this with Qin Qi, and did not determine the mission failed.

And this task reward, it is indeed very good, the Qin Qi, the book of the upgrade of the heavenly product, is directly used on the soul-soul sword, and it is promoted to the level of heaven.

Although this kind of practice is not as good as that of the Emperor Dragon, it is also extremely powerful. It is similar to those of the great teachers or the national prince.

In addition, the book of domain Wu upgrade is naturally used on the sky wrath, but this has been accompanied by his skills from the beginning, after several upgrades, finally has the power of today.

After becoming a domain martial, the power of the wrath of God is instantly increased by several times, and will accompany Qin Qi to be strong!

As for Runyuzhu, in conjunction with the flesh-and-blood core and the psionic bone obtained before, and then collecting some additional materials, Qin Qi can already start the refining of the Queen's body.

When he explored the tomb, Qin Qi decided to start refining.

After receiving the task reward, Qin Qi put his attention on the light group in the soul sea.

This thing was given to him by the 900th. I don’t know what it was. It’s just that the other side is an enemy or a friend. It’s hard to tell Qin Qi, and he suddenly hesitated.

After three rounds of wine, people have more words.

"General Wang, this big victory, all depends on your commanding and arrogant, if you do not dispatch properly, give the demon people a headache, which will have a big victory!" A five-family family owner laughed and got up to toast.

Wang used his eyebrows to smile, but on the face was a modest way: "The Zhou family praised him. What Wang did is nothing but the matter. This time the war can win, relying on the domain leader, and General Li. And Qin Shaoxia’s **** battle!”

"This is not a fake. If there is no domain master to resist the demon lord, this battle is so easy to win, but the merits of General Li and Qin Shaoxia, then it is not easy to say." Zhou Jiajia main smile Laughing.

As soon as this statement came out, the whole big account was quiet. Several officers of the 100-war corps were all angry, staring at the Zhou family. They were all wounded, but they were left in the **** battle, but at the moment. It feels more stinging.

"What do you mean by this!" The lion's deputy smashed the table directly.

They have been patient for a long time, have not taken the lead in the attack, and now there are still people here maliciously speculative, how can they endure?

"This general, for the time being angry, Zhou brother is not malicious!" A middle-aged man stood up to play the round field, but also from a five-product force.

“No malicious?” Li Quan snorted. “That’s going to ask, what is malicious?”

The middle-aged man was stunned by Li Quan, his face suddenly looked bad, and he said coldly: "The age is not big, the tone is not small, this is your attitude towards the elders?"

"You also match?" Li Quan snorted.

The man’s face couldn’t be hanged, and he couldn’t help but yell: “Your hundred war corps, it’s really good, one by one, all of them are deserters!”

"What do you say!" All the officers were filming and glaring at the middle-aged.

"Don't I say the wrong thing? If you didn't leave the battle for a hundred battles and escape, how could this battle be so difficult?" The middle-aged man sneered, "You will escape if you escape, and you will be guarding your borders for many years." I can't care about it, but you still want to ask for it, and you don't want to face it?"

"" Those soldiers, whose faces were red, were extremely angry, and were too angry to speak.

So upside down black and white, is it cold to all the hearts of the soldiers?

"Enough!" But the king used a low drink, Shen Sheng said: "The Taoist friends are so speechless, it is really not. You don't know how to work hard, but this is known. The warriors of the hundred wars will be victorious. ”

"But this battle can be a great victory, everyone has credit, and at this moment, it is not for the Yaozu to see jokes."

In this case, there is nothing to listen to, but in fact it is extremely sinister, but there is no explanation for the withdrawal of the army of the hundred war troops. Instead, it mentions the past meritorious service. Is this not the fact that you have to escape from the army?

"Wang used!" Li Quan suddenly stood up, his hands twitching constantly, showing the anger in his heart.

"Wang, you are a despicable villain, I will kill you now, killing the Terran!" A soldier yelled, and used it to the king.

Wang sneered with a cold voice, and an old man around him immediately shot, and he waved the knife and smashed it, and the shot will be shot and flew out.

He was wounded, and at this moment he coughed blood and the injury was even heavier.

When the soldiers of the next hundred war corps were all red eyes, they fetched swords, that is, the lions could not sit still, the swords were in hand, and the murderous gas rushed out.

And Wang used to be around, many masters have also stood up, and in an instant is the meaning of arrogance.

However, the 100-war army is a remnant, and the injury is heavy. Which one will be the opponent of the king's side, but the battlefield soldiers, used to see the blood, but what fear?

Other big names, such as the Nangong family owner and the stone house owner, are sitting quietly and watching.

"Enough, can't you stop?"

A big drink, majestic, is the domain owner finally opened.

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