God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 976: Preparation before the war

Chapter 906 Preparations Before the War

"What's wrong?" Fu Caixuan asked.

"Nothing, I thought of a not very good possibility, but I don't have to worry about it for the time being." Qin Qidao, regardless of the facts, Qin Qi is not good to deal with, it is better not to take care of it, just keep an eye on it.

The key now is to destroy the Jun family and the Ray of Light, and to hold the Thunder madness in the hands. After that, it is to consider dealing with the remaining two origin nests and dealing with Qiqi Hermes.

Speaking of it, I don’t know if it’s true that the legs are being scrapped and can only hide in that place.

Qin Qi thought, maybe I should find a chance to go back and see.

"Then what to do next, directly to the Ray of Light?" Xiaobai asked, she is now a seven-star demon, although just promoted, but also enough to rival the six-star Wu Zun of the Jun family.

Moreover, Qin Qi has also become a four-star Wu Zun, the same can be compared with the six-star Wu Zun.

"No hurry, wait until I raise the strength to the peak." Qin Qidao, this time got two big pieces, can not be delayed, after all, this is definitely a huge upgrade.

"Xiao Bai will stay here first, I will go back and forge the tears of Dragon God," Qin Qidao. "But you have to be careful. There may be a stronger existence among the strong people sent by the monarch, and It is not excluded that they can send people in again."

"Okay, but you have to come back soon, I am not full." Xiao Baidao.


After a break, Qin Qi left a sword, and he returned to the city of Chaos with Fu Cai.

Speaking of it, this sword is also time to improve, take this opportunity and re-forge it.

Going back to the city of Chaos, there is nothing happening here. It seems that the master of the Jun family was pinned by Qin Qi’s avatar created by the blue light. For the time being, he did not dare to come to the city of Chaos to find trouble.

Moreover, now Gongsun Yilin should have already arrived near the Ray of Light and started hunting.

Let the thunder of Lei Guang go to the rotten head, Qin Qi can not control them, but now the white fox nest has a small white, the city of chaos has him, if the gold soup, it is necessary to see what the trick can be played.

"Senior brother, sister, you are back!" Mo Ziqi greeted, obviously relieved.

"Well," Qin Qi nodded and asked: "What can happen during this time?"

"No, everything is normal, but there have been a group of thunder beasts, and they have been run by Ji girl." Mo Ziqi said.

Thunder beast group, this is nothing. In this thunderstorm, the thunder beast is the real aboriginal. They like group action, killing the Terran or the Yaozu. Now although the two origin nests have been dumped, but still after all There are two left, and I am afraid that there are two people with real terrorist power, so it is not unusual to have a beast.

Since he was repulsed, Qin Qi did not care.

"Where are you, can you meet with Xiaobai?" Mo Ziqi asked.

"Well, we played in the White Fox lair, and the thunder of the thunder was defeated. Xiaobai also successfully promoted. Now it is already a seven-star demon, don't be afraid of his family!" Qin Qi laughed, but also Some guilty, do not dare to look at Mo Ziqi.

"Seven Stars Demon?" Mo Ziqi heard the news, suddenly shocked, did not expect to disappear for a while, Xiaobai actually grew to such a point, it is amazing.

"There are many reasons for this, and I will explain it to you later." Qin Qi coughed.

"Yeah!" Mo Ziqi nodded and immediately looked at Fu Caixuan. The beauty suddenly smashed, and then pulled the Fuxuan, left and right.

Fu Caixuan blushes, shy and dare not look at Mo Ziqi.

"Sister, your realm seems to have improved a lot", Mo Ziqi doubts, and then carefully perceived, could not help but be surprised, "six stars Wuwang?"

"Sister, you have arrived at the six-star martial arts king, so great!" Mo Ziqi smiled, very surprised. "But what has been made this time? It is so good, it seems that the sister's air transport is far more than ordinary people! ”

Mo Ziqi is naturally happy for Fu Cai Xuan. She knows that Fu Cao Xuan’s efforts are also distressing her. Now, Fu Cao Xuan’s strength can be greatly increased. Of course, it’s better!

It’s just more shameful to pay for the color, and the blush is almost burning.

“What have you got?” Mo Ziqi is very curious, what is the creation of this can make Fu Cai Xuan have such growth.

"This..." Qin Qi coughed twice and was awkward.

"Hey, you are coming back!" He said, Green Luo was yawning, and he didn't wake up. "I am bored, I will go out next time, fight, or bring me."

"It’s been hard work." Qin Qi sang.

"Hey, you thought it would be like this..." Green Rosie, just about to smash Qin Qi, but suddenly stayed, then wiped his eyes and stared at Qin Qi and said: "Hey, yes, before going out Yang is still there, coming back is gone, hey, the enemy is currently, still go out, really have you!"

"Rely, what are you talking about!" Qin Qi blinked.

"Cut, do you think you can live with me?" Green Luo disdain, then some funny laughs between Qin Qi and Fu Caixuan, nodded and said: "So I will give you a good practice, improve So I am relieved, I can try it later when I am married."

"What do you mean?" Qin Qi's eyes trembled.

"This... oh, in fact, I don't know very well that this method can't work. After all, it's awkward. There may be danger of getting out of the way, but now it's good, it proves that there is no danger, the effect is still great. Good thing!" Green Luo smiled.

I rely on!

Without such a pit.

This green radish, Qin Qi truth slaps her to fly out.

"That, the meaning of Ji girl is the brother and sister..." Mo Ziqi also had some redness on her cheeks.

"Ah, my sister, we went to say somewhere else." Fu Cai Xuan suddenly yelled, shy, and took Mo Ziqi and ran away.

Fu Caixuan pulled Mo Ziqi away, and Green Luo used his shoulder to hit Qin Qi. He squeezed his eyebrows and said: "Kid, ah, Yan Fu is not shallow, finally bid farewell to the virgin body, how, how?"

"Slow to the explosion!" Qin Qi bite his teeth.

"Cut, I have never seen the guy in the world." Green Luo turned a blind eye, but Qiong Nao slightly moved two times, then looked at Qin Qi with a look of suicide.

Qin Qi was seen guilty, an impatience said: "What do you think!"

"You have the taste of a fox on your body." Green Road.

"You nonsense, Xiaobai is a fox!" Qin Qi shouted, but his heart was a burst of emptiness.

"Hey!" Green Luo pointed to Qin Qi, pretty and round, shouting: "You, this beast, even turned to the fox!"

"I rely on, what is your name!" Qin Qi was shocked and quickly slammed the mouth of the green radish.

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