The ninth seventy-seventh chapter

"Hey, hey, the beast... Hey!" Green Luo struggled, but found that he could not get rid of it.

This is not because she intends to keep her hand, but is completely controlled by Qin Qi. Unless she enters the tree **** form, it is not Qin Qi’s opponent.

"This guy, the body is so powerful to this point?" Green Luo was shocked, but it was not impossible to continue to pay for the color and the white and double repair.

"I warn you, don't scream again, don't know, or else, or I will send you to the gods to marry the prince, whoever dares to kiss me will kill!" Qin Qi is low in the green loll The voice said.

Fu Caixuan is no problem, and there is nothing. Xiaobai’s promotion is much worse.

"Know it, let me go!" Green radish gave up resistance.

Seeing this, Qin Qi let go of the green radish, and his look is rather embarrassing.

"The beasts are not let go, animals!" Green Luo scorned.

Qin Qi turned a blind eye and said helplessly: "I don't want to do this either."

"Hey, I got it cheap and sold it. Is there anyone who can't force you?" Green radish despised.

"This, this is a reason, you know, I am not the kind of person you think!" Qin Qi called.

"Cut, a thief, don't yell, but you can't blame you. The foxes are flattering. The little white girl is only afraid of falling into the country. You are young and full of blood, and it is normal to hold it. "Green Luo took a picture of Qin Qi's shoulder, and his breath was like a person coming over. He looked at Qin Qi with a sigh of anger.

"Right, ask you something." Green Liao picked up his eyebrows and his eyes turned.

"What is it?" Qin Qi took a step back.

"How do you feel, the fox family's sister is good, or the Terran's sister is good?" Green Luo asked, the pretty face was slightly red.

This problem...

Qin Qi felt an internal injury, and the green radish was really a woman who was embarrassed.

"I do not know."

"Rely, how can you not know!"

"I lost my mind at the time."


Qin Qi pulled his mouth and simply said it again.

"Hey!" After listening to the green radish, I couldn't help but laugh, pointing at Qin Qi's heart-wrenching smile: "You guys are too bad, now I feel that I am losing money!"

"You are enough!" Qin Qi's eyes trembled.

"Oh, I don't laugh." Green Luo is not easy to hold a smile, comfortably patted Qin Qi, and finally took a deep breath, still a little funny: "With the first time, naturally there will be a second time. Don't be discouraged, you can always experience the beauty of the fox girl."

"When you go, are you doing nothing?" Qin Qi was speechless.

"Yeah, boring is dead, I can tell you, if I want to help you look at the house here, I can go!" Green Luo flatly shouted, she is the most incompetent and boring person, let her It’s better to kill her when I stay in one place.

"Well, when I upgraded the tears of Dragon God, I will take you to kill." Qin Qidao, his eyes flashed, he will never give the Jun family any chance.

"What is fun to kill?" Green Roger pouted.

"After killing people, let's try the depth of the origin nest. If you can get the key, you can explore that giant column!" Qin Qi laughed. "That is the remains of ancient times. There may be Save the complete ancient things, you don't want to see?"

Regarding the giant pillar, the green radish has already been known, and it has already been entangled in interest, of course, will not miss it.

"Then you are not going to go!" Green Road.

Qin Qi smiled and said goodbye to the green radish, and he found a secret place to start preparing for forging.

This time, the number of pieces is not small. As long as it is successful, Dragon God Tears can definitely complete a huge leap, and this is the power that Qin Qi urgently needs!

Want to integrate forging, the difficulty is naturally huge, the more the number is the more, but fortunately Qin Qi is now a level 8 forging division, according to the world standard, that is the top master, and then go up, is the gods .

The ability to forge the existence of artifacts!

With the arrangement of the pattern, Qin Qi began to forge, and there is nothing to pay attention to. According to the usual rhythm, with the heart of the blacksmith and his originality, he will not fail.

All that's left is just the time required for material integration.

So, three days later, the city of Chaos was suddenly shrouded in a horrible sword, which is so strong that it can be said that it has never been seen before, even the sword-shaped sword, straight into the sky!

Thunder madness has always been clouded, and the clouds are as thick as the earth. They cannot see the sky at all.

But at this moment, a sword-shaped type has risen to the sky. Above the blue sword light, there are golden dragons lingering, and even the dragons rang out, shaking the world.

The thunder in the dark clouds, after being influenced by the sword, began to roar and violently, as if to stop it all. It was filled with red thunder, but it was still directly penetrated by the sword.

A ray of sunshine, actually falling from the clouds, the sky that is invisible all the year round, appeared in the sky above the city of Chaos at this moment!

"What's wrong with this, how can it be so powerful, it's amazing!" Those who originally lived in the Royal Leiden, and later joined the City of Chaos, exclaimed.

They have lived in this thunderstorm for hundreds of years and have never seen the sky.

"This sword is so horrible!" Green rushed into the sky, and looked at the vision of the world with amazement.

After her, Mo Ziqi and Fu Caixuan flew into the sky, and some of the kings of the chaos era also rushed out, but they were shocked by the picture at the moment.

The golden dragon is becoming more and more horrible. It is a five-clawed golden dragon. It is not only a threat of terror, but also an infinite noble. It is the purest power of the dragon.

Jinlong kept roaring, as if it were a physical entity, rushing into the clouds, that is, the Thunder couldn’t help it, and the madness reached the extreme.

And the blue Jianguang, also shines, even gives people a feeling more terrible than Jinlong.

"What is that!" Fu Caixuan exclaimed, pointing at the sky between the clouds, where there was an eye!

Terrible eyes, there seem to be countless worlds in the rotation, is the power that can not be swayed at all.

"The eyes of the sky?" Green Luo took a deep breath and couldn't help but shake.

This eye is so amazing, I am afraid that the origins are so scary, like the eyes of the sky.

"It's tearing!" Mo Ziqi exclaimed.

Tears of the eyes, tears!

"Is this the tears of the day?" Green Luo whispered, she knows that Qin Qi's weapon origin should be extremely scary, I am afraid it is an artifact, but at this moment, but still can not help but shock, because she found that the origin of this sword is only more than imagined More scary!

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