God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1014: Fan groups are the largest organization in the world

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Wei Qifeng only felt like falling into an ice cave!

more than?

Does Jiang Fan have other means?

What the **** does he want to do?

At this moment, everyone in the Jiangzhai house was the same as Wei Qifeng, all looking at Jiang Fan in a daze!

There is no other person in the world who can curse the heads of the seven giants but Jiang Fan!

Following such a big man, his name is bound to go down in history!

But is Jiang Fan too arrogant?

It is good to cause a conflict between the Zhou family and the Wei family, but in the long run, it will make Jiang Fan more of the enemy of the Wei family, and the gain is not worth the loss!

According to Jiang Fan's IQ, he should never be so short-sighted!

"Master, is this too impulsive?"

Wang Yi is a careful reminder!

"You all think so?"

Jiang Fan looked at the others!

Although the others did not speak, their eyes showed everything!

But Jiang Fan just hooked the corner of his mouth!

"You are wrong! The reason why I did this, I did it naturally!"

"In the near future, I will go out! And I'm not here, the Zhou family has no scruples, and it is likely to start with you! Therefore, I need the Wei family to divert their attention!"

Everyone was taken aback as soon as Jiang Fan spoke!

Jiang Fan actually did it for their safety!

Indeed, if Jiang Fan is not there and lacks deterrence, once the Zhou family gets the news, they will all be attacked by the Zhou family!

Although Jiang Fan intends to keep secrets, and the entire Los Angeles forces cover up the news, who can guarantee that it will be foolproof?

For a while, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with a hint of gratitude!

In the face of everyone's grateful eyes, Jiang Fan just smiled!

"On the other hand, if you don't let him hurt or bleed like the seven giants, he will never sit down honestly at the negotiating table!"

"Although Wei Qifeng is cheap, he is not stupid! My last sentence has given him room, but he himself is not reconciled! I believe it will not be long before he understands what I mean!"

"When the time comes, he will naturally take the initiative to contact me!"

"But sir, even though this is the case, the Wei family may still become a hidden danger in the future!"

Wang Yi said hurriedly!

"It's nice that you can see here!"

Jiang Fan smiled with satisfaction!

"But you forgot one thing! Even if the Wei family wants to deal with me again, it must be after the Zhou family is over! Before that, they can't do without me!"

"And once the Zhou family is completely destroyed by me, and seeing such strength, will they still dare to continue to work with me?"

Everyone is silent!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

That's right!

The Wei family's arrogance is only based on the belief that Jiang Fan's strength is insufficient!

And once Jiang Fan destroys the Zhou family, under such deterrence, I am afraid that a Wei family alone will not dare to shout!

People who know Jiang Fan will never doubt his strength!

This is not blind worship, but Jiang Fan's real confidence with a pair of fists!

"Remember! Strength! In this world, strength is the root of everything!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"Okay, let's all go!"


Everyone respectfully agreed!

And Jiang Fan had already put on the mask, and then sent it to the bike to upgrade it!

It's just that I just came to the Internet Red Street!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

The whole street is crowded with people, and there is not even a place to stay!

And here is not only the previous fans and a group of proxy shooters and anchors, but even the grandmother with the grandson, the old man with the chessboard and the bird cage!

When the crowd saw Jiang Fan, they seemed mad, and frantically surrounded him!

"Takeaway Star! Idol!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"Forever! I love you!!"

"Idol! Take possession of me! Rape me!"

"You are so handsome! Grandmaster! Grandmaster!"

A large scream like thunder suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

What kind of situation is this?

"Endless! You are so handsome! Aunt, although I am over 60 this year, I have decided to officially join your support club from now on!"

"That's right! Young man! Uncle was so loyal, he broke the chessboard today! I love you!"

"And me! I snatched all my grandson's newly bought cellphones! I will start ticketing for you today!"

"Uncle Takeaway Star! Although I am only a first-year elementary school student, starting from today, I want to develop in an all-round way in morality, intelligence, physical education, and art! Strive to become a big man like you!"

Compared with the previous enthusiastic fans, the fighting power of this group of grandparents and children is simply more than several times stronger!

The crowd almost didn't make Jiang Fan somersault!

A group of beautiful sisters who want to dedicate their lives to Jiang Fan have no chance to connect with Omi Jiang Fan!

"Uncle! Will you let me go?"

"Auntie, you are all ages, so you can just grab the bus with us, and even grab idols. Isn't it too much?"

"Kid, have you finished your homework? Chasing stars is not what you should do now, give the position to sister!"

"Dear old fans, look back!"

A group of fans are bitter!

It's a pity that these uncles and aunts are determined and unmoved at all!

"Everyone! Calm down, everyone! What happened?"

Seeing the chaos, Jiang Fan finally yelled!

"Your movie! My grandson took me to see it, it was amazing!"

"Yeah! I never thought that domestic martial arts movies could reach this height!"

"Takeaway Star, you are not only a Takeaway Star, you are also a China Star!"

"Don't you know? You are already a national idol!"

A group of new fans screamed!

Is it because of the movie?

Jiang Fan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. He never expected that "Yi Jian Wu Shuang" had just been released, and it had brought such a terrifying effect!

Although this feeling is very cool, but it is too popular!

"Calm down, everyone! Calm down! I still have takeaways to send, please let me take you!"

It's a pity that the crowd has clearly fallen into a frenetic state, and the ears have been selectively deaf!

Jiang Fan sighed, put away the bicycle suddenly, and then soared into the sky, stepping on the trees in the green belt and leaving!

He actually ran away!

In the face of enthusiastic fans, he has always only chosen all kinds of tough Jiang Fan, and he ran away!

If his opponent saw this scene, his shocked eyes would have to stare out!

Faced with the seven giants and the four big families, they all dare to go head-on! Facing the Council of Light, we will never be merciless! Faced with an unfathomable monster like Isaac, Jiang Fan, who can talk and laugh vigorously! In front of the fans, he ran away!

The most powerful in the world is really a fan group! This is truly the largest organization in the world!

After hurriedly delivering the takeaway in his hand, Jiang Fan rushed out two blocks in a row before taking off his mask, and he was relieved in shock!

Nima is too scary! Nima is too enthusiastic!

In two minutes, he really doubted that he would be eaten alive!

But it hasn't waited for him to catch his breath!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang suddenly!

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