As soon as Jiang Fan picked it up, Zhang Wentao's extremely excited voice rang from the other side!

"Mr. Jiang! Have you read the hot search? Crazy! Crazy!"

"You have completely become a national idol now!"

"No one can surpass you!"

"Oh my God! In your light, within an hour last night, I received calls from more than 80 investors!"

"Also, can you think of it? More than 30 top movie stars at home and abroad, all have to dedicate their lives to me! Just for the second supporting actress role!"

"It's just a supporting role! They don't even dare to ask for the protagonist!"

"Mr. Jiang, if they know your identity, I'm afraid you can switch to the next century if you change your bed partner!"

Zhang Wentao seemed to be screaming frantically!

Jiang Fan didn't say a word, and hung up the phone blankly!

Then, turn on the phone directly!

The top 50 searches are all about him!

"Big box office sales! The global box office reached a full 3 billion on the first day!"

"No. 1 in film history! Unprecedented!"

"The miracle of Chinese culture output-"Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"

"Eternal death, the first tragedy in film history!"

"To kill the three masters of the foreign race for a long time, the combat power is exploding!"


And all kinds of public accounts, all kinds of publicity are also overwhelming!

"CP, I only knock the Protoss!"

"The best couple in film history-Takeaway Star and Su Lingyu!"

"No matter how difficult it is to be surpassed! The look and temperament of the lore!"

"After watching this movie, I know what real chicness is!"


Look over the wall again to see the outside smell!

"International movie star Gadot said that as long as the takeaway star is willing, he can dedicate himself to it at any time!"

"Farsha admits that he is willing to come out for the takeaway star!"

"Marvel stated that it is preparing for a new character, the Takeaway Man! It has contacted the Huaxia Takeaway Stars fan group before, but has not received a response!"

"Understanding Wang sent ten tweets in a row, indicating that no one understands takeaway stars better than him!"

"The United Nations plans to award the Takeaway Star Peace Ambassador Medal!"

"The Queen of Britain was too excited to watch "Yi Jian Wushuang" and suffered a sudden heart attack. Now she is out of danger. The Queen said that she can do it a hundred times!"


Jiang Fan is ready!

Look at other headlines!

"Finance Today: A-shares are very close to the bull market affected by "Yi Jian Wu Shuang"!"

"The rule of law online: Two friends were arguing about whether the takeaway star likes spicy food, and they were injured by the passing takeaway star Xi Tianfen!"

"Chinese Food: In those years, the gluttonous takeaway delivered by the takeaway star!"

"Taobao: I gave my girlfriend the same yellow jacket with a takeaway star, and my girlfriend was moved and cried!"

"Wechat Business Group: Congratulations to Mr. Li for mentioning the same bike of the Takeaway Star! Keep your dream, it is not a dream to be close to the Takeaway Star!"


Jiang Fan opened his mouth and stared at these reports blankly!

Afterwards, without saying anything, put the mask away!

For a short time, no more meals can be delivered!

If this really makes any head of state belch excited, wouldn't it add chaos to the motherland!

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Jiang Fan looked around with a guilty conscience, and was about to go home honestly!

Just opened my legs!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang again!

Jiang Fan trembled all over, picked up the phone and took a look, suddenly one head and two big!

It turned out to be Su Lingyu's call!

Pick up the phone!

"Jiang Fan, you are completely on fire this time! A national idol!"

Su Lingyu smiled!

"Hehe, nowhere!"

"By the way, Director Zhang contacted me just now, planning to strike while the iron is hot and prepare for the second filming. Do you have any ideas?"

"Forget it! The same type of shooting will inevitably have before and after comparisons. Please advise him to change his style honestly!"

Jiang Fan shook his head directly!

"Well, I think so too! That... how are you doing?"

Su Lingyu's voice suddenly appeared shy!

"so far so good!"

"That's good, I..."

Su Lingyu wanted to say something, but Yu Rui's voice suddenly sounded on the other side!

"Miss, the film crew is ready!"

"Okay, I get it now!"

Su Lingyu promised to get close to the phone again!

"Jiang Fan, I'm a bit busy here, I'll see you when I have time!"


When the two hung up the phone, Jiang Fan suddenly had a headache!

Su Lingyu obviously moved true feelings for herself, but it would be too hurtful to confide the truth now!

Forget it!

The entertainment circle is so complicated, you may be alienated if you don’t contact for a long time!

Jiang Fan sneaked back to Jiang's house along the way. What he heard and saw on the way was all the crowd's fanatical discussions about him!

I stayed honestly at home all afternoon, and near dusk, the gate of the Jiangzhai house was suddenly slammed!

Yuqingzi turned out to be back!

Along with him, there is also a fat Taoist priest who is fat and very lovable!

This fat man looks in his early forties, but the age of the cultivator obviously cannot be judged by his face!

In addition, this fat man's aura is implicit, and it vaguely makes everyone feel a sense of jealousy!

As soon as I saw Jiang Fan, before Yu Qingzi introduced him, the fat man darted out, grasping Jiang Fan's hands!

"Oh! You are Mr. Jiang Fanjiang, right? You are indeed a young talent with extraordinary appearance!"

"you are?"

"Haha, poor Dao Yuxuzi, who is the head of Jinglingzong, is not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

Yu Xuzi's face is full of smiles, she doesn't have the slightest demeanor of the head, especially a pair of squinted eyes, more like a manager of the sales department!

Jiang Fan was stunned. He never expected that Yu Qingzi would be a great talent, that the head of the Jinglingzong of Yushu Linfeng was actually this virtue!

However, Jiang Fan likes this kind of person more than pretending to be a criminal!

Smart people are naturally more suitable for business!

"Master Yu Xu has worked hard all the way, Wang Yi, watch tea!"

Jiang Fan yelled and took Yu Xuzi directly into the living room!

Soon, everyone was seated for the guest and the host!

"Mr. Jiang, I've heard Yuqing talk about the situation before. They dare to come to find something and disturb Mr. Jiang. They are really dead!"

Yu Xuzi's family is miserable!

"Hehe, Dao Yuxu's remarks are serious. If you don't fight, you don't know each other. This is fate! Please take Dao Yuxu to my face and don't embarrass them!"

"Well, since Mr. Jiang is begging for mercy, then let them go for the time being and let them serve at Mr. Jiang's side, as an apologize!"

"Dao Yu Xu, don't worry, they are all seniors, Jiang Fan will definitely treat each other with courtesy!"

After the two said these few sentences, they were suddenly silent!

After all, it was Yu Qingzi and others who came to look for things before, and no matter what Jiang Fan did, he always had a word of courtesy!

But the Jing Lingzong also wanted face after all, and couldn't admit that people were forcibly detained by Jiang Fan, so they simply gave these people to Jiang Fan temporarily in the name of the head!

On the one hand, I finally kept my face, on the other hand, it also showed the atmosphere of the Jing Lingzong, and on the third, it showed the sincerity of this business!

And Jiang Fan is neither overbearing nor overbearing. First, he showed his own strength. The so-called not to fight without acquaintance is not only a literal meaning, but on the other hand, it means to fight without understanding!

The second is to give Yuxuzi a reassurance pill to let him know that Yuqing will never suffer here!

Sanlai also shows the partnership with Jinglingzong!

"Mr. Jiang, great!"

Yu Xuzi finally spoke slowly!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes flashed with an unspeakable brilliance!

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