God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1018: Fight the Predator Again

"Ding Dong!"

With the opening of the elevator door, Jiang Fan has reached the top floor of the building!

Just entering here, a feeling of being watched suddenly appeared!

Jiang Fan smiled, went directly to the rooftop, and then sat on a concrete platform casually!

Predators are only interested in hunting and killing humans with weapons, but Jiang Fan's energy is as dazzling as a star even with his bare hands!

This is simply a fatal temptation for a monster like the predator who kills in madness!

Sure enough, Jiang Fan sat down for only half a minute!


A piercing scream suddenly sounded!

The next moment, a flywheel suddenly appeared in the void, rushing towards Jiang Fan swiftly!

Kill the flywheel!

For the first transfer mission, Jiang Fan had nothing to do with such a terrifying weapon, so he could only fill it with human lives!

But now, compared to the illusory level 5 strength at that time, he is more than a hundred times stronger!

The physical strength and defense alone have surpassed the eleventh level!

This kind of thing would no longer work for him!

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Jiang Fan stretched out his hand at will!


The sharp and incomparable killing flywheel that can even cut through steel was squeezed tightly by him with only two fingers!

The invisible predator suddenly shrank his pupils!


How could human beings on this planet have such a powerful strength?

But at the moment he was startled, Jiang Fan suddenly turned his head and looked directly at his position!

"Got you!"

The stealth device of the actual predator is extremely special. In a static state, not only can it be completely invisible, but it can also shield all breath and energy fluctuations!

Even Jiang Fan's internal force fluctuations could not catch him!

However, according to the attack direction of the Killing Flywheel, Jiang Fan has completely locked the predator!

Now, even if the other party fled to the ends of the world, they would definitely not be able to escape Jiang Fan's pursuit!


Gently throwing the killing flywheel, Jiang Fan flicked at the thing with his hands!

next moment!


A scream that was even more terrifying than before suddenly burst out!

The Killing Flywheel, Jian DC, suddenly recoiled towards the predator!


A loud noise!

At a position more than ten meters away from Jiang Fan's side, a group of vague lights and shadows were smashed and suddenly flew upside down!

It is the predator!

He was still in mid-air, and his whole body was flashing light, and when he landed, he finally revealed his whole picture!

Just like during the first transfer mission, this predator also wears one-piece armor, and his whole body reveals a brutal and **** desire to kill!

Only at this moment, there was a killing flywheel inserted into the armor on his chest!

This armor, which was so hard that Jiang Fan could do nothing at the time, was so vulnerable to Jiang Fan at this moment!


A strange noise suddenly sounded on the predator's mask!


"You are not human!"

The predator said coldly!

"That's not important, tell me the location of your spacecraft!"

Jiang Fan stood up slowly and spoke softly!

His purpose is not just to be a predator!

He wants to punish all the predators who came to the earth this time!

The predator was silent for a moment!

"Okay! I said--"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right hand to Jiang Fan!


A flying net suddenly popped out, directly covering Jiang Fan tightly!

At the next moment, an ion cannon popped up directly on the armor shoulder of the predator with three red dots, aiming directly at Jiang Fan!

Sneak attack!

This is exactly what the Predator is good at!

However, he hasn't waited for him to fire!


A white light flashed in Jiang Fan's hand!

The sturdy flying net of Bit kind of alloy suddenly shattered into one piece!

And Jiang Fan is even more like a phantom, already in front of the predator!

The predator hasn't reacted yet!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan had already punched fiercely and hit the predator's armor directly!


That extremely strong armor was directly smashed by Jiang Fan's fist!

And the predator himself spouted a mouthful of green blood!

And this is just the beginning!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan had already made an uppercut and hit the predator's chin directly!

The predator was suddenly blasted into the sky!

And the ion cannon on his shoulder finally aimed at Jiang Fan!

The position of the muzzle flashed a light blue light!

But Jiang Fan already had a revolver in his hand, raised his hand to the ion cannon and pulled the trigger!


A bullet was shot into the muzzle of the ion cannon with great precision!

next moment!


There was a loud noise in the sky!

The predator burst out an extremely miserable howl!


As the predator fell from the air, the armor of this unlucky monster had been torn apart, covered with green blood!

Even one arm was broken!

"Impossible! Impossible!"

The predator didn't care about the injury, but looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

What kind of race is this guy?

Armed himself, he didn't even have the power to fight back in front of him!

There should never be such a powerful intelligent life on the earth!

Could it be that he is also an alien life?

But such a powerful strength, isn't it more advanced than your own?

The predator who never knew what fear was, for the first time, fear!

Even thought of running away!

It's just that the thought in his heart has just started, Jiang Fan has already stepped directly on him!

For an instant, the predator felt like he was being crushed by a mountain, and it was difficult to move an inch!

Quietly looking at the predator in front of him, Jiang Fan suddenly felt like a world away!

Once, it was this kind of monster, let yourself do your best to get out of your hole cards, and then he was almost alive!

But today, at this moment, facing this monster again, he can even kill him if he just shoots at will!

Before I knew it, I was already so powerful!

Sighing slowly, Jiang Fan stared at the predator with a complicated expression, and finally spoke slowly!

"Tell me, where is your spaceship!"

"I will never tell you!"

The predator roared suddenly, glaring at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Once, I was beaten badly by one of your people!"

"If I hadn't had a bunch of chess pieces available in my hand, I would have died long ago!"

"So... you better tell me obediently!"

"Have you met my people?"

The predator was startled, the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly exclaimed!

"I know who you are!"

"Daronio Ironbone was killed by you!"

"Iron bone?"

Jiang Fan was stunned, and immediately realized that that guy must be the predator killed by his transfer mission!

"Iron Bone is recognized by our younger generation as the strongest warrior, but he died on this planet in the coming-of-age ceremony ten years ago!"

"It turns out! You killed him!"

The predator looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

They all thought the incident was an accident, but they didn't expect that the incomparable iron bone was actually killed by the man in front of him!

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