"Since you know who I am, it would be easier!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"Speak out, I can give you a good time!"

"I will never tell you! This is my own coming-of-age gift. If you are still a soldier, kill me!"

The predator roared!



Jiang Fan stepped down suddenly!


The entire chest of the predator burst into pieces!

Until his death, this predator's face still had a trace of incredibleness!

He never expected that Jiang Fan would be so straightforward!

Seeing the predator staring at him, Jiang Fan grabbed the predator's head and tugged hard with his right hand!


The predator's head and the entire spine were actually torn off by Jiang Fan!

This hand is exactly what I learned from the predator!

Among the predator clan, this is the signal for the start of the hunt!

"Actually you are dead, more useful than alive!"

Jiang Fan looked at the head of the predator and sneered!

Ten minutes later, Jiang Fan has come to the top of the tallest building in the city center!

Then he took out a steel bar and inserted it on the ground, and then hung the predator's head directly on it!

For the predator, this is Chi Guoguo's provocation!

Those guys are bound to come!

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, Jiang Fan clearly felt the surrounding atmosphere, with a hint of despair!

"Very good! The game, it's started!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up suddenly, and the next moment, he suddenly stepped on it!


With a loud noise, the ground under Jiang Fan's feet suddenly burst into pieces!

He himself fell directly from the roof into the building!

And as soon as Jiang Fan fell in, a few angry roars suddenly sounded on the rooftop!

"Hey, don't worry!"

Jiang Fan smiled sinisterly and quickly rushed toward the inside of the building!

Behind him, a few blurred lights and shadows flashed away!

Jiang Fan galloped all the way, and finally came to a spacious office area!

Apart from anything else, Jiang Fan directly took out the desert eagle that hadn't been used for a long time, and drove it around!

"Boom boom boom!"

The gunshots are loud!

A group of already busy office workers were taken aback!


"Damn! Robbers!"


"Help! I have no money!"

The entire office area was in chaos, and in less than half a minute, everyone ran away clean!

And Jiang Fan has picked up a lighter on a table and directly lit all the paper on the table!

Just finished it all!


A scream suddenly sounded from behind him!

Jiang Fan didn't look back, but shook his backhand!


A fierce and smooth spear was directly held firmly by him!

Iron-Blooded Spear!

The power of this thing can penetrate even the alien skull, but in front of Jiang Fan, any cold weapon of the Iron Selection Warrior is completely ineffective!

But before he could fight back, there were a few more screams!

In the next moment, four killing flywheels shot at him from four directions!

Jiang Fan swept away the spear, and the four killing flywheels were directly broken into pieces by him!

But the next moment, he was covered with hairs on his body, and suddenly rushed to the ground!


A light blue beam of light suddenly blasted out against his back!


The beam of light hit the solid concrete wall and suddenly made a loud noise!

Not only did the wall blast out a full two-meter hole, the surrounding cement and the steel bars in it were also directly melted!

And the place where Jiang Fan's back was rubbed, the flesh and blood became a piece of fly ash!

Ion Cannon!

The most powerful weapon of the predator!

For Jiang Fan, the most troublesome thing about the predator is stealth and ion cannon!

The speed and power of the ion cannon are too powerful, even his body is absolutely unable to hold it!

In the stealth state, Jiang Fan couldn't grasp the timing of the opponent's launch at all!

So these two points must be the same!

Otherwise it is very likely that the ship will capsize in the gutter!

"Lance, four flywheels, ion cannon... almost done!"

Jiang Fan, who was lying on the ground, made a quick calculation, and then abruptly got up, and kicked it to the desk that had just been ignited!


A flash of fire in the sky!

"Stupid humans!"

"I want to disturb our detector with the temperature of the combustion!"

"It's a pity, we are not the soldiers who have just grown up!"

"Don't move, this human being is very agile, and will open fire collectively for a while and kill him!"

Several predators exchanged quickly!

As long as the flame goes out, Jiang Fan will be completely beheaded!


"Papa Papa Papa!"

At the moment when the fire was in full swing, countless crisp noises suddenly rang from the ceiling!

next moment!


Countless splashes of water filled the entire office area like rain!

Jiang Fan's purpose is not to disturb them with burning flames, but to trigger the fire sprinklers above!

The stealth equipment of the predator, the most feared, is water!

And with the drop of water, countless crackling sounds suddenly sounded!

It can be seen to the naked eye that the light and shadow of a few places that were originally empty quickly distorted, and then, a full eight predators in half-length armor appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

"Damn it! This human is actually trying to get rid of our invisibility effect!"

"leave here!"

"No! Kill him directly! It's only level 11, absolutely can't escape the ion cannon!"

"kill him!"

The ion cannons on the shoulders of several predators suddenly aimed at Jiang Fan!

However, once the location is determined, the identities of the prey and the hunter at this moment have been officially transferred!


Before all the predators could react, Jiang Fan had suddenly disappeared!

"What's the matter? Where did he go?"

"A full scan!"

"Damn, how could human beings have such a fast speed!"

"No! Black touch! He is behind you!"

Several predators suddenly screamed!

The predator named Black Touch shuddered, his right hand suddenly flicked, and the wrist knife had popped out!

But before he could turn around, he felt a chill in his neck!

next moment!


The black-touched head suddenly flew up with a handful of **** flowers glowing with green fluorescence!

"What a powerful attack power!"

"What weapon did he use?"

"Damn! This guy is definitely not human!"

"Ion cannon full coverage bombing!"

"Damn it, call the elder!"

Several predators were shocked, and the ion cannon on their shoulders began to accumulate energy!



Another silver light flashed by!

A predator who was about to fire a gun suddenly howled, and his entire body was cut off!

"I locked him!"

A predator yelled in excitement, and the ion cannon was about to fire!



A bullet suddenly appeared from behind him, and then an arc was drawn out strangely, and it went directly into the muzzle!


With a loud noise, the armor of the predator's upper body was completely distorted, and the lower body was blown apart, and the internal organs were shattered alive!

All the predators were stunned!

Three of them have died, but they didn't even see each other's shadow!

They are the strongest killing clan!

But now, it's like a mouse under a cat's paw!

This can only show that the opponent has the strength to completely crush them!

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