God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1020: Shoulder ion cannon

"Asshole! He is playing around with us!"

"Get out of here!"

"Resume the stealth system as soon as possible!"

"At that time, an ion cannon can kill him!"

The remaining predators suddenly rushed to the outside of the office area!



As soon as a few people moved, the heads of two of them suddenly rose into the sky!

The remaining three predators were chilly and moved faster!

But it's useless!

As soon as one of them moved, his whole head exploded like a watermelon!

And the other one is directly protruding from the forehead with a sharp and unparalleled point of sword!

The last remaining predator completely collapsed!

He let out a miserable cry, and rushed towards the huge French window!

There are more than fifty floors here, but he can't care about anything!

Just want to leave this **** completely!


Smashing glass with one head, this horizontal and horizontal universe, always taking killing as a pleasure, has always been a predator who spreads fear to his opponents, and finally was frightened by Jiang Fan and jumped off the building alive!

But at this moment, the predator did not have the fear of falling to death, but a kind of relief from that demon!

However, just after landing less than 20 meters, there was a harsh scream in his ear!

"Do not!"

The predator wailed suddenly!

In the next moment, an arrow was already like a stream of light, suddenly exploding his head!

And only then did Jiang Fan's figure appear beside the broken French window!

Eight predators who were incomparably intrepid, even enough to threaten the grandmaster, were completely beheaded by him in just half a minute!

The wind was whistling by the window, but Jiang Fan at this moment was like an unmoving mountain!


At this moment, a few noises suddenly appeared on the mask of a dead predator!

Then, a voice suddenly rang from the mask!

"Human...you are very strong!"

"who are you?"

"According to your language, my name is not nice, you can call me, Elder Bromo!"

"Your voice doesn't sound old!"

"Indeed, the life span of our family is much longer than that of human beings. In your opinion, I am in the prime of life!"

"Well, but your age has nothing to do with me. If you do it with me, I would welcome it!"

"I really want to collect the skull of someone like you, but I am the only one who survived this time. I need to go back to the Jagged Star and report the matter to the council!"

"That's a pity! I still want to tear off your spine!"

Jiang Fan grinned!

The opposite side was silent for a long time, and then the voice of breaking the moon sounded!

"Human, tell me your name!"

"Jiang Fan!"

"Very good! Jiang Fan, next time, I will return here with the strongest young soldier in the clan! At that time, your skull will definitely belong to me!"

"I wait for you!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

When I come back to this world next time, I will only be stronger!

The predator can do nothing but explode equipment for himself!

As the call ended, a series of ticking sounds suddenly sounded in the office area!

The source of that sound is the equipment on the wrist of the Predator!

"This trick again!"

Jiang Fan shook his head. Once the predator died, the tiny bomb on his wrist would explode, destroying all the information about them!

Jiang Fan didn't care about it, but he sighed with a pity!

Originally, he planned to try to get the opponent's spaceship, but now it seems that he has no chance!


Staring at a pile of predator corpses, Jiang Fan suddenly narrowed his eyes!

"System! Can these corpses be given to me?"

"Ding! To collect the body of the creature, it costs 50 karma points/each! Does the host collect it?"



In an instant, the bare corpses of several predators appeared in Jiang Fan's space backpack!

However, all their equipment was left in place!

It seems that the system really doesn't take advantage of any loopholes!

However, this is enough!

Seeing the number of bombs kept changing, Jiang Fan finally ticked the corner of his mouth!

"System! Back!"


Jiang Fan finally disappeared completely!

Back to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 2200 causality points!"

No more prompts!

But Jiang Fan smiled directly!

It seems that I guessed right, the rewards are all on the predator!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the predator! Successfully draw 200 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the predator! Successfully draw 200 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the predator! Successfully extract the predator suit-the first generation predator wrist knife!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the predator! Successfully draw 200 causal points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the predator! Successfully extracted the predator suit-the first generation predator stealth device!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the predator! Successfully extracted the predator suit-the first generation predator ion cannon!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Iron Blood..."

A total of nine reminders sounded, in addition to 1200 causal points, I actually gave myself three iron-blood suits!

The first generation predator suit consists of five parts: mask, armor, shoulder ion cannon, wrist knife, and stealth device!

In other words, as long as you have one more armor, your own silver suit will be ready!

Silver-level suits must have powerful attributes beyond imagination!

The system is really awesome this time!

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

First look at the iron-blooded wrist knife!

This thing is like a guard arm, but there are two sliding grooves at the front end. With a random shake, two savagely shaped short knives pop out!

The First Generation Predator Wrist Knife (one of the silver suits): made of alien metal, unmatched sharpness! It is the predator's first weapon in melee combat!

Note: This equipment is extremely sharp and can be ejected!

Set attributes:? ? ?

The stealth device is a small computer!

The first generation predator stealth device (one of the silver suits): Created by Alien Technology, it not only achieves the perfect stealth effect, but also shields the energy response!

Remarks: This equipment loses its effect when exposed to water, and needs to cooperate with the iron armor to take effect!

Set attributes:? ? ?


Feelings don’t have armor, can this thing be used?

carry on!

The shoulder-mounted ion cannon is the same as in the movie, but the lines are smoother and more perfect!

The first generation predator ion cannon (one of the silver suits): built by alien technology, extremely destructive!

Note: This equipment is divided into handheld and shoulder-mounted!

Handheld state: fire rate of two seconds per shot!

Shoulder load status: fire rate 0.5 seconds/shot!

Tip: The shoulder load status needs to be combined with the iron blood armor to take effect!

Set attributes:? ? ?

"System! Give a moving target!"

Jiang Fan picked up the ion cannon and suddenly called to the system!


Suddenly, a target appeared directly ten meters in front of Jiang Fan!

But unlike the normal target, there is a digital display on it!

Jiang Fan held the ion cannon and shot it out!


A loud noise!

The moving target did not move, but the two numbers "14" and "99" popped up directly above!

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

14 represents the fourteenth level!

And 99 represents the percentage of level fourteen!

In other words, the power of this ion cannon has reached the limit of level fourteen!

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