God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1021: This must be a flashback

No wonder I was just rubbed a little bit, and my flesh and blood turned into ashes!

The power of this thing is really powerful!

The only drawback is that the rate of fire is too slow, and there is only one chance against an opponent who cannot be solved by his own strength!

It's a pity, if the gold bricks are not broken, it is a perfect match with this thing!

Putting away the ion cannon, Jiang Fan is just waiting for the iron blood armor now!

After leaving the system space, Jiang Fan wanted to rush back to Jiang's house, but just started the car!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang!

Jiang Fan picked it up and saw that it was actually Sun Chuanyi calling!

"what happened?"

"Teacher, news from the Medicine Gate just came! Let me handle the affairs at hand immediately, and immediately return to the Northern Branch to report on my work!"

Sun Chuanyi's voice was obviously flustered!

It's no wonder that he is so flustered. This is obviously Qian Xiangchuan who suffered a loss in Los Angeles last time and is ready to retaliate against him!

"Don't panic, tell Yaomen that you are seriously ill and can't go temporarily!"


Sun Chuanyi was stunned!

What does Yaomen do? It's just to treat illnesses!

It is easy for him to pretend to be sick, but any disciple sent by the Northern Branch can detect that he is pretending!

Things will be more troublesome then!

"Wait, I'll be there soon!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and went straight to the Heisei Medical Center!

Soon, as soon as he arrived here, Jiang Fan saw Sun Chuanyi pacing at the door with an anxious expression!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Sun Chuanyi greeted him immediately!

"Teacher, it's not reliable to pretend to be sick!"

"Others pretend to be sick, but you can do it!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and took Sun Chuanyi directly into the hospital!

At this moment, many medical students here are busy doing internships. Seeing Jiang Fan come in, they all say hello!

Jiang Fan nodded and stretched out his hand directly!

"Silver Needle!"

Sun Chuanyi was taken aback, and then cautiously took out a box of silver needles from a cabinet!

This silver needle was given to him by Jiang Fan when he was apprentice at that time!

Jiang Fan took the silver needle and carefully recalled the contents of the "Qing Nang Jing First Edition"!

Although "The First Edition of the Qing Sang Jing" is only some of Hua Tuo's medical experience in the first half of his life, it is also all-encompassing. One of them is called "The Pillow Burning and Stabbing Jing", which is about the secret method of applying acupuncture!

Although it's not complete, it's amazing enough!

Jiang Fan turned Yang Qi into a vegetative at that time, precisely because of one of the salvation methods called "Silver Needle Calling God"!

In addition, there is a small method called "pseudo-disease method"!

This pseudo-disease method is useless to any patient, only one effect is to pretend to be sick!

As long as the needle is placed in accordance with the pseudo-disease method, the recipient can create any symptoms!

Although Hua Tuo was hanging on the pot to help the world, he really didn't want to save him when he encountered the most sinful person!

For the sake of trouble, I simply invented this little trick! Several experiments, tried and tested!

Jiang Fan silently read the sequence of needle placement, and then before Sun Chuanyi hadn't reacted, he had already taken action!

"Swipe it!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan had already passed Sun Chuanyi's three points of Baihui, Shangxing, and Shenting point by point!

Then pass Chengman, Liangmen, Guanmen, Taiyi all the way from top to bottom!

Finally, lightly click on his god!


Sun Chuanyi groaned abruptly, only to feel that his whole body was crawled by a group of small bugs!

But it feels like it's coming fast, and it's going fast too!

When he reacted again, the whole person only felt that nothing had been posted!

"Teacher, you just..."

Sun Chuanyi was confused, but with a mouth, he was taken aback by his own voice!

His voice sounded like a candle in the wind, full of weakness!

And a group of young disciples who were originally on the sidelines stared at Sun Chuanyi with shocked faces!

"Teacher Sun! You, what's the matter with you?"

"Doctor Sun, why is your face so ugly?"

"Mr. Jiang, you can't harm our teacher!"

"Quick! Teacher Sun is obviously out of order, hurry up and help!"

Everyone panicked, and those with all hands and feet are going to help Sun Chuanyi!

But Sun Chuanyi stepped back two steps quickly and directly shouted at a group of people!

"What are you doing? I'm fine!"

"No, Teacher Sun, take a snapshot and look in the mirror!"

"It looks like you are going to burp soon!"

"Mr. Sun's actions are so neat, this must be a reflection!"

"Yes! Teacher Sun, do you have any last words? Leave it to us!"

A group of students burst into tears!

"Nonsense! They all strayed away!"

Sun Chuanyi shouted angrily and looked directly into the mirror!

But when he saw it, he almost didn't scream!

I saw the face of the person in the mirror like gold paper, his lips were blue, his eyes were dim and dull, and the whole person was full of lifelessness, as if he was about to die in the next second!

No wonder these people are scared into this virtue one by one!

But Sun Chuanyi not only didn't feel any discomfort, but he was full of energy!

"Teacher, what is going on?"

Sun Chuanyi was stunned and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"It's nothing, let you pretend to be sick! A little trick! Don't worry, whether it's the four methods of traditional Chinese medicine or the machine, even if your medicine master makes a shot, it can't be detected!"

Can the master of the medicine gate detect it?

This is also called a small trick?

This method is simply against the sky!

A group of disciples have been stunned!

"In that case, the appearance of Teacher Sun is fake?"

"how can that be!"

"Looking at Wangzi Jue, this is a sign that 100% will not survive tonight!"

"The point is, the master of the medicine door can't detect it?"

"Fake to achieve this point, Mr. Jiang is simply fascinating!"

"My Chinese medicine doctor actually has this method, it's against the sky!"

Everyone is excited!

They all looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

If you learn this trick, take sick leave and be lazy to go to the Internet cafe to open a black one!

"Mr. Jiang! Please also ask us!"

"Yes! You can be merciful!"

"As long as you teach me, I will introduce my cousin to you!"

"More than! Big health care, go wherever you say you want to go!"

"You don't fart, how could Mr. Jiang be such a superficial person! Mr. Jiang, I have an out-of-print teacher Cang high-definition uncoded..."

The crowd is so excited!

According to their seniority, they should be called Master Jiang Fan, but unfortunately these people are not Sun Chuanyi's true named disciples, and they don't have the qualifications to call them at all!

They are all people here, Jiang Fan doesn't even know the nasty thoughts of these guys!

Smile immediately!

"If you want to learn this hand, it depends on whose performance is best at the end of your internship period!"


"I will definitely perform well!"

"I must learn this method!"

"With me, you won't have a chance!"

"Hmph, bragging is useless! Let's do our best!"

A group of students quickly slipped away, and they all got busy!

Jiang Fan quickly took the pen and paper, and quickly started writing!

But for a while, he already passed the paper to Sun Chuanyi!

"Think about it, I really haven't taught you anything during this period of time. This is a fragment of "The Pillow Burning and Stabbing Sutra". You are fine to figure it out!"

"The Pillow Scorching Sutra?! Hua Tuo's Pillow Scorching Sutra?!"

Sun Chuanyi's eyes widened suddenly!

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