"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading the lord-level bored beast! Successfully obtained 1000 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the lord-level bored beasts! Shuiyu Zimu Sword feedbacks 223 causality points!"

Everyone was stunned!


"God of God!"

"Too, too exaggerated!"

"A miracle! This is definitely a miracle! Redick! This is the apostle!"

"You, you are right, human beings can never be so powerful!"

Redick and the others all looked at Jiang Fan in shock!


How could human beings have such a powerful strength!

And a group of disgusting beasts following the monsters were directly stunned!

Even the BOSS was killed by a single blow, and these little guys can't even count as giving away food!

A group of disgusting beasts panicked and became a mess!

Jiang Fan released the genes of riches and honours to absorb the lord-level grotesque beast, and with the other hand he had already raised the six-barreled Vulcan cannon!


In an instant, the bright flames rose again!

After dropping hundreds of corpses, a group of disgusting beasts finally fled in embarrassment!

Now, these monsters finally understand that on this planet, the existence at the top of the food chain is not them at all!

And Jiang Fan's stay time has also ended!

Seeing everyone staring at him in a daze, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled and waved his hand!

"Let’s go! Don’t be stunned! Remember, next time you have difficulties, don’t forget to order my takeaway!"

In the shocking gazes of Redick and others, as a white light shone, Jiang Fan was nowhere to be seen!


Reappearing in the system space, the sound of the reward immediately sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 12!"

Finally upgraded!


A burst of white light suddenly fell down!

For an instant, Jiang Fan only felt that his whole body was creaking, and the incomparable strength burst out from every muscle!

This powerful feeling directly caused Jiang Fan to let out a roar!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, relying solely on physical strength, has reached the level of turning over 200% of Yu Lu!

With such a powerful physical strength, coupled with the overbearing and changeable nine-yin and nine-yang true energy, even at the fourteenth level, it is definitely not his opponent!

This is not relying on the tricks of props anymore, but the real strength of oneself!


Jiang Fan let out a sigh of relief, but there was no joy on his face!

The stronger the power, the more powerful he can feel the master class!

The gap between the fourteenth level and the master is probably bigger than the nine and tenth levels!

Causal points, a large number of causal points must be obtained!

Only if there are enough causal points, can the nine yin and nine yang be full, and with the full level of the nine yin and nine yang, oneself has the capital to fight against the master!

Fortunately, I will be able to get the record of snake repair soon!

As long as the goods can be slaughtered, those causal points will be enough to make Jiang Fan stronger!

At Jiang Fan's ambitious moment, the system prompts have continued to sound!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 9256 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being worshipped by Redick-Luminous Eye!"

After all, these disgusting beasts are in the sky, and they are flying in a mess, and the power of the infinite bullet box is too low, it is not bad to be able to get so many causal points!

Redick's Luminous Eyes: Do you want to have Luminous Eyes? Just need a little surgery!

Note: After learning this skill, you will have a pair of eyes that penetrate the darkness! Even if there is no half of the light around, it will appear in your eyes!

nice one!

After learning it, Jiang Fan finally left the system space!

Seeing Jiang Fan returned to the hall so quickly, Yin Binghua only thought Jiang Fan was talking nonsense just now!

The two had a fight again, and they had something to eat. The time soon came to eight o'clock!

At this time, the person in charge of the auction, Jin Zhonghuan, finally appeared again!

"Everyone, the auction is about to start, please come upstairs with me!"

Everyone was refreshed!

The auction has finally begun!

Soon, everyone has come to the second floor!

The second and third floors here have obviously been opened up, so spacious!

There are several boxes on the third floor!

It's just that the boxes are all dark at the moment, and there is obviously no one!

With everyone seated, Jin Zhonghuan immediately walked to the auction stage, opened the stage briefly, and then directly gave the position to an auctioneer!

The first thing was a clay pot from the 13th century in Goryeo. Few people liked it. In the end, it was bought by a local oil tyrant for more than 100,000 yuan!

Then there is a set of armor from the York Dynasty in England!

Because no one was interested, he was taken by the oil tyrant again!

The auctioneer's face is a little hard to look!

Jin Zhonghuan scolded the Li family secretly!

If it weren't for them, these things could have been higher!

But those guests with money but no background were all scared away by the Li family, which led to the fact that the lot was not sold at a high price at all!

And the ones who didn't scare away, either had the background or had the strength, and simply didn't like these things!

I took another four or five things, and one of them was still unsuccessful!

Jin Zhonghuan glanced at the backstage when he saw that something was wrong!

Soon, one was placed in a glass cabinet, a full half-meter high, exquisite as jade, and faintly gleaming porcelain bottle, directly carried out by two staff members carefully!

As soon as this porcelain appeared, everyone's eyes lit up almost at the same time!

A few guests even swallowed their saliva involuntarily!

The auctioneer finally laughed!

"Everyone, this is a blue and white porcelain from China, during the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Moreover, this is still a tribute produced by the Jingdezhen official kiln!"

"As everyone knows, the so-called'Chenghua has no great objects'! The porcelains of the Chenghua period were mostly small pieces, exquisite and beautiful!"

"But this one is a rare and big one!"

"This porcelain fetus is pure and fine, and the fetus is light and thin. It can be seen through the light, and you can see the pure white of the teeth, like fat and milk!"

"The more valuable thing is the ornamentation of this porcelain. You can see..."

Before the auctioneer had finished speaking, the oil tyrant had already spoken directly!

"Stop talking nonsense! Talk about the price!"

"Well, then I won't introduce more, the starting price is half a million dollars!"

The auctioneer smiled!

"Five hundred and ten thousand!"

A Gaul chuckles and holds a card!

"Five-two thousand!"

Another British man is close behind!

Soon, the price has reached 800,000!

"Huh! A bunch of poor ghosts! One million!"

The oil tyrant smiled contemptuously!

No one else took a few shots just now, and now the bidding is so slow that he looks down upon him very much!

As he spoke, the court was quiet!

The oil tyrant thought these people were shocked, and suddenly smiled proudly!

But after looking around, he realized that everyone looked at him with a faint ridicule!

"It's a nouveau riche! I don't even know such simple rules of the game! I'm afraid this guy is going to suffer!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and smiled contemptuously!

Yin Binghua also nodded, showing an expression of watching a joke!

The oil tyrants have a good reputation on the outside, but compared with the big families with real heritage, they are at best a group of local buns, nouveau riche!

In this kind of auction, every price increase is exquisite, and what everyone enjoys is the pleasure of slowly defeating the opponent!

Sure enough, Jiang Fan's voice just fell!

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

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