God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1036: The highlight is coming

"One hundred and ten thousand!"

With the sound of this sound, the Gauls who first raised the card smiled and raised the sign again!

The oil tyrant was startled, and then his complexion sank--

"two millions!"

"Two million and ten thousand!"

The Gauls raised their cards again!

"Three million!" The oil tyrant couldn't sit still, and shouted in a low voice!


"Three hundred and ten thousand!"

The Gaul was not moved at all, but sipped a sip of champagne with a smile!

"five million!"

Sweat oozes from the forehead of the oil tyrant, and he roars suddenly!

Five million knives, that is nearly 40 million Chinese Yuan!

By now, this price has definitely exceeded the value of this porcelain!

But in the face of such a sky-high price, not only Jiang Fan and Yin Binghua's faces were as normal, but the others were also calm!

The Gaul smiled even more, put down the cup, and spoke unhurriedly!

"Five hundred and ten thousand!"

The oil tyrant was stunned!

He glared fiercely at the Gaul, and suddenly gritted his teeth!

"Eight million!"

This guy actually added three million at a time!

Everyone is shocked!


"Eight hundred and ten thousand!"

It's that Gaul again!


The oil tycoon stood up suddenly and pointed at the Gaul!

"This turban friend, pay attention to your demeanor! It's auctioned, you have to talk with money!"

The Gaul smiled slightly!

"You are ruthless! Ten million! If you have the kind, continue to add it!"

A trace of cruelty suddenly flashed in the eyes of the oil tyrants!

"Okay! Ten thousand and ten thousand!"

The Gauls wave their sign at will!


After all, the oil tyrants still had some brains, so they just sat down and never said anything!

"This gentleman has already paid ten thousand and ten thousand! Is there any higher bid?"

"Good! Once! Twice!"


The auctioneer dropped his hammer in excitement!


Ten million knives of porcelain, this is the first one he has encountered for so long!

Jin Zhonghuan couldn't even close his smiling mouth!

According to the rules of Xijiang Auction House, once the auction is successful, you can get a 20% rake from the buyer!

That's a full two million!

And the seller can still draw 10%!

In other words, the auction house has earned a full three million dollars for this piece of porcelain alone!

As the person in charge of this auction, he can get 30% of the net income!

That is nine hundred thousand!


Jin Zhonghuan is happy, and the next lot has appeared!

After this bidding, the guests present were obviously interested, and there were a lot of enthusiastic auctions!


"Everyone, the next lot comes from China!"

"Hua Xia has a long history. As a Korean, I really want to say that this is all the merits of Goryeo, but as an auctioneer, I obviously cannot lie without my conscience! I have to admit that when this lot was born, we were Koreans. Probably still picking fruit from the tree with bare buttocks!"

The auctioneer finished with a smile, and leaned forward and stretched out his hand!

"Let me please, this ancient relic from the China and Warring States Period-"Mu Tianzi Biography Fragment"!"


Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

At the same time, on a seat more than ten meters away from Jiang Fan, one squinted his eyes and sleepy, and never paid attention to the old man here, and suddenly opened his eyes!

This old man was obviously also a Chinese, and he seemed to be over eighty years old, and his whole person smelled of lifelessness!

But the moment he opened his eyes, everyone just felt their heart beating!

There is also the illusion that the neck is strangled!

Yin Binghua frowned slightly, and the feeling was completely resolved by a slight internal force!

And Jiang Fan is like a okay person, still staring at the backstage with piercing eyes!

The old man seemed to feel that something was wrong here, so he turned his head and took a look!

His eyes stayed on Yin Binghua for a while, and then directly fell on Jiang Fan!

Feeling being watched, Jiang Fan suddenly turned his head!

The eyes of the two met, and at the same time their pupils shrank!

Jiang Fan glanced at the old man in surprise, then nodded slightly, saying hello!

But the old man's eyes were full of surprise!

At this moment!

The door of the backstage opened, five service personnel were carrying a few copies, and the bamboo slips placed in vacuum glass came out!

Mu Tianzi passes on the fragments!

Jiang Fan and the old man couldn't bother to look at each other, and looked directly at these bamboo slips with excitement!

"Everyone, many people may not know who the emperor Mu is. Let's ask a Huaxia expert to explain to you!"

As the auctioneer said, he stretched out his hand respectfully!

An elegant old man with glasses sitting in the front row suddenly stood up!

When he saw this person, Jiang Fan suddenly let out a surprised "Huh"!

This person, he has seen it!

It is Professor Zhong who appeared in Li Enmei's video!

This person actually appeared here?

"you know?"

Yin Binghua asked curiously!

"I have seen it, weird..."

"what happened?"

"Interesting... it's okay, listen to him first!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"Hello everyone!"

As the two exchanged quickly, Professor Zhong had already spoken!

"Emperor Mu, that is, King Zhou Mu of the Zhou Dynasty, is the fifth monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty. His age is more than three thousand years away from now!"

"Three thousand years?!"

"Oh my God! So long?"

"Half longer than our history!"

"And this is still only the Zhou Dynasty! Up there are Shang Dynasty and Xia Dynasty!"

"More than! I heard that there was a Hua Dynasty before the Xia Dynasty, but that era is too long, it seems that the name Hua Xia came from like this!"

As soon as Professor Zhong opened his mouth, one after another suddenly exclaimed!

A few people even whispered!

And Professor Zhong has continued to speak!

"There are many records about King Mu of Zhou, and his achievements will not be mentioned for the time being. The Thirteenth Year of Zuo Nizhao Gong recorded that ‘the king of the past wanted to have his heart free, and the world would be rutted.’!"

"And "Liezi·The King of Zhou Mu" also records that'not being sympathetic to state affairs, unhappy with concubines, and traveling freely.' This all shows that King Zhou Mu is very entertaining!"

"According to "Liezi·Zhou Muwang", three of the most famous ones are counted!"

"The first thing, he met a fairy, and wandered with the fairy in Taixu, enjoy the delicacy of the fairy palace, and swim the phantom of light!"

"The second one is traveling around the world with Eight Horses!"

"And the third one, visit Kunlun to the west, and have a drink with the Queen Mother of the West at Yaochi!"

"According to Chinese history, among the emperors who can see Queen Mother of the West, except for the Yellow Emperor, there is only one person!"

"The story of King Zhou Mu's tour of the world is just a brief introduction in "Liezi·The King of Zhou Mu", and the richest plots are all in the "Biography of Emperor Mu"!"

"Unfortunately, the unearthed "Biography of Mu Tianzi" was the result of a tomb robbery in the Western Jin Dynasty. There are only six volumes left, and all the others have been lost! And these bamboo slips today are the ones that were lost in the past!"

Professor Zhong finished his brief introduction and immediately sat down again!

And the auctioneer has already smiled!

"Everyone, after listening to this Huaxia expert's introduction, you must also understand the value of this bamboo slip! Regardless of the history it describes, it is a cultural relic of three thousand years, it can be said to be an invaluable treasure!"

"The auction will begin below, with a starting price of five million dollars!"

As the auctioneer announced the start of the auction, the market started to whisper!

But at this moment!

"Ten million!"

It was the old Chinese man who spoke first!

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