
Li Zailie was stunned!

The rest of the people are also dumbfounded!

"Yes! Tell them, take the money to ransom someone!"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, Li Zailie was not afraid!

I'm afraid that if the other party doesn't negotiate terms, as long as they ask for money, it will be easy!

"No problem! As long as you let me go, any money is fine!"

"OK! Then call! One hundred billion!"

"How many?!"

Li Zailie's eyes widened suddenly, and he forgot the pain of the wound!

He knew that he was valuable, after all, he was the March chaebol, and even the crown prince of Korea, but Nima!

This is a bit too valuable, right?

The crowd was even more stunned!

I can't believe my ears!

Only the Gaul, with an unconcealable smile at the corner of his eyes!

This style is indeed the style of this adult!

"One hundred billion!"

"You, stop kidding! One hundred billion, do you know what this means?"

Li Zailie roared suddenly!

"I care what you stand for! Either take the money, or I will kill you now!"

Jiang Fan just smiled coldly!

"You are crazy! You are crazy! With so much money, even if you can get it, you will never get out of Hancheng!"

"Do you think I can run?"

Jiang Fan sneered!


Li Zailie reacted suddenly!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"You, you did it on purpose!"


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Everyone was stunned!

Deliberately making trouble with the Li family?

Is this man really a lunatic?

"You, who are you?"

Li Zailie was stunned, and everyone else stared at Jiang Fan closely!

"Me? My surname is Jiang, my name is Jiang-Fan!"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, the Gaul breathed a sigh of relief!

But many people, including Li Zailie, are all at a loss!

But there are still a few people, but their complexions suddenly change!

"Jiang Fan?!"

"It turned out to be him!"

"The strong man who directly overturned the Berserker Kold in Gaul!"

"The eternal ally of the Amir family!"

"Heir to the Fernand family, Albert's teacher!"

"It is said that the George family of Citigroup is looking for him now!"

A group of people changed their colors!

Among other things, the identity of Albert's teacher alone is enough to shock people!

Fernan is one of the Big Three in Western Europe!

Although the power is not like the Li family, it can control a country, but in terms of financial strength, it is definitely not low!

Such a person would kidnap votes?

But Jiang Fan simply ignored others and looked directly at Jin Zhonghuan, who had been completely bewildered!

"Call me TV Korea!"


In an extremely luxurious bedroom, an old man is enjoying a massage by two young girls while sipping red wine and watching TV!

The old man was thin, with meticulous combing of hair, and looked kind, but occasionally his eyes flowed, but with a trace of majesty that made the heart trembling!

This person is the true emperor of Goryeo, the master of the March chaebol, Li Chengquan!

But just when he is going to fall asleep comfortably!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

On the bedside table, an old-fashioned telephone suddenly rang!

One of the girls immediately answered the phone sensibly!

"Ah you Hasayu!"

"Shut up! Give the call to the master!"

The girl hadn't finished saying a word, Li Zailie's gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

The girl trembled in shock, and hurriedly handed the phone to Li Chengquan!

"what happened?"

Li Chengquan frowned at the end of the call!

"Dad! I was kidnapped!"

"Huh? You, what did you say?"

Li Cheng was stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong!

"I was kidnapped!"

"Xiba! Are you kidding me! Li Zailie, I know you are vying for favor with your sister, but you have to have a limit!"

Li Chengquan was furious!

"No, I, I was really kidnapped!"

"Little beast! You think I am—"

Li Cheng hadn't finished speaking, just at this moment, the original picture on the TV suddenly flashed, and an urgent news was cut directly in!

"Hello, viewers, let's insert an urgent news!"

"According to the news that this station has just received, a major kidnapping case has just happened at the Xijiang Auction House in Hancheng!"

"The kidnapped person is the eldest master of the March chaebol, Li Zailie!"

"The kidnappers are frantic and demand a ransom of 100 billion!"

"Next, is the picture of the kidnappers!"

With the camera switching, soon, the scene of the auction house appeared in front of everyone!

I saw Jiang Fan sitting steadily on a chair. Next to him, Li Zailie with a face full of blood was holding his cell phone and yelling desperately!

"Ahem! Hello everyone, I am a kidnapper!"

Jiang Fan first smiled at the camera!

Then he snatched Li Zailie's phone!

"Hello, Mr. Li Chengquan, can we talk now?"

With the sound of the TV ringing, Li Chengquan's phone actually heard exactly the same voice!

Li Cheng was stunned!


My son was actually kidnapped!

"Xiba! Damn boy! You dare to move our Li family! You—"

Before Li Cheng had finished speaking, Jiang Fan directly drew a big mouth to Li Zailie's face!


A crisp sound!

Li Zailie was pumped into the air, and half of his mouth was thrown out!

"Sorry, viewers! Mr. Li Chengquan's attitude was not very good just now, so I taught him a little lesson!"

Jiang Fan waved to the camera first, then picked up the phone again!

"Mr. Li Chengquan, I hope you understand that any bad attitude you have toward me will eventually be fed back to your son! Of course, unless you want him to die!"

Li Chengquan trembled, and finally slowly suppressed his anger!

"What do you want?"

"Simple! Ransom!"

"How much do you want?"

"One hundred billion!"

"This is impossible!"

Li Chengquan directly denied!

"I don't know who you are, but you'd better say a reasonable price!"

"It's 100 billion! If the money doesn't arrive in the account within four hours, say goodbye to your only son! I'll give you ten seconds to think about it!"

Jiang Fan doesn't care about him at all!

"Fuck! Are you crazy?"


"Huh! Boy, you are really brave!"


"Are you threatening me?"


"Tell you, this is Goryeo!"


"I don't believe you really dare to do it!"


"If you dare to touch my son, there is only one dead end!"


"Boy, you say a price, I will definitely give it to you!"


"And I promise, the Li family will never trouble you afterwards!"


"Be sober, even if I give you this money, will you take it away?"


"Don't try to play psychological tactics with me, it's useless!"


"Just do it if you have it!"

Li Chengquan suddenly roared!


Jiang Fan, who was expressionless, suddenly smiled gloomily!

Even across the screen, Li Chengquan actually felt a trace of killing intent!

At this moment, a horrified feeling suddenly spread throughout his body!

He suddenly understood that Jiang Fan was not joking at all!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already raised his hand suddenly and patted Li Zailie's head directly!

"Stop! I promise!"

Li Chengquan suddenly screamed!


Jiang Fan's hand suddenly stopped on top of Li Zailie's head!

"Very good! Four hours later, I will wait for your news!"


The lens exploded!

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