God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1041: The best chance to kill Jiang Fan

The whole Goryeo is crazy!

"Hey! Did you watch the news? Li Zailie was kidnapped!"

"Of course I watched! Oh my god, it's unimaginable!"

"This man is too courageous! Even Li Zailie dare to tie it!"

"Huh! The Li family kept squeezing us, this time it was simply retribution!"

"Anyway, I stand kidnapper Oppa!"

"Me too! The point is, he is so handsome!"

"Yeah! This kidnapper Ouba simply killed those heaven groups in a flash!"

Pavel Community!

Li Enmei watched the TV blankly, she was stunned!

This kidnapper, isn't this the handsome Huaxia Oppa?

He, how could he kidnap Li Zailie?

Doesn't he know how powerful the Li family is in Korea?

Even if he gets the money, he will die!

How to do? How to do?

With the continuous forwarding of the Korean media, this news spread to the entire world almost instantly through the Internet!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Qiu Yuanfeng's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Mr. Bao, do you think this gift of mine is not bad?"

Answering the phone, Qiu Yuanfeng smiled directly!

"You arranged for the Zhou family to enter Los Angeles?"

Bao Dabao's voice sounded!

"Of course! Hearing Jiang Fan leaving Los Angeles, the Zhou family were so excited, they all rushed to go! Now Jiang Fan's team should be almost dead!"

"Huh! You are too happy! The Zhou family's fourteenth-level peaks, except for killing a few Jiangzhai servants, did nothing!"


Qiu Yuanfeng was startled!

He seemed to remember something, and quickly turned on the computer!

After browsing, he suddenly laughed!

"Hehe, Jiang Fan really has some ability! He actually thought of this way of stiff Li Daitao!"

"You finally saw it. This time, your idea is just a sloppy!"

Bao Dabao sneered coldly!

"Not necessarily! Jiang Fan's team is all right, but he is in trouble! Offended the Li family, and he can't make any progress in Hancheng! As long as the master of the Zhou family arrives, he will die!"

"Don't you want to kill Jiang Fan by yourself? Don't you let the Zhou family do it?"

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan is a scheming kid. I only said that he was dead for a lifetime, but I never said he was dead!"

"That said, this person is very thoughtful. How many people wanted to kill him at the beginning, but all of them were broken! Qiu Yuanshan, your plan failed this time. It seems that the follow-up has to be changed!"

"Hehe, it's just a small mistake. Next time, I will definitely make him stand up again!"

"I'll wait and see!"


Just when Qiu Yuanfeng and Bao Dabao finished their conversation!


Zhou's old house!

In Zhou Yuanwang's living room, almost all the important figures of the Zhou family are here!

As early as a few hours ago, Zhou Yuanwang suddenly summoned the crowd, saying that Jiang Fan was not there, and he wanted to send people to Los Angeles to destroy Jiang Fan's foundation!

Zhou Yuande originally thought there was a fraud, but he didn't expect that Zhou Yuanwang would actually send his son Zhou Yancun over!

Knowing that Zhou Yuanwang must have his own source of information, Zhou Yuande immediately dispatched two masters of the fourteenth level!

After these five arrived in Los Angeles, they didn't see Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan's team was gone!

When a group of people were wondering, Zhou Jing suddenly came!

As a result, he just played a video directly to everyone!

The content is that Jiang Fan kidnapped Li Zailie in Hancheng!

"Great! Jiang Fan is really not in Los Angeles!"

"Quickly tell Yan Cun and them that they must punish all Jiang Fan's men!"

"Haha, when Jiang Fan comes back, his expression must be wonderful!"

The Zhou family laughed!

Only Zhou Yuande and Zhou Yuanwang looked solemn!

"Huh! A bunch of idiots!"

Zhou Jing suddenly spoke!

"Zhou Jing! Who are you talking about?"

"Bold! How dare to talk to elders like this!"

"Don't think that with the appreciation of the ancestors, you can be regardless of respect!"

The family was furious for a few weeks!


"Shut up!"

Zhou Yuanwang suddenly yelled, and gave those people a cold look!

And Zhou Yuande looked directly at Zhou Jing!

"Zhou Jing, don't you think that now is a good opportunity to kill Jiang Fan?"

"Kill Jiang Fan?"

Everyone was taken aback!

But Zhou Jing nodded!

"Yes! Whether Jiang Fan wants to save his subordinates or has other purposes, one thing is certain! That is, the Li family will never let him out of Hancheng alive!"

"In other words, Jiang Fan has been trapped to death!"

"At this time, as long as we take advantage of the situation, killing Jiang Fan is absolutely easy!"

As soon as Zhou Jing's voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up!

Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande nodded even more!

What Zhou Jing said was exactly the same as they thought!

The most important thing is that Hancheng is not Los Angeles, and that place is extremely strange to Jiang Fan!

It is simply the best opportunity for a sneak attack!

Even the fourteenth peak shot, there is no chance for him to detonate a nuclear bomb!

Since there is no danger, you can still kill the Zhou family's confidant, why not do it!

However, Jiang Fan only gave the Li family four hours, which means that after these four hours, regardless of whether he gets the money, Jiang Fan is ready to run away!

There is not much time left for the Zhou family!

"Zhou Jing is right. You must never let Jiang Fan go this time! Yantang, Goryeo, take someone there!"

Zhou Yuande spoke directly!


Zhou Yantang said excitedly!

"Yan Cun, they don't have to stay in Los Angeles anymore, go to Goryeo together and kill Jiang Fan!"

Zhou Yuanwang also said coldly!


"Luo City must not relax! Since Jiang Fan wants to protect them, it is enough to see the importance of these people to Jiang Fan! These people must die!"

Zhou Jing suddenly spoke!

Zhou Yuanwang frowned!

"Zhou Jing, you are still young. As long as Jiang Fan is dead, the people in Los Angeles are just a bunch of rubbish. It is not a problem at all! The top priority is to completely kill Jiang Fan!"

"Humph! Whatever you want!"

Zhou Jing smiled coldly, turned around and left!


Zhou Yuanwang looked fierce!

But after all, he suppressed his anger!

"You all heard, leave now!"




"Elder Brandon!"

Holding his phone, Andy rushed to Brandon's riverside courtyard!

It's still morning in Citigroup. Brandon has just finished breakfast and frowns when he sees Andy break in!

"What's so flustered?"

"Elder! Look! Jiang Fan is not in Huaxia, he has gone to Korea!"

Andy said, open the video directly!

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! This idiot has left China!"

After watching the video, Brandon was overjoyed!

"Quick! Contact Jacob! Let him go to Hancheng immediately!"

"In addition, I instruct the person in charge of the family business in Goryeo to help the Li family and trap Jiang Fan to death!"

"Also, let Hooney and the others prepare and go to Goryeo immediately! Cooperate with Jacob to make the shot!"

Brandon issued three orders in a row!

Andy was stunned!

"Elder, Jacob himself is already at the top of the fourteenth level. Isn't it a bit too exaggerated to let Hooney go? You know, they are one of the most elite fighter teams in the family!"

"Be on the safe side! In case Jiang Fan is caught by the Li family, Jacob will be single-handedly weak and may not be able to get people out!"

"Yes! The elders are really wise! I'll make arrangements right away!"

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