God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1042: The tip of the iceberg of the sword of thorns

At the same time, Britain!

The Judgment of Light!

That mottled wall, in a dilapidated seven-story building full of vines!

Apprentice Pastor Odom banged Green's door once again!

Green still wears a red robe. This is a proof of identity, a status, and an authority!

At this moment, Green was lighting a candle, studying the thick scripture carefully, and seeing Odom come in, he smiled suddenly!

"Odom, what's the matter?"

"Master Green!"

Odom bowed respectfully and bowed, then took out a tablet and put it on Green's desk!

Green was stunned slightly, and suddenly looked at the tablet!

Just as soon as he saw the content of the picture, his originally kind face suddenly became gloomy!

"It's him!"

"Yes, sir! According to our previous analysis, this Jiang Fan is the star of takeaway! And this is the one who killed Elder Miller and his disciples! It's just that he has always been in the evil land of China, So we...but now, he is in Goryeo!"

Odom spoke softly!

"Very good! I thought this person was going to hide in Huaxia for a lifetime! I didn't expect that he would show up so soon!"

"Yes, my lord, it is my lord's wish to come here! Otherwise, how could he be so stupid to kidnap the Li family?"

"You are right. If you dare to despise the glory of my lord, the lord will make him crazy!"

Green smiled coldly!

"Then Lord Green, do you want to send a judge to purify this sinner?"

"Of course! This world, except China, is the glory of my lord! This sinner must be purified! Alstom should have a mission in Dongying. He is the nearest to Gaoli, contact him and let him lead the judges under him. Now Just set off!"


Odom immediately agreed!

But when he was about to leave, he suddenly hesitated to speak!

"Master Green, Captain Francis said that this sinner must be left to him. Now let Master Alstom go, will it?"

As soon as Odom's voice fell, Green's brows frowned!

"Francis is the most devout believer of our lord, there is no doubt about it! But Alstom is obviously more experienced in dealing with sinners...Do you understand?"

"Yes! I understand!"

Odom nodded!

Green’s words are nice, but in fact, in the entire Bright Tribunal, who doesn’t know, Francis is a lunatic!

Wherever that guy goes, everything will be in ruins!

The most important thing is that all the losses caused by him have to be paid for by the Bright Council!

The reason why Francis was sent to the Evernight City to hunt down Jiang Fan last time was really because the other captains had all been tasked, and he was the only one!

And Green was in anger at that time!

Now that there are more suitable manpower, the ghost will go to Francis!

"Just understand, tell Alstom, it's better to bring the sinner back alive, only by burning him to death on the stake can he purify his sin!"



At the same time that the rest of the parties all wanted to kill Jiang Fan and then hurry up, in the city that never sleeps, among the Linhai Castle!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The sound of crisp and irritable footsteps quickly sounded in the long corridor!

And the owner of the footsteps is actually a blonde woman with enchanting figure, very sweet appearance, and wearing a professional skirt!

However, although this woman is dressed like a clerk, but the aura that is full of her body makes people feel a sense of faint fear!

Soon, the blonde woman stood still at a door, took a slight breath, and then she knocked on the door!

"Come in!"

Behind the door, a gentle and melodious male voice sounded!

The blond woman opened the door and suddenly saw the man sitting behind a desk in a slightly dim room!

It was a very handsome man with a blindfold on his left eye!

As soon as I saw this man, the blond woman's eyes suddenly involuntarily appeared a little respectful!

"Master Isaac!"

The blonde woman bowed slightly!

This man is the leader of the sword of thorns, Jiang Fan's nominal boss, and the unfathomable Isaac!

"Fiona, what's the matter?"

"My lord, take a look at this first!"

As Fiona said, she handed over a tablet directly!

Not only does it show the video of Jiang Fan blackmailing Li's family, there is also the movement of the Bright Council behind!

After watching the video silently, Isaac suddenly smiled!

"Interesting... This little guy is really energetic!"

"My lord! Lord Jiang Fan is in a very bad situation now, should we support it?"

"Well, let me think about it!"

Isaac pressed his chin with one hand, but a smile flickered in his right eye!

But at this moment!

"My lord! What can I think of! Hurry up and send someone!"

A hurried roar suddenly sounded from outside the door!

Immediately afterwards, Joshua, panting, rushed in!

The old man used to fish at the beach before, but after receiving this news, he didn't even put his shoes on, and ran back barefoot for two miles!

It's a pity that the old man is getting older on the one hand, and it's not the overnutrition that Jiang Fan has made up. Curtis, who is like a warrior, is almost exhausted from running down two miles!

Seeing Joshua's embarrassed appearance, Fiona's eyes widened in shock!

For a long time, the impression that Master Joshua has given people is generous, gentle and elegant, just like most of the novels, he is a neat and upright elder, but this kind of Joshua is completely subverted. The image of the past!

Not only Fiona, but Isaac was all startled!

Joshua’s performance is enough to see how important he is to Jiang Fan!

"Well, let Lord Aaron know and let the two sword-holders under his banner rush over!"

Isaac finally spoke!


Before Isaac had finished speaking, Joshua yelled hurriedly!

"His sword-holding hand is only fourteenth level! It is almost the same for Aaron to go personally!"

"Teacher Joshua, we are fighting with Solomon's Key. If Aaron leaves, who will fill his vacancy? The most important thing is that such an inexplicable appearance of a paladin in Goryeo will probably hurt everyone His gaze attracted the past. For Jiang Fan, this may not be a good thing!"

Paladin, only if the grudge exceeds the fifteenth level, can you get this title!

In other words, the Paladin is the master of the West!

Until now, the true strength of the Sword of Thorns has just begun the tip of the iceberg!

"Then, then I'll go!"

Joshua hurriedly shouted!

"Is there a difference between going to a magister and going to a paladin?"

Ithaca smiled slightly!

Sorcerer, the title of Sorcerer after level 15!

Joshua is also a great master!

The background of the sword of thorns is simply shocking!

"Then, what should I do?"

Joshua was sweating profusely, and suddenly, his eyes lit up and he looked at Fiona abruptly!

"Fiona! Go!"


Fiona was stunned!

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