God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1043: I found a Lord of Thorns

Fiona is Isaac's exclusive secretary!

Although her strength is extremely strong, she is not on the list of combatants at all!

And in terms of identity, she doesn't need to listen to anyone except Isaac!

Even Joshua, a respected position, cannot force her to order!

This old man is now jumping the wall in a hurry!

However, after being shocked, Fiona moved in her heart!

To be able to see the man who made the adults so important and Master Joshua so gagged, but... it is also very exciting!

When she thought of this, she immediately looked at Isaac tentatively!

"My lord, me?"

Isaac looked at the two, and finally shook his head, and couldn't help but let out a wry smile!

"Although Fiona is not there, some things are troublesome... okay!"

This time, not only Joshua, but even Fiona had a glimmer of excitement!


Isaac spoke slowly!

"Teacher Joshua, our organization values ​​balance. If Jiang Fan gets my help, he will have to pay the same amount of tasks! Otherwise, it would not be fair enough for the remaining thorn lords!"

"That's okay! I'll help him to finish it!"

Joshua said hurriedly!

"No! Only he will come by himself! I remember that there is a pending task in Mexi, so let him go!"


Joshua frowned slightly, his face was slightly dissatisfied!

"My lord, the evaluation there is above level 13, and it is very likely that it has reached level 14. How about you change one?"

"Ha ha……"

Isaac looked at Joshua a little dumbfounded!

"Dear Teacher Joshua, you look down on Jiang Fan too much!"

"Don't talk about a task over thirteenth level. According to the character of that kid who wants money and life, I doubt that even if he is given a fifteenth level task, he will take it without hesitation!"

"And you should also know that this is still the result of the preferential treatment I gave him! If you normally want to ask Fiona to shoot, you should know the price! Don't you?"

Fiona nodded immediately, smiled and looked at Joshua!

"Master Joshua, your lord is right, and under normal circumstances, I wouldn't make a move at all!"

After all, Isaac's secretary, although she can't wait to see Jiang Fan, it is her job to speak for her boss!


After a long time, Joshua spoke reluctantly!

But he immediately added another sentence!

"You can do a mission! But, you can't let Jiang Fan have an accident!"

"Of course! In less than a month, the ruins will be opened. I need him, I need him to take out that thing, and kill the Night Demon!"

In the last few words, a hint of murderous intent suddenly flashed through Isaac's eyes!

Joshua and Fiona were shocked at the same time!

Night Demon, this is really an indelible thorn in Isaac's heart!

If it hadn't been for that place to restrict overly powerful force, the madman of the Night Demon would definitely have died long ago!

"Well, now that the discussion is over, Fiona, you can start now! Don't let our new lord wait in a hurry!"

Isaac chuckled softly!


Los Angeles!

Looking at the picture on the video, Wu Tao only felt that his brain had become a mess!

Jiang Fan, an idiot, went so far as to kidnap the prince of the Li family!

Is this kid crazy?

But before he could react, the phone suddenly rang!

"Jiang Fan went to Goryeo? He also kidnapped the Li family's prince, what is going on?"

As soon as the phone was connected, the woman's angry voice suddenly rang!

"My lord, I, I also just learned..."

"Idiot! What's the use of keeping you in China! When you find the guy who killed the **** Annie, you have to confirm Jiang Fan, do you know it!"

"Yes, yes! But my lord, you know, here in Los Angeles, I can't observe Jiang Fan anytime..."

"Trash! Do you dare to quibble!"

"My lord forgive me! My lord forgive me!"

Wu Tao is sweating!

"Humph! Waste!"

The woman snorted coldly!

Wu Tao was trembling, and it took a long time to speak!

"My lord, then, how about I rush to Goryeo now?"

"You rubbish, what can you do if you go!"

The woman suddenly roared!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wu Tao was beaten with sweat all over!

"This matter, I have my own arrangements, you just stay there honestly! Damn! Annie! This bitch! If it weren't for her, how could there be so many bad things! Bitch! Bitch!"


There was another explosion!

Obviously, the phone was pinched again by the woman opposite!

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Wu Tao's face was pale!

"Damn! Jiang Fan! If you can come back alive, I won't be able to spare you!"

At the same time Wu Tao was secretly ruthless, he was thousands of miles away!

In an extremely empty, but full of **** underground space!

An altar covered with blood is bursting with **** dim light!

And the woman who talked with Wu Tao on the phone before was staring at the altar with a gloomy expression!

This woman has a charming appearance and a plump body, but her waist is extremely slender, full of charming charm!

The most important thing is her strong aura like a tsunami!

The strength of this woman is absolutely terrifying!

Besides her, there are more than a dozen busy figures around the altar!

"Master Angelina!"

Seeing the woman smashing the phone again, a skinny man with a very thin figure and full of the smell of sulfur suddenly approached cautiously and handed him a new phone!

The woman named Angelina took the phone, put it in her pocket, and then began to give orders!

"Gargo ghost, charmer, you two will rush to Goryeo immediately! In any case, you must save Jiang Fan's life!"


Two gloomy voices suddenly sounded, followed by a sound of wind flashing, and suddenly two people were missing in the field!

Just after finishing the arrangement of manpower, the new mobile phone handed over by his subordinates suddenly rang!

As soon as she saw the number, Angelina's eyes flashed with disgust!

"Mia? It's rare that you would contact me!"

"My dear sister Angelina, you don't seem to be in a good mood!"

A hoarse and charming voice suddenly sounded!

If we can cross the space, we can see that the person talking to the other side is very charming, but a flame is tattooed on her face, and in the flame, there is a beautiful woman with blood-colored vertical pupils!

This woman is the leader who led people to investigate the situation after solving the enemy on the island on the 13th!

"Huh! Stop talking nonsense, what can you do with me?"

"Well, then I'll just say it, I found the coordinates of a lord in the sword of thorns!"

"what did you say?!"

Angelina's eyes lit up suddenly!

"You heard that right, I found a Lord of Thorns!"

Mia chuckled softly!

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