God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1044: Unexpected auction items

"A small island in the Pacific Ocean was breached by a sword-holding hand. After I passed by, I suddenly found that the main brain there intercepted a special signal!"

"And that signal comes from the extremely high-status Lord of Thorns!"

"After these days of deciphering and tracking, we have roughly delineated the scope, and the other party should be in China!"

Mia quickly told the story!

Angelina's eyes flickered, and after a long time, she slowly spoke!

"You should report this kind of matter to Lord Duke. Why do you want to tell me?"

"Dear Sister Angelina, I should indeed tell Lord Duke, but what good is that for me?"

Mia laughed!

"But tell me, it's no good, right?"

Angelina sneered coldly!

"Not necessarily! I am only engaged in intelligence after all, and my strength is not as powerful as your marquis adults!"

"You mean you want to form an alliance with me?"

"Hehe, I heard that Sister Angelina's call is about to succeed?"

Mia answered the wrong question!

"Your news is very good! Yes! But there is still one sacrifice. As long as the sacrifice arrives, I believe it will be successful this time!"

Angelina said flatly!

"That's great! Sister, once you succeed, with this kind of credit, you must be the successor of Lord Duke in the future! Don't forget me then!"

Mia chuckled softly and suddenly spoke quickly!

"Angelina! In Solomon's Key, I was more optimistic about Annie, but it's a pity that the idiot died for unknown reasons!"

"Of the remaining marquis, although your temper has become a bit more grumpy, you are still strong and have the best reputation!"

"I can share the coordinates of the Lord of Thorns with you and help you find out his identity!"

"At that time, as long as he beheaded, this kind of credit, let alone the Lord Duke, is that one, I am afraid I will also look at you with admiration!"

"But in return, once your summoning is successful, you must find a way to raise me to level 15!"

Listening to Mia's condition, Angelina was silent!

for a long time!

"Mia, I have to say that although you are very annoying to me, you are very knowledgeable about current affairs! ... I promise you!"

"Very good! Wait for my news!"

Hang up the phone!

Angelina was silent for a moment, and suddenly looked at the waiter next to her!

"The last sacrifice, haven't you found it yet?"

"My lord, we are doing our best to search, I believe there will be news soon!"

"Tell them, speed it up!"


The waiter immediately took the order and left, but Angelina stared at the altar firmly!

"It's coming, it's coming! Once this summoning is successful, then follow-up... Sword of Thorns, wait and make history! Hahaha..."



At this moment, Jiang Fan had no idea that the outside world had almost been turned upside down, and five incomparable forces had all killed Hancheng!

Although there are people who protect him, there are even people who want to kill him!

However, although there are many opponents, Jiang Fan has many friends too!

Just when Jiang Fan smashed the lens!

The phone keeps ringing!

These numbers have domestic ones, such as Chen's, Yu's, Jin's, Dou's, Bai's...

There are also foreign ones, such as Fernand, Emile, Joseph, Nicholas, Leonid...

All are Jiang Fan's friends!

Everyone has the same problem!

Brother, you are talking because you are short of money. What happened to the kidnapping of Li Zaiyeol? Wait, we will send someone to pick you up right away!

Without exception, Jiang Fan said, "Thank you, no, contact me later!" Hang up!

These people are not the time to use it now!

If the contacts accumulated by oneself are exposed now, I am afraid the Zhou family will go crazy directly!

Even if he was struggling to be killed by a nuclear bomb, he had to be killed!

It will even provoke those masters to leave the customs early!

In the auction, the others were not as relaxed as Jiang Fan, everyone was holding their heads!

Cruise even cried directly!

That's it!

Now he is as stupid as him, knowing that things are completely out of control!

Jiang Fan kidnapped Li Zailie, even if Jiang Fan let them go, they wouldn't dare to go!

As long as they are out of this gate, it is by no means freedom to greet them, but the torture of the Li family!

After all, the Li family would never believe that Jiang Fan himself would have such courage!

Maybe they all have to be regarded as accomplices by the Li family!

"Damn! I was hurt by you!"

Cruise suddenly roared and pointed angrily at Jiang Fan!

With his beginning, the rest of the people immediately scolded!

"You bastard! Why are you doing this!"

"You want money to find us! You kidnapped Li Zailie, and we will all be killed by you!"

"Asshole! Are you sent by God to punish us?"

"Damn it! I just want to photograph that thing!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, they were breathing fire!

But there is only one person, an exception!

The Gaul who had been making high-profile bids before!

When everyone was glaring at Jiang Fan, he suddenly tidied up his clothes, walked up to Jiang Fan, and bowed down respectfully!

"Mr. Jiang, hello!"

"Hello! You should be from Fernan? How do you call it?"

Jiang Fan turned a deaf ear to the scolding of the crowd, but just looked at this Gaul with a smile!

In fact, it can be felt from the opponent's bid that the only Gauls who dare to fight with the Li family and have such financial resources are probably only the Fernan family!

"Your wisdom is amazing, yes, I am a member of the Fernand family, I am Albert's distant cousin, my name is Croy! Croyy Fernan!"

As soon as Croay's voice fell, everyone was stunned!


Including Li Zailie, who was beaten and almost ascended to heaven, suddenly widened his swollen eyes!


This is the same as their Li family, a real Big Mac!

And Fernan's background is far deeper than that of the Li family!

To make the Fernand family members so respectful, the background of Jiang Fan is really amazing!

However, he is so awesome, because Mao wants to kidnap himself!

The more Li Zailie thought about it, the more aggrieved, he started to cry!

"Cry your sister!"

Jiang Fan kicked up again!

Then he looked at Croy with a smile!

"I remember Fernan doesn't have an estate in Goryeo. Why are you here this time? He came to play?"

"No, I'm here this time mainly for a lot!"


"Yes, that lot is not in the brochure this time, it can only be seen by those who have received the invitation letter, so I am afraid you are not sure!"

Croay smiled and handed Jiang Fan a picture!

Jiang Fan took a look and was stunned!

Damn it!

He has seen this thing!

And not only have I seen it, but even touched it with my hands, and inhaled... ahem!

To be precise, he has absorbed the things inside!

In the photo, it turned out to be one-Tianyuan Shizhong!

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