The man is a black man with an unusually strong figure, a pair of blood-red wings tattooed on his bare head, full of hideous feelings!

As for women, they have fair skin, beautiful face, and extremely hot body, but there is a shocking viciousness and cunning in their eyes!

These two people are the keys of Solomon, the gargoyle and the ignorant of Angelina!

And behind them, followed by a few expressionless, but extremely powerful men and women!

"Ha! What a different air! The breath of the weak is everywhere!"

The gargoyle opened his mouth and laughed!

"Well, a Korean man, he is really not very strong!"

Ambiguous Demon is a bit dissatisfied!

The gargoyle frowned!

"Don't complain. It is said that the little white face named Jiang Fan is very handsome. You want a man so much. You can play whatever you want after you save him!"

"That said, ah! When I think of that handsome Chinese man, I can't help it!"

The demon involuntarily licked his lips, with a look of excitement!

At this moment, a man and woman who were obviously a husband and wife suddenly passed by several people, and the husband was suddenly stunned by the beauty of the demon!

With a look in the eyes of Ambiguous Demon, he suddenly blew a kiss to the man!

As soon as the air kiss flew out, it actually began to materialize strangely, and finally went straight through the man's clothing and was deeply burned on his body!

The man stopped abruptly for an instant, and his dark pupils turned into a **** color!

And that **** color is full of uncontrollable desires!

"Xiba! You pervert! What to look at! Go!"

Seeing her husband, the woman couldn't walk anymore, she suddenly became furious and tried to pull her husband!


"Ho **** ho~~"

In the man's throat, there suddenly burst out a low, beast-like gasp!

next moment!


The man suddenly roared and bit the woman's neck with one bite!

A large piece of skin was torn off directly!

Blood is overflowing!

The woman suddenly let out a miserable howl and is about to run away!

But the man went crazy, pinching his wife tightly, biting down and biting again!

Soon, the woman's body twitched twice, and there was no sound anymore!

But the man still kept on!

Everyone in the airport was stunned!

Look at this scene incredibly!

The security guard didn't react until now, desperately trying to pull the man!

All of a sudden, the scene was in chaos!

"Hehe, it's so wonderful!"

At this time, the Demon of the Devil laughed excitedly!

The gargoyle on one side couldn't help showing a look of disgust!

"Don't play! Hurry up and do business, otherwise Jiang Fan will be killed by the Li family, and we will all be unlucky!"

"OK OK!"

The demon of the ignorant glanced at the gargoyle dissatisfied, turned and left!

As time passed by, the night became more intense!

Xijiang Auction House!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

He actually got people a chessboard to play a game with Li Chengquan!

It's just that Jiang Fan seems to be too bad at chess, and he is losing ground every day!

Li Chengquan’s son was arrested, and several of his subordinates died, and he also took out such a large sum of money—though Jiang Fan could not take this large sum of money—he hated Jiang Fan to death, and he was merciless!

Soon, half an hour later!

"you lose!"

Li Chengquan fell down suddenly and slapped the table excitedly!

After playing this game for too long, the old guy was so excited that he even forgot his son!

Only at this moment!

An imperceptible infuriating fluctuation suddenly disappeared!

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Suddenly pick up a chess piece and drop directly!

"The overall situation is set!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan's originally chaotic chess position suddenly became clear with this move!

The big dragon that Li Chengquan had already deployed was actually trapped by Jiang Fan!

"This, how is this possible!"

Li Chengquan suddenly exclaimed!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly and suddenly roared!

"Give me all the Zhou's mice, get out!"

The volume of Jiang Fan's voice was as usual when it was exported, but as it spread farther and farther, it turned out to be like a violent thunder, rumbling!

The trees near the earthquake are shaking violently!

And within a few hundred meters of the entire auction house, it was filled with Jiang Fan's rampant roar!

"get out!!"

"get out!!"

"get out!!"


Zhou Yancun and others hiding nearby were shocked!

Such a combination of rigidity and softness, full of domineering sound waves, is it really Jiang Fan?

How could this kid's progress be so fast!

Just a month ago, when he left the capital, he was just an ant in their eyes!

But now...

Murderous flashes in Zhou Yancun's eyes!

The rest of the Zhou family also had gloomy eyes!

Never let Jiang Fan continue to grow!

Otherwise, I am afraid that he will have the strength to challenge the Zhou family before he detonates the nuclear bomb!

At this moment, almost all of them were determined to die and rushed out directly!

"Swish swish!"

With eight breaking winds, Zhou Yancun and others all rushed into the auction house!

At this moment, the eight breaths were fully opened, and the extremely terrifying aura made everyone tremble!

Eight fourteen levels!

Moreover, they are all fourteen peaks!

This kind of strength, even the Li family, will not be able to show it for a while!

"Who are you?"

The nine fourteenth levels of the Li family also burst out!

Staring at Zhou Yancun and others dignifiedly!


"Jiang Fan!!!"

The murderous intent in Zhou Yancun's eyes is almost as real! The body was trembling with excitement!

Regarding the questioning of the Li family, he didn't even ask him!

This time, it is finally time to kill this evil seed completely!

As long as Jiang Fan dies, the Zhou family will be completely at ease!

At this moment, for the sake of the family, they are not afraid to die with Jiang Fan!

Even the moment this idea came up, they only felt that their souls had been sublimated!

But beyond their expectations, Jiang Fan laughed in the face of such a dead end!


What is he laughing at?

This thought arises directly in everyone's head!

However, at the moment when everyone was stunned, Jiang Fan suddenly shot and grabbed Li Chengquan's neck!

Sudden changes, everyone collectively enters a second state of bewilderment!

It was the Zhou family who wanted to kill him. What did he do with Li Chengquan?

Fortunately, Li's bodyguard finally reacted!

"Asshole! Let go of Patriarch!"

"Boy, you can't die!"

"We have nine fourteenth levels here!"

"Let go immediately, otherwise we will let you die!"

Li's bodyguard was furious!

The history of the Li family is too short, and Goryeo is not a treasure of geomantic omen. There are not many masters in the past, and there are only a handful of real Goryeos who can reach the tenth level!

And these bodyguards, all the Li family has spent a lot of money to win over for many years!

It can be said that in Li's family, the lives of these people are described as Jiuchi Roulin, and it is nothing too much!

And they also know that this kind of life can only be guaranteed if the Li family lives well!

At this moment, I can't stop Li Zailie, even Li Cheng has been hijacked, and a group of bodyguards panicked!

"Shut up!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"I want Li Cheng's father and son to be okay, so I will kill all Zhou family members!"


Not only the Zhou family, but the Li family's bodyguards were shocked!

Li Chengquan and his son looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

For a moment, Li Chengquan suddenly thought of the conversation with the housekeeper!

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