"Master, with such a huge sum of money, unless the kidnapper is a lunatic, it is impossible to think of the consequences..."

"Huh! That kid is crazy..."

"...Master, this is really not like normal kidnapping and extortion..."

"You mean, the other party never thought about getting this money..."

"Yes, I always feel that the other party is deliberately angering our Li family..."

"Intentionally irritating us? What good is it for him to irritate us?"


At this moment, Li Chengquan suddenly understood!

He barely spoke and looked at Jiang Fan!

"You, you deliberately asked me to bring all the masters of the Li family, and then help you deal with this group of people! You let me play chess with you to get close to me! Hijack me! You think everything from start to finish You want to use our Li family! You never even thought about asking for money!!"


Jiang Fan smiled with great joy!

Everyone was stunned!

Especially Zhou's family!

Zhou Yancun looked at Jiang Fan with incredulous expressions!

This bastard!

This little beast!

He obviously has reached the end of his road, and he can actually stand up!

"Jiang Fan! You must die!!"

Zhou Yancun suddenly roared and rushed towards Jiang Fan frantically!

But Jiang Fan sneered and directly blocked Li Chengquan in front of him!


The Li family bodyguard suddenly became anxious, and did not hesitate to take a shot to block Zhou Yancun!

"Damn it, get out of here!"

Zhou Yancun roared!

But how can the Li family's bodyguard dare to let it go!

All glared at Zhou Yancun and others!

"Who are you guys anyway!"

"We? China! Zhou's family!"

Zhou Yancun suddenly roared!


Not only a group of bodyguards, but even all the guests, their eyes widened suddenly!

Zhou family!

The four great families of China, the Zhou family!

This is definitely one of the top forces in the entire world!

Jiang Fan's opponent turned out to be them!

And Li Cheng's all-round color change, suddenly looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"You! You are Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan from the Jiang family!!!"

Li Chengquan screamed together, everyone was startled!

He was originally Jiang Fan!

Li Chengquan didn't only know now, called a woolen thread!

But then, among the guests, a scream of the same shock suddenly sounded!

"Jiang Fan?! Jiang Feng Yuhuo, the eldest master of the Jiang family!"

The crowd fell into deathly silence!

These people here may not be so outstanding and their power is limited, but this does not mean that their control of the news is equally rubbish!

After all, it is here to compete for Tianyuan Shizhong, such a role, it will not be too simple!

Soon, the silence ended!

"Jiang Family! It is said that he was the biggest invisible rich man in China at that time!"

"Their wealth far exceeds the four great families!"

"The Li family is simply a younger brother in front of them!"

"It was just nearly a year ago, but he was wiped out!"

"The Jiang family's eldest son, didn't he die?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

In comparison, Zhou Yancun reported to his family just now, just like a clown!

"Yes! I am Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly, looking at Li Chengquan with no emotion in his eyes!

"Now, you should know how much I will do to deal with them, right?"

Li Chengquan was silent for a moment, then suddenly sighed with a wry smile, and slowly spoke to a group of bodyguards in the Li family!

"Do as he says!"

The Jiang family was annihilated by the Zhou family, this matter, based on his status, is very clear!

What he knows more clearly is that Jiang Fan will do everything in order to avenge the Zhou family!

Just at the moment when Li Chengquan's voice just fell!


The fourteenth-level pinnacle of the two sides has suddenly been shot!

Everyone knows that as of now, there is no room for a turn!

The Zhou family has eight fourteenth-level peaks, while the Li family has five!

As for the normal fourteenth level, in this kind of peak battle, there is no right to intervene directly! Can only wait for an opportunity!

Five to eight, although the Li family is not an opponent of the Zhou family, after all, the Zhou family dare not really hurt the people of the Li family!

Once the members of the Li family are killed, the problem will be serious. Both sides are top-notch families who want to face. When that happens, I am afraid that they will have to die!

So in the middle of the rat avoidance device, the two sides actually stood in a stalemate!

This is not a good thing for Jiang Fan!

With his eyes narrowed, Jiang Fan pinched Li Chengquan with his left hand, while his right hand shook quickly!

He is warming up his right hand!

Now there are two Zhou family members who are fighting with a master of the Li family, but the more they fight, the closer they get to Jiang Fan!

Don't ask, the other party must have deliberately wanted to get close to him, and then suddenly shot!

It's a pity that these two idiots didn't know, Jiang Fan was already ready!

As long as the opponent is close, he will directly attack and kill the two of them!

Seeing that the opponent had entered his attack range, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly fierce!

But at this moment!

"Holy Light!"

With a low male voice, on the roof of the entire auction house, a huge white beam of light with a full diameter of three meters appeared one after another!

The beam of light was as hot as the sun, just after it appeared, the roof of the auction house had melted instantly!

The beam of light continued to cast away, pouring down from the hole that was blasted out of the roof, and blasted up against Jiang Fan fiercely!


Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan even cursed in surprise!

Thousands of calculations, but he did not expect that the Council of Light would also come over!

Just looking at the scope of this beam of light, you know that these fanatics don't care about the Li family and Zhou family, as long as they can kill Jiang Fan, it is useless to have **** next to him!

But the other party didn't care, Jiang Fan couldn't care about it!

If Li Chengquan really hangs up, let's not mention the Li family's revenge, the Zhou family **** on the scene can even be liberated!

Facing the sudden holy light, Jiang Fan gritted his teeth, ignoring his strength, and suddenly slammed up!


A loud noise!

The huge pillar of light was suddenly blown to pieces by Jiang Fan's palm!

Everyone was stunned!

Seeing this shot, you know that the person here must be the Council of Light!

But why are they here too?

However, the Zhou family's pupils all shrank!

Jiang Fan's previously exposed strength was only the twelfth level peak, but the vigor of the palm just now had reached the fourteenth level!

"Damn! This kid is still hiding!"

"Damn it! If we don't have this holy light, maybe the two of us will be calculated!"

"Asshole! How could his strength increase so fast!"

"It's less than a year to reach this point. If Zhou Jing is a genius, he is a genius!"

"This kind of talent is terrifying! Can't let him live! Never keep him!"

Zhou Yancun and others are almost crazy!

Even if it is going to fight against the Li family, Jiang Fan must be killed!

However, they have not waited to get started!

"Holy Light!!"

This time, there are as many as six people who made this sound!

It was the six judges under Alstom who collectively shot!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Six consecutive holy lights almost overlap and generally fall from the sky!

At the moment they appeared, the extremely hot high temperature completely destroyed the roof of the entire auction house into fly ashes!

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