God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1052: This is really flashing

The first to catch up was Zhou's family!

The eyes of Zhou Yancun and others are red!

Such a group of people came to chase and kill Jiang Fan, but he was even killed by him!

It's shameful to throw it at grandma's house!

Jiang Fan is immortal, they don't even have the face to return to China!

Next is Jacob!

Just now when Jiang Fan made his move, he jumped into the woods next to him in fright, and stepped on a pile of **** so he couldn't die!

Not to mention being frightened by Jiang Fan to be like this bird, just because of this **** can not forgive Jiang Fan!

Next is Alstom and Gargoyle!

Seeing Jiang Fan ran away, the two sides couldn't care about continuing the fight, and they all chased them desperately!

As for the Li family, a group of bodyguards hurriedly helped Li Chengquan and his son!

"A bunch of idiots! Not chasing it yet!"

Li Cheng roared suddenly!

If it was the former Jiang family, he would definitely consider it!

But now, Jiang Fan is a lonely family. His Li family has lost face because of Jiang Fan. If Jiang Fan is not killed, he will definitely become the laughing stock of every top family in the future!


A group of bodyguards was taken aback, and immediately rushed out!

"Xiba! Pass my order and let all Hancheng's subordinates be dispatched. Jiang Fan must be killed for me!"


"Also, now, right now, anyway, no matter how much it will cost, I must invite a grandmaster back to me!"

Li Chengquan ranted frantically!

Although the Li family is rich, no matter how rich they are, they can't become a master!

There is only one master in Goryeo!

If there was a grandmaster in the Li family today, this would never happen!

"Jiang Fan! You dare to humiliate and tease our Li family so much, I will never let you out of Korea alive!!"



Jiang Fan is racing all the way!

The hidden attributes of Lingbo Weibu make him run faster and faster!

On the road, everyone was terrified to see that a man was whistling away at a speed exceeding two hundred miles!

The violent wind that brought him blew all the cars he passed by suddenly!

"Hush Sanghey! Then, is that a human?"

"Assi...too fast!"

"Is it a black panther?"

"At this speed, it's an infinite flash!"

The crowd was stunned!

But before they were shocked, more than a dozen figures disappeared in a flash!

One of the **** guys was extremely sturdy, just like a violent rhinoceros, and everything that stood in front of him along the road was crushed by him!

All of a sudden, people on the road turned on their backs!

Jiang Fan took the time to look back during his busy schedule, and saw a dozen or so fourteen peaks, like a storm tornado, chasing him!


"Jiang Fan, you can't run!"

"I'll catch it immediately! Come back to the court with me!"

"Stop now, we can still give you a good time, otherwise we will inevitably thwart you when we catch you!"

"Little brother, don't listen to them, go with sister!"

Facing the roar of the crowd, Jiang Fan directly moved faster than a middle finger!

A group of idiots!

You chase it!

Lao Tzu's Lingbo microsteps are getting stronger as they run. Not only will they not lose internal strength, but they will also increase!

And this group of people don't have the ability to do their own. After three laps around the city, they must all be exhausted into dogs. When that time comes a Jedi counter-kill, it is absolutely refreshing to fly!

Jiang Fan was fierce in his heart, but at this moment!


Everyone just feels that the sky is bright!

Looking up, there were actually two helicopters catching up!

Look at the LOGO of the three moons above, it is the Li family!

At this moment, the searchlight on the helicopter has been aimed at Jiang Fan!

The next moment, the cabin door suddenly opened, and then, a strong man carrying a bazooka suddenly leaned out!

He just aimed a little and pulled the trigger!


A scream suddenly sounded!

The next moment, a miniature missile with an orange tail flame rushed directly at Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan cursed Juniang, stopped abruptly, and at the same time leaned back!


The missile ran directly against the tip of his nose and hit a car more than ten meters away!


A loud noise!

The intense explosion directly blasted the car to pieces!

Even a few cars near it were directly lifted off by the powerful shock wave!

But in the face of this strong impact, Jiang Fan didn't move, instead he moved forward again and ran out!

However, due to this delay, more than a dozen people behind him have chased him only a few tens of meters away!

at this time!

"Holy Light!"

Alstom suddenly raised his hand with a wave!


A white beam of light suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan shouted angrily, took out the ion cannon with his backhand, and blasted it directly at the holy light!


A loud noise!

The Holy Light was shattered by a blast, but the crowd was getting closer!

Only less than ten meters!

The people on the helicopter saw that they had missed, and they actually filled a small missile!

At the same time, on another helicopter, a brawny man with a bazooka was also discovered!

"court death!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

While running fast, suddenly put away the ion cannon, backhand took out the Yunmeng bow!

The ion cannon is so lethal, it must be kept cool at any time, in case of emergency!

And if you use it too much, I am afraid that in front of these people, it will have no effect at all!

Seeing Jiang Fan pulled out his bow and arrow, everyone was taken aback!

But the next moment!


Jiang Fan let out a low roar, and suddenly shot an arrow!


The arrow flew out suddenly with a scream!

The crowd was stunned again!

"Why is this kid crazy?"

"The helicopter is behind, what did he shoot forward?"

"We will be able to catch up immediately, he is probably mad!"

"Stay steady! When the rocket arrives, it's the best time to seize him!"

Everyone stared at Jiang Fan, who was almost at hand!

But at this moment!

The arrow that flew forward unexpectedly drew a semicircle in the air, and suddenly rushed towards the two helicopters!

"Arc arrow?!"


"This kid's swordsmanship is amazing, even the bow and arrows are so fierce!"

"Hurry up and shoot down the arrow! Never let it get close to the helicopter!"

Now I can only rely on the interference of these two helicopters to reduce Jiang Fan's speed. Once it crashes, I am afraid it will be too late to catch Jiang Fan!

Accompanied by the chaotic calls of the crowd, a master of the Li family suddenly stood up and jumped!


That arrow was actually held firmly by him!

"Huh! In front of us, I also want to—"

The master hasn't finished speaking!

"Boom! Boom!"

The two helicopters behind him suddenly exploded into two fireballs!

The strong shock wave directly shattered all the glass of the buildings on both sides to smash!

"what happened?"

"Isn't the arrow stopped?"

"How did he do it?"

The crowd was stunned!

The master who grabbed the arrow was even more pale!

But Jiang Fan sneered!

Looked at an exquisite quiver in the backpack!

Legolas' enchanted quiver: produced by the elves, it must be a boutique!

Note: A sharp arrow will be generated in the quiver every hour! An enchanted arrow with different attributes will be randomly generated every twenty-four hours!

Tip: The maximum storage limit of this quiver is 30! If the storage limit is exceeded, only higher-level arrows will be kept!

What Jiang Fan shot just now was not only an ordinary arrow, but also an enchanted arrow with invisible properties!

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