At the level of Zhou Yancun and the others, even if they were invisible, all attacks could not escape their range of perception!

If Jiang Fan shoots this arrow at them, not to mention the airflow and sound, just the perception of murderous intent will be enough to make them avoid the attack!

But if the target were not for them, these people would be completely blinded!

Seeing the helicopter exploded into scrap metal, Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

Speed ​​up again!

A group of people re-entered the previous chase!

However, the more the crowd chased, the more frightened it became!

Jiang Fan's speed is too fast!

And after running for so long, there is no sign of slowing down!

This is incredible!

You know, each of them now consumes at least one third of their internal energy!

"No! Can't let him continue running!"

Zhou Yancun suddenly spoke!

"This kid is too evil! Once the true energy is exhausted, I'm afraid we hunters will become prey instead!"

Zhou Yancun said, Jacob, Alstom, including the Li family, all their complexions changed!

The gargoyles and the gargoyles who were a little farther away flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking!

"Jiang Fan, must die!"

Alstom suddenly spoke!

"Yes! No matter how you can't let him leave Goryeo alive!"

A master of the Li family also spoke!

"How about you?"

Zhou Yancun suddenly looked at Jacob!

Jacob hesitated for a moment and nodded directly!

"Anyway, even if you bring him back to the family, he will be dead!"

"Very well, since our goals are the same, then no more nonsense!"

A murderous flash in Zhou Yancun's eyes!

"Everyone, I know you still have cards. Since everyone wants to kill Jiang Fan, just make sure that he is dead!"

"I say that I exist here and swear in the name of an ancestor, we only want Jiang Fan's life, and we will never disadvantage you!"

"And if anyone can kill Jiang Fan today, then my Zhou family will even owe you a favor!"

As soon as Zhou Yan left his words, even Alstom's expression moved!

Not to mention the Li family and Jacob!

The Zhou family's favor, this is a great gift!


Jacob was the first to speak!

Before, everyone had scruples about each other, obviously they were chasing Jiang Fan, but at least half of their attention was used to guard against opponents around them!

Now that the Zhou family has promised, everyone has let go of their hands and feet!

But no one noticed it. Just as they were talking, Jiang Fan, who was running in the front, suddenly moved his ears!

As soon as Jacob's words came to an end, he suddenly waved gently to Jiang Fan!

next moment!


The asphalt pavement at the foot of Jiang Fan suddenly trembled and turned into a swamp!

Jiang Fan was unguarded, and both of his calves sank in!

Everyone looked ecstatic!

Suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

When Jiang Fan came out, the distance between the two sides was almost only ten meters!

"Holy Light!"

Alstom suddenly raised his hand!


A beam of light suddenly fell down!

Jiang Fan replayed the old skills and used ion bombardment to smash the holy light!

But at this moment!


A master of the Li family suddenly shouted!

Suddenly two ghost claws stretched out from under Jiang Fan's feet and pinched his ankles tightly!

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

However, Zhou Yancun's eyes were fierce, and he flew up suddenly, banging his palm against Jiang Fan's back!



Jiang Fan waved his backhand, and a sharp sword light suddenly flashed!

Zhou Yan was shocked, his hands full of infuriating hurriedly patted the blade!


Although Jiang Fan's long sword was swung away, with Zhou Yancun's strength, Jiang Fan also broke free of the ghost claws, and suddenly rushed into a small alley not far away!

It's just that Jiang Fan at this moment has two more dark ghost claw marks on his ankles, and his steps are obviously staggering!

"He can't run anymore!"

Everyone is excited!

He almost caught up with Jiang Fan's back!

Three more seconds at most, no! In two seconds, Jiang Fan will become a corpse!

As soon as they saw this scene, the gargoyle and the ignorant demon were immediately panicked, and immediately wanted to save Jiang Fan!



The two of the Zhou family, the Li family, and the three of them stopped in front of the two gargoyles directly!

"Two, you better stay here honestly!"

The faces of the gargoyle and the ignorant demon changed!

And where Jiang Fan got into the alley, just a dozen meters after entering the alley, Jiang Fan suddenly felt soft!

At this moment, Zhou Yancun, who was already ready to go, suddenly laughed wildly, his whole body was like a streamer, and his speed was more than doubled than before, and he suddenly slammed Jiang Fan!

"How can you be so fast!"

Jiang Fan screamed in shock, and pulled out the ion cannon backhand!

Only this time, he hasn't waited to fire!


Zhou Yantang directly exploded with a burst of energy, and even knocked the ion cannon away!

And Zhou Yancun's palm had already hit Jiang Fan firmly!

"Asshole! Let's die together!"

Jiang Fan let out a desperate roar, and suddenly grabbed Zhou Yancun's arm!

And Zhou Yancun's vigor has suddenly erupted!

next moment!



The location of the two suddenly burst into an extremely large air current!

The courtyard walls on both sides were completely blown up, flying sand and rocks, everyone retreated quickly, and at the same time all subconsciously raised their hands to block their eyes!

Until the airflow disappeared, everyone found that the place where Jiang Fan and the two were before was filled with smoke and dust, and almost nothing could be seen!

Zhou Yantang frowned and suddenly waved!


The breath burst out, and the smoke and dust in the sky were suddenly blown away!

Everyone didn't see the scene clearly until then!

I saw the original two alleys and courtyard walls, a section of more than ten meters was completely turned into fly ash, and there was still a large hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters and a half-meter in the ground!

From the big pit, there are more than a dozen thick cracks, which have spread to everyone's feet!

And in the middle of the big pit, Zhou Yancun with a pale face was staring straight ahead!

"Big brother?"

"Where is Jiang Fan?"

"Could that kid have been smashed by the big brother?"

Everyone was taken aback!

Jiang Fan died, it seems a bit hasty!

The gargoyle both had a cold heart!

If Jiang Fan died, it would be in trouble!

But at this moment!


Zhou Yancun suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood!

"Big Brother!"

A group of Zhou family immediately rushed up to help Zhou Yancun!


Slowly exhaling a suffocating breath, Zhou Yancun finally spoke slowly!

"This little beast is too cunning! I thought he was going to fight for his life, but I didn't expect him to make a move and ran away again!"


Everyone's complexion changed!

At the same time, I faintly feel that something is wrong!

But no one can tell where it is!

"Don't worry, he just hit me in the palm, even if he hits the body with iron, he will definitely not last long!"

Zhou Yancun's eyes flashed murderously, and he spoke again!

"Everyone, that kid is seriously injured now, and he will definitely not be able to display his strength beyond level 12. We will chase him separately. This time, we can definitely kill him!"

Hearing Zhou Yancun's words, everyone's eyes lit up!

The strength can't exceed the twelfth level, and against any of them, you will definitely die!

Everyone is about to leave, but at this moment!

"and so on!"

Zhou Yancun suddenly spoke!

"What? Does your Zhou family want to go back?"

Jacob looked cautious!


Zhou Yancun gave him a disdainful look!

"My family like the Zhou family is naturally convinced! But even though Jiang Fan was seriously injured, he is cunning and cunning. There are other ways to prevent unevenness. At least two people are required!"

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