"West Eight!"

Jin Puji roared, shaking away Zhou Yancheng's two energies with a palm!

But at this moment, the mud has entangled the two of them again!

Jin Puji and the two reacted very well. Seeing that they were entangled in mud, they actually slammed into each other, and they separated one by one!

At the same time, the other Li family master waved in the air!

In the next moment, almost thirty bone spears appeared out of thin air, directly facing Zhou Yancheng who was bound by ghost claws!

Zhou Yancheng smiled disdainfully!

As soon as he lifted his right hand, he was ready to directly explode these bone spears, but at this moment, he became stiff!

When the two sides started, Jiang Fan just watched with cold eyes. From the eyes of outsiders, he seemed to be accumulating power!

And at the moment that master Bone Spear appeared, Jiang Fan moved!

He rushed past Zhou Yancheng directly and rushed to the master!

But no one paid attention. At the moment when Zhou Yancheng passed by, Jiang Fan's finger gently flicked at Zhou Yancheng's side!

Acupuncture secret method!

In an instant, the defenseless Zhou Yancheng completely froze!

In the next moment, countless bone spears have completely penetrated him!

Unexpectedly, no one thought of it!

Even the Li family master who launched the attack was startled!

And this shock directly killed him!

Jiang Fan's speed more than doubled in an instant, and suddenly he hit the master's heart with a palm!

This time, what he used was not imitating Zhou Yancun's shot, but his true strength!


This master spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his entire chest collapsed completely!

Seeing to be absolutely dead!

"West Eight!!"

Jin Pu Ji's eyes were about to split, and suddenly his aura was full!


The whole house was completely blown up!

And he burst out a terrible scream!

In the next moment, three powerful auras suddenly rose from not far away!

It is the other three masters of the Li family!

At the same time, the rest of the people were also alarmed, all bursting out of aura and rushed over!

"Zhou Yancun! What should I do?"

Jacob panicked directly!

He never expected that the situation would become like this!

"Don't be afraid! Even though the words have come and the words have died, my Zhou family still has six masters! Counting you, it is seven! And the Li family has one dead, seven to four, they won't survive!"

Jiang Fan looked at Zhou Yancheng in pain, while speaking viciously!

"Swish swish swish!"

With countless figures flashed by!

Almost all the remaining people rushed over!

Just seeing the situation in the field, everyone was stunned!

"Big Brother! What's the matter?"

Zhou Yantang and others' eyes widened unbelievably!

"The Li family! It's the Li family!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

"The Li family colluded with Jiang Fan. First, they murdered and killed the words. Just now, the two of them joined forces to kill the words! If it weren't for Jacob, I'm afraid I will be killed too!"

Jiang Fan pointed at the Li family viciously!


Everyone was stunned!

"Fart! Obviously your first move!"

Jin Puji roared even more!

"That's good! How do you explain Yancheng's death! I, Yancheng, and Jacob just felt the breath of Yancheng, and we met you here!"

"And you are only less than 20 meters away from the corpse! You didn't feel anything!"

"As for the injury, Yancheng and Jacob have all tested it. It was killed with a sword from behind!"

"If it weren't for your cover, Jiang Fan was seriously injured like that, how could it be possible to succeed!"

Jiang Fan roared frantically!

Everyone's expressions have changed!

"Fart! We didn't team up with Jiang Fan at all! It's obviously you and Jacob teamed up to kill us!"

Jin Pu's auspicious face is blushing!

"We join forces with Jacob? What benefits can he get? What benefits can we get? And even if we join forces, it's a terrible juncture, how can I let him live and let my brother die!"

Jiang Fan roared!

He stayed true to Jacob every sentence, and he completely tied Jacob to death!

"That's right! Your Li family is simply frantic in order to protect Jiang Fan!"

Jacob hasn't reacted yet, just shouting with a guilty conscience!

"Fart! Fart!"

Jin Puji trembled all over, but in front of Jiang Fan, he couldn't even make a sophistry!

He already faintly felt that this was a round, but what kind of round it was, he couldn't see through it at all!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already raised the last and most deadly question!

"Okay! Then how do you explain Yancheng's death!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's eyes were filled with a smile that was determined by the overall situation, but his face was full of anger!

"You all take a closer look. It is this kind of low-powered bone spear that kills what has been said! If it were not a plot, would they succeed?"

Everyone is silent!

next moment!


There was a sudden murderous flash in Zhou Yantang's eyes!

In an instant, the other five masters of the Zhou family rushed up to the Li family!

And Jiang Fan also yelled "Vengeance for my brother" and rushed up with Jacob!

But no one paid attention. Before he rushed forward, he threw something to the Illuminati Council!

An endless melee, broke out!

Only the remaining six judges of the Illuminating Council, hesitated for a moment, and retreated straight away!

Their purpose is Jiang Fan, and they are not interested in the fight between the two parties!

And the Zhou family and the Li family have already started completely!

"Boom boom!"

At the moment when both parties started their hands, they already knew that only one of them could be alive, so they were merciless when they shot their hands!

The fist hits the flesh for a time, and the blood splashes!

And Jiang Fan, by being conspired by "Jiang Fan", the injury did not make a good start, paddling around!


That's cool!

Although the situation has been disturbed several times, but finally returned to the road that brought the Li family and the Zhou family together, and this time it was endless!

However, this is not enough!

If you Zhou Jiaran want to harm me, you have to be prepared to be broken!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes, and suddenly rushed to Zhou Yanhong, another expert of the Zhou family, and joined him to deal with the expert Song Junji of the Li family!

Along with Jiang Fan's entry, Song Junji immediately turned left and right!

"Xiba! Let's die together!"

Finally, Song Junji suddenly roared and slapped Zhou Yanhong with all his strength!

With this palm, he never thought that he would be alive, he just wanted to exchange injuries with the other party!

"not good!"

Zhou Yanhong's expression changed and he wanted to avoid it!

But when he was about to move, Jiang Fan next to him suddenly touched him calmly!

Another secret method of tapping acupuncture points!

Zhou Yanhong's body stiffened, and Song Junji had already slapped him with a vicious palm!


Zhou Yanhong suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood, his neck crooked, and he hung up directly!

Song Junji was dumbfounded!

When have you been so awesome?

"The word red!"

Jiang Fan let out a tragic cry!

Was awakened by his voice, everyone was stunned!


"Kill! The Li Family! I want you to exterminate the race!"

Zhou Yantang's anger erupted, completely red eyes!

The rest of Zhou's family are even more desperate!

Soon, accompanied by two screams!

A master of the Li family was directly killed by the Zhou family, leaving only three!

But the Zhou family also died again!

And Jiang Fan has already taken advantage of this time, swaying to Jacob's side!

People from the Zhou family can't kill anymore, no one is a fool, and if someone dies by his side, there will definitely be a problem!

Although Jiang Fan is greedy, he is just right!

And next, it's time for the Zhou family to break his leg!

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