God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1059: I can't help but want to laugh when I dream

Jacob and Jiang Fan are almost the same, and they are also paddling. He played against Jin Puji alone, but he basically retreated while playing!

His idea is that both the Zhou family and the Li family are stronger than him at this moment!

When both sides lose out, he will come out to pick up peaches again!

Jacob was unprepared for Jiang Fan who sneaked in. Anyway, there is a magic contract, Jiang Fan can't hurt him at all!

"let me help you!"

Jiang Fan let out a low voice, he was about to join the battle group!


Jacob thought that Jiang Fan was here to supervise him, so he was ready to make an all-out effort under his guilty conscience!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan, who rushed from behind, hit Jacob's spine with a punch!


A crisp sound!

Jacob's spine was directly smashed into pieces!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's imitation of Zhou Yan's vitality has already blasted into his body, directly cutting off his vitality!


Jacob was watching Jiang Fan in disbelief until he died!

Even Jin Puji was stunned!

I don’t know why Jiang Fan killed Jacob!

Although the others had seen what happened here, they didn't care about it at all!

However, Jin Puji was the first to react!

No matter what it is, the Zhou family must die anyway!

When he thought of this, he immediately slammed Jiang Fan with a relentless palm!

However, unexpectedly, in his impression, the powerful Zhou Yancun was hit by his palm and suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, and fell directly into a private house!


I don't know if this palm is just right, the house is crumbling, but it didn't collapse!


Jiang Fan trembled all over, pointing to Jin Puji firmly!

Then, his head crooked, and there was no sound anymore!

Everyone was stunned!


Zhou Yan survived?

next moment!


The house finally collapsed completely and collapsed directly!

But no one paid attention. In the instant that the smoke was filled with dust, Jiang Fan directly threw the real Zhou Yancun's corpse out, and he sprinted and slipped out silently from behind!

After rushing to the river, Jiang Fan smiled!

It's done!

Jacob died and slipped away by himself. The remaining four Zhou Yantang and the three Li family are absolutely impossible to die together!

The smartest way for them is to retreat separately!

What about the result?

No one knows whether the Li family killed Zhou Yan or Zhou Yancheng, but "Zhou Yancun" was killed by the Li family!

And many of the Li family died at the hands of the Zhou family!

Starting today, the two families have already had a death feud!

And the news that "Zhou Yancun" killed Jacob, I believe it will not be long before it will reach the George family's ears!

From then on, the Zhou family will only have two more enemies inexplicably!

And leaving Zhou Yantang and others to report back to Zhou's house to tell the truth is far more cost-effective than killing them!

This time, the Zhou family didn't get any benefits. Not to mention the death of four masters, on the contrary, there were two more powerful opponents. Such pain of broken leg, I can't help but want to laugh in my dreams!


Jiang Fan couldn't hold back, and finally laughed!

And Frankenstein's iron mask time limit finally passed, completely revealing his true body!

But at this moment!

"Little brother, your methods are really clever!"

Suddenly, the voice of the demon of ignorance rang from behind Jiang Fan!

"Haha, but kid, I'm afraid you didn't expect that we already suspected you?"

The ground trembled suddenly, and the gargoyle fell beside Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan is still smiling!

The demon and the gargoyle were startled!


How could this kid laugh when he was stared at by the two of them?

"what are you laughing at?"

The gargoyle shouted directly!

"Nothing, I just have two small problems!"

Jiang Fan looked curious!

"what is the problem?"

"You first suspected me. It should have been Zhou Yanmao's disappearance, right?"

"how do you know?"

Both of the demon's expressions changed!

"Don't worry, and since I teamed up with Zhou Yancheng, you should have been following me secretly, right?"


"Also, when we killed Alstom, you should have been watching the whole process, right?"

"You, how do you know?"

The two souls were stunned!

"Hehe, the last question, do you think, like me, who is as careful and thoughtful as I am, and even people like the Zhou family and the Li family who play with their hands, will leave you with such a big flaw?"

"What do you mean?"

The expressions of the two of the two demon directly changed!

Every question Jiang Fan had, like a hammer, hit their hearts fiercely!

It made them feel that their five internal organs were shifting, and they felt trembling!

"Well, I admit that you were not in my plan at the beginning!"

"After all, in reality, although your motives are not pure, you are here to save me after all!"

"But who made you discover my disguise? No matter what your purpose is, I have no choice but to silence!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!

"Miss your mouth? Do you want to kill our mouth?"

"Only you?"

The gargoyle and the ambiguous demon couldn't help but laugh!

That's ridiculous!

Jiang Fan is indeed very strong, but one-on-two, he still doesn't have that ability!

However, Jiang Fan shook his head with a smile on his face!

"I am a very good person. Of course, it is not a good habit for some people. Asking to make the best use of it! You two may wish to think about whether I have left anything and shouldn't. What about people?"

"People who shouldn't stay...?"

The two suddenly startled!

But the next moment!

"Holy Light!"


The six holy lights suddenly descended, spreading in the air, directly facing Jiang Fan and the three of them, and they smashed it down!

"The Council of Light!"

"This kid keeps those judges, they are actually used to deal with us!"

The gargoyle and the ignorant demon suddenly roared, and finally fully understood Jiang Fan's plan!

This bastard!

They were already shocked when they saw Jiang Fan playing with the four forces before!

This kind of powerful brainpower and layout is simply heart-shaking!

But unexpectedly, Jiang Fan's methods were far beyond their imagination!

This kid, when did you contact the Bright Council?

too frightening!

Silently, they have actually completed their layout!

However, these six judges together, at best, are equivalent to a fourteenth-level pinnacle!

It can be covered!

As soon as the two thoughts in their hearts, they were ready to smash the holy light!

But at this moment!


When Jiang Fan moved, he actually hugged the demon!

Jiang Fan's embrace, not only did not make the stray ambiguous heart demon a little ambiguous, on the contrary, there was a huge fear!

At this moment, they are still within the scope of the Holy Light!

"help me--"

Suddenly, the devil looked at the gargoyle!

But the gargoyle ignored her at all, and swiftly stepped out of the scope of the Holy Light!


With a scream, the demon's eyes suddenly turned black, and he looked straight into Jiang Fan's eyes!

For an instant, Jiang Fan's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but want to protect her!

But at this moment, the magical energy in his eyebrows, which was regarded as waste, trembled slightly at this time!

Slightly blocked the alien energy of Ambiguous Heart Demon!

It's just so trivial!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan has directly lifted the Demon!

He actually used such a delicate, hot, and extremely **** woman as a shield!

"Do not!!"

The Demon of Ambiguous Mind suddenly howled!

next moment!


The powerful and incomparable holy light has completely smashed the body of Mixin Demon!

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