God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1060: Not a trick but a scheming


Accompanied by a miserable howl, a thick black smoke came out of Ambiguous Heart Demon!

She desperately resisted hoarsely, but the holy light was like sulfuric acid, burning quickly, depriving her of her life severely!

When the holy light dissipated, the whole body of the ignorant heart demon was incinerated like black charcoal!

However, she is still alive!

And with the crackling sound of crackling, her scorched and bleeding skin continued to fall off, and new skin grew underneath!

As for Jiang Fan, he was also embarrassed, his whole body was covered with scorch marks, and he was paralyzed on the ground holding the Demon of Ambiguous Heart, dying, as if he would die in the next second!

"Beast! You little beast! I'm going to kill you! I'll kill you!"

The crazy curse in the heart of the devil!

However, in the palm of Jiang Fan, who seemed to be dying, two guts rushed out silently, directly blasting into the body of the Demon Ambiguous!

next moment!

The whole body trembled suddenly!

Then, there was no more sound!

All this seems to be slow and fast, but in fact it doesn't even last a second!

Only then did the six judges suddenly fall from the sky, surrounding the gargoyle!

Seeing the Zhou family and the Li family doing something before, they wanted to withdraw, but at this moment, "Zhou Yancun" quietly threw a small note to them!

After a few people left and opened it, it said "Jiang Fan will appear on the riverside in 20 minutes"!

Several people were skeptical, but they didn't expect that after they came, they actually found Jiang Fan!

And it's not just Jiang Fan, the believers of those two demons are there!

Needless to say, just do it and you're done!

The six-person holy light's shots are really fruitful!

The Demon of Ambiguous Mind was killed directly, and Jiang Fan, it seemed that he would definitely not live long!

Good too!

Then let him be tortured to death by the energy of the Holy Light!

The next thing they have to deal with is the remaining demon believer!

The surrounded gargoyle looked resentful!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan, this bastard, actually has to squeeze his back!

The point is, is this kid really so easily wiped out by the Council of Light?

Is this really unreasonable?

Could it be that he pretended to be?

When I thought of this, the gargoyle was shocked!

In an instant, he already understood Jiang Fan's plan!

This kid just wanted to pretend to be dead, and then waited for himself and the Illuminati Council to lose-lose in the fight, and then came out to pick the peaches!

"Hey! Listen to me, Jiang Fan—"

It's a pity that I saw Jiang Fan's shameless gargoyle with my own eyes, but I forgot the simplest question!

That is, since Jiang Fan has laid out a trap so simple that he can even see it, it naturally has his meaning!

The gargoyle hasn't finished talking, and several judges have already shot at the same time!

According to the Scriptures of Light, all demons are enemies!

These fanatics will never give the gargoyle any opportunity to explain or cooperate!

What Jiang Fan laid out this time was not a trick at all, but a shame!

Let him know that there is only access to the Internet!


The gargoyle suddenly roared, gave Jiang Fan a vicious look, and was about to run away!

However, several judges are like wild dogs who have seen shit, and they entangled him tightly!

"Nima's! Then die together!"

The gargoyle took a deep breath!

The body that was already very strong, suddenly became even bigger!

At the same time, his whole body exudes even more black smoke!

This battle is coming fast and going fast!

After all, the gargoyle is a real fourteenth-level pinnacle. After paying the price of one eye and the whole body being plowed by the Holy Light, the six judges were finally completely beheaded!

It's just that his breath at the moment has declined to the extreme, and he has to run away!


"Hey hey! Where do you want to go, buddy?"

Sure enough, in front of him, Jiang Fan, who was lying on his body, patted the charred skin on his body and stood up with a grin!

"Boy, you, you are ruthless!"

Up to now, the gargoyle does not have much resentment towards Jiang Fan, but a little more admiration!

After all, to be able to calculate people to this level, even opponents are worthy of respect!

"So so so, can you tell me who you are?"

"I am a gargoyle, and I serve an organization called Solomon's Key. This time, I am one of the leaders of the Four Pillars. Lord Angelina called us to protect you!"

"Protection? Not necessarily?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"I forgot, in front of you, it makes no sense to cover up!"

The gargoyle gave a wry smile!

He also knew that for a cruel person like Jiang Fan, he could die quickly if he confessed honestly, but if he continued to cover up, he would definitely die!

"You should know the Holy Light Judgment, right?"


"Annie of the Light Judgment is one of the Marquis of Solomon's Key, but her mission is different from other adults!"

"After Annie's death, we were entangled by another organization. It was not until some time ago that we drew out people to investigate the cause of Annie's death. It's a coincidence that you just provided us with clues!"

"So, you can't die until we find the one who killed the Marquis Anne!"

The gargoyle speaks honestly!

"Solomon's key, upper four pillars, Marquis... very useful news!"

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction!

Then, before the gargoyle could react, he suddenly swiped it!


The head of the gargoyle flies directly!

This powerful character never thought that he would die like this!

"It's finally over!"

Jiang Fan stretched his waist and was ready to leave!

But at this moment!


A sound of breaking through the air that was faster than an arrow suddenly sounded!

At the next moment, a woman with a slim figure and no ambiguity, wearing a professional skirt, has suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's heart suddenly twitched!

Too tough!

Such a powerful aura has definitely surpassed the fourteenth peak!

His palm subconsciously stretched out behind him, ready to draw out the ion cannon at any time!

"Jiang Fan?"

The woman looked at Jiang Fan carefully, and suddenly smiled!

"it's me!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"My name is Fiona. I'm here to save you. Are you moved?"

"Don't dare to move, don't dare to move!"

Jiang Fan shook his head again and again, with a smile on his face!

Fiona was startled!

Then suddenly there was a problem with my question!

But Jiang Fan has already narrowed his eyes, and he is about to make a move!

But at this moment!


Another faster breaking wind suddenly sounded!

next moment!

A graceful figure, no less beautiful than Fiona's royal sister, has appeared directly next to Jiang Fan!

When he saw this woman, Jiang Fan completely relaxed, and the ion cannon that had been taken out was even taken back!

Yin Binghua is back!

With her under her cover, no matter what the blonde babe opposite is going to do, it must be out of play!

"Jiang Fan, why are you like this? What happened?"

Yin Binghua was shocked when he saw Jiang Fan's appearance!

But she immediately looked at Fiona with a gloomy expression!

"who are you?"

Fiona also looked gloomy!

"and who are you?"

The two women were tit-for-tat, Jiang Fan's eyes turned suddenly!

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