God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1061: No one knows how to fool women better than me

"Beauty, who are you?"

Suddenly, Jiang Fan smiled harmlessly!


Fiona simply spit out two words and stretched out her hand at the same time!

On her tail finger, she actually carried a silver ring with a pattern of thorns!

As soon as he saw this, Jiang Fan immediately understood everything!


This unfathomable guy sent someone to rescue him!

But, you really come here earlier!

Come here when the dust falls, there is a fart!

"The two are our own, why don't we talk to another place?"

Since it belongs to the Sword of Thorns, it is his own!

The two women looked at each other and finally nodded!

But at this moment!


Fiona swept across the head of the gargoyle, and suddenly exclaimed!

"You know him?"

Jiang Fan spoke curiously!

"Well! The people of Solomon's Key, our enemy! This gargoyle is very powerful!"

Fiona nodded, but looked at Jiang Fan in astonishment!

"He, you killed him?"

"No, no, he fought with the Illuminati Council, I just missed it!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

But Fiona's eyes were full of shock!

This matter can never be as easy as Jiang Fan said!

But now is obviously not the time for questioning!


A few people went back to the city and found a hotel!

At this moment, all the manpower arranged by the Li family had disappeared!

It seems that the Li family also understands that their enemy is no longer Jiang Fan!

Facing a behemoth like the Zhou family, the Li family can be worth a battle financially, but in terms of strength, they are not at all an opponent!

If they are smart, I am afraid they should know what to do!

This is the chain reaction after this incident!

Zhou's leg was broken, but Jiang Fan's arm was destined to be thicker!

After opening two rooms at random, the two women looked at each other, and they all went back to their rooms immediately!

And Jiang Fan stood in the middle, like a lucky emperor, making a difficult choice about who to favor first!

"Okay! A guest from afar!"

Jiang Fan opened Fiona's room door!

At this moment, Fiona was sitting on the sofa, and seeing Jiang Fan coming in, she suddenly smiled charmingly!

"My respected Lord of Thorns, you are really..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Why did you come here? Did you know that you would have a brain hemorrhage if you knew that I would be able to calculate?"

Before Fiona had finished speaking, Jiang Fan directly sat down opposite her, and said nothing!

Fiona was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

Her identity is too special, she is Isaac's exclusive secretary!

Except for Isaac's words, even Master Joshua can't restrain her!

Not to mention the remaining thorn lords!

No one can see her respectfully!

But Jiang Fan was doing well, and he immediately regarded her as a dog leg for running errands!


Fiona looked angry!

But then!

"And Isaac! That **** doesn't know how dangerous it is, doesn't he have a B number in his heart? Sending you such a charming girl, what if it hurts you? He doesn't feel bad, but I Distressed!"

Jiang Fan looked angrily!

Fiona opened her mouth slightly and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!


She, what did she hear?

Jiang Fan is actually insulting Lord Isaac!

This bastard! How dare he!

However, his original intention was to make injustices for himself!

Moreover, he, he is heartbroken to himself!

The inexplicable touch directly filled Fiona's heart!

At this moment, Fiona, who had never been cared so much before, was directly at a loss!

"Lord Jiang Fan, please, please don't, don't blame Master Isaac, I, I..."

"Okay, don't talk about him! I, Jiang Fan, have always been upright, and I have never bothered to talk ill of others behind my back! Miss Fiona, I really appreciate your coming this time!"

"Huh? Oh! No, you're welcome!"

Fiona was in a daze by Jiang Fan, and her nervous reaction was a bit slower!

According to past information, Jiang Fan is that kind of insidious, cunning, ruthless person!

But only when I met today did she know that the other party was such a graceful gentleman!


Those **** who gather information must be jealous of Jiang Fan, so they deliberately discredit him!

After all, what insidious and cunning person would dare to curse Lord Isaac in front of him!

This can only show that Jiang Fan acted upright and principled!

At the thought of this, Fiona's affection for Jiang Fan suddenly rose!

"Lord Jiang Fan, it is true that I have been instructed by Master Isaac and Master Joshua to come and help you this time!"

"Master Joshua?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

He heard Christine mention this person before, only knowing that he values ​​himself very much. It seems that in the future, he has to find a way to get in touch with this old man more!

"Yeah! Yes! But the Sword of Thorns has its own rules. If I help you, then you must complete a corresponding task!"

"What task?"

Jiang Fan asked casually!

Going to your sister’s mission, you didn’t help me. These results are all made by Lao Tzu himself. It seems that I have to think about how to refuse!


"Oh, that was a mission near Mexico. Because it was attended by Master Joshua, the level was only thirteen. Of course, since I didn't help, this mission naturally became void..."

Seeing Jiang Fan's scorched and miserable appearance now, Fiona couldn't bear to let him continue to suffer!


"Mexico?! Isn't that just—"

In Jiang Fan's squinted eyes, a hidden light suddenly flashed!

"Miss Fiona! What are you talking about!"

Jiang Fan spoke solemnly!

"Since I am a member of the Sword of Thorns, of course I have to share my worries for the organization! What's more, I am ashamed of having an excellent lady like you help me all the way! For you, I must take this task too!"


Fiona was shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

This, what a noble spirit this is!

This is what Huaxia said, is it honest and true?

It's amazing!

The point is, he actually did it for himself!


There is a man who is willing to do so many things for me!

So moved!

Fiona is not an idiot, but Jiang Fan's acting skills are so good!

With a flick of that ecstasy eyes, Fiona fell directly!

Facing Jiang Fan, her IQ couldn't even reach half of her usual IQ!

No one knows how to fool women better than me!

This is Jiang Fan's ability!

"Fiona, you are tired all the way, you take a break first, specific tasks, when we get back home, let's talk slowly!"

"Oh, good, good!"

Fiona nodded involuntarily!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly, turned around and left!

This flicker is over, there is another one!

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