"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the Green Goblin! Successfully drawn-Demon Aircraft!"


This thing really burst out!

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

I saw that this demon aircraft was silvery white with smooth lines. The whole body was like a swallow, with a wingspan of two meters!

Demon Aircraft (Bronze): Flying equipment!

Level requirement: Level 9!

Maximum speed: 500 km/h!

Load: 200 kg!

Weapon load: 4 micro missiles! 2 impact blades!

Remarks: This equipment can only be manipulated manually due to the lack of green magic armor and brain collocation!

It doesn't matter!

Mainly can fly!

Jiang Fan touched the demon aircraft and couldn't put it down!

With it, you can fly freely in your heart again!


Leaving the system space, Jiang Fan opened another room and fell asleep!

He was really tired this night, but he was tired and happy!

However, his happiness represents the sad reminder of most people!


"what did you say?!"

In the Li Family Villa, Li Chengquan looked at Jin Puji and Song Junji, who were covered in blood!

These are the only two fourteenth-level peaks left in the Li family!

"Patriarch, the Zhou family has turned against us! Killed our three masters! Even Jacob of the George family was killed by them!"

"Zhou, is the Zhou family crazy?"

Li Cheng's face is unbelievable!

He has only one thought at the moment!


I must be dreaming!

But at this moment!


A level fourteen master suddenly ran in!

"Patriarch! On the banks of the Han River, the bodies of the six judges of the Bright Council and the two Solomon Key masters were found!"


Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief!

"Quick! Contact the leader of the Illumination Council!"

Li Chengquan suddenly reacted!


"Patriarch, the team leader Alston you mentioned was dead long before the Zhou family turned against us!"

Jin Puji said cautiously!


Li Chengquan only felt a trance!

He didn't expect that what was originally a simple act of arresting Jiang Fan would become what it is now!

He didn't even say that he was half dead, but he actually had a fight with Zhou's family!

The point is that the George family and the people of the Illumination Council actually died in Hancheng!

The George family is easy to say, after all, it was the Zhou family's hands!

However, the lunatics of the Illumination Council must ask him the Li family for the reason!

Maybe, they will anger the Li family for this!

And Solomon's Key, although I have never heard of this organization, but only looking at the opponent's shots are two extremely powerful fourteenth level pinnacles, knowing that the opponent is definitely not a small role!

Now that both parties have died in Hancheng, his Li family is in big trouble!

Bastard, bastard!

Why did it become like this?

"Yes! Jiang Fan! Where's Jiang Fan?"

Li Chengquan asked suddenly!

"Since he and Zhou Yan saved up, we, we have never seen him again!"

Jin Puji smiled bitterly!

Not to mention Li Chengquan, even they have been in a daze!

Everyone happily arrested Jiang Fan, but how did things turn out to be like this?


"In other words, that kid did nothing, but those of us who caught him, suffered heavy losses?"

Li Cheng was stunned!

"This... so to speak!"


Li Chengquan closed his eyes and slumped weakly on the sofa!


Do evil!

It was a mistake to send someone to China to steal the armor from the beginning!

The way of heaven is reincarnation!

"Go, find out where Jiang Fan is, and tell him that our Li family is willing to spend money to buy peace!"


Everyone was stunned!

Especially Li Zailie screamed suddenly!

"Dad! Take a look, what he has beaten me like!"

"Shut up! If it wasn't for you idiot who took the initiative to find something, how could it be like this!"

Li Chengquan suddenly roared!

"After you find Jiang Fan, you can negotiate with him!"

He also has nothing to do. Needless to say, the Zhou family, the two sides have a great hatred!

And since Jiang Fan is the Zhou family's enemy, he is now his friend!

The point is, if the Council of Light and the Key of Solomon come to the door, if Jiang Fan stumbles again at that time, his Li family will definitely be out of luck!

Anyway, let Jiang Fan get out first!

Otherwise, if this scourge stays in Goryeo for a day, the more dangerous his Li family will be!

"Yes Yes!"

Seeing Li Chengquan's anger, Li Zailie suddenly agreed carefully!

"Also, Grandmaster! Be sure to hire me a grandmaster to come back! Any money is fine!"

Li Chengquan gritted his teeth!



Although the Li family suffered heavy losses, they still scored compared to others!

If compared to Zhou's family, they are obviously a lucky one!

Let's move the hand of time to four hours later!

At six o'clock in the morning, Zhou Yantang and his group finally returned to Zhou's house with a gloomy face and dejected faces!

Along with them, there are Zhou Yancun, Zhou Yanmao, Zhou Yancheng, and Zhou Yanhong's corpses!

This time the Zhou family got nothing but four lives!

Do not!

To be precise, they still gained something-they gained two powerful enemies!

When he thought of this, Zhou Yantang only felt that his intestines twitched!

Zhou Yan survived, and he didn't care about anything, but he had to recite this scapegoat!

In the lobby of Zhou Yuanwang, the Patriarch of the Zhou Family, all the powerful figures in the Zhou Family are waiting here at this moment!

As early as when the accident happened, Zhou Yantang had already contacted the Zhou family, and these people were waiting for them!

Seeing a few people coming in, Zhou Yuanwang finally took a deep breath!

"Yantang, what the **** is going on!"

Although Zhou Yuanwang's voice was steady, from his slightly trembling hands, everyone knew that this old man was holding back his anger!

After all, Zhou Yancun, who was dead, was his own son!


Facing this moment, Zhou Yuanwang, even Zhou Yantang did not dare to be presumptuous!

He quickly said the cause and effect!

With Zhou Yantang's narration, everyone's expressions became more and more gloomy!

"Damn! Li Family!!!"

Zhou Yuande suddenly roared!

"Patriarch! The Li family is so presumptuous, you simply don't put us in your eyes! If you can trust me, this time I will lead the team and directly flatten the Li family!"

Zhou Yuanwang was silent for a moment, and suddenly waved his hand!

He knew that this was Zhou Yuande's goodwill, after all, the Zhou family's loss this time was too great!

Four fourteenth-level peaks!

You know, among the ordinary first-class forces, this is the top combat power!

The Dou family's big business, not counting those zombies, but only a fourteenth-level pinnacle!

The most important thing is that at this level, there is hope of entering the master!

It is very possible that the person who died is the future master!

What's more, among the people who died this time, one was still the son of the Patriarch of the Zhou family!

If this incident does not retaliate, his Zhou family will be shameless!

However, there is another more important thing than revenge against the Li family!

"Yantang, you just said that Yan Cun suddenly made a move and killed the Jacob of the George family?"

Zhou Yuanwang spoke slowly!


"you sure?"

Zhou Yuanwang stared at Zhou Yantang!

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