Everyone's complexion changed as soon as Zhou Yuan looked at the words!

The Zhou family knew that Zhou Yuanwang and Zhou Yuande had always been at odds, and they had been fighting for the seat of the Patriarch for a lifetime!

And once, the four people who died were all of Zhou Yuanwang's line!

For a time, everyone's eyes were all wrong!

This was not Jiang Fan's intention. The situation at the time was changing rapidly. Jiang Fan had no time to calculate too much to fight against the forces of the Quartet!

The reason why he chose Zhou Yancheng and others to start was just because they were all Zhou Yancun, and he pretended to be Zhou Yancun again, so it was better to start!

Now, by accident, the relationship between the two parties has been provoked again. This is an unexpected gain!

"Patriarch! This is indeed the case!"

"Patriarch, it is indeed Yan Cun's hand!"

The remaining fourteenth level alive hurriedly spoke!

"Do you know why?"

Zhou Yuanwang was silent for a moment before asking!

"Patriarch, we really don't know! At that time we were all fighting against the masters of the Li family, but Brother Yan Cun suddenly rushed out and beat Jacob to death with one punch!"

Zhou Yantang looked sincere!

Everyone is silent!

They all understand what this means!

"Is there any news from the George family?"

"Not yet, but some of their thirteenth-level masters are still alive, and they will definitely send the news back!"


Zhou Yuanwang sighed long!

He now suddenly regretted competing for the position of Patriarch!

Not to mention that Zhou Yuande has fought openly and secretly with him for so many years. It is only now that he has offended the Li family and the George family at the same time, and has also killed four fourteenth-level peaks. Such a loss, once the ancestor leaves the customs, let alone the position of Patriarch, he can It's lucky to save your life!

For a while, he only felt ashamed!

But at this moment!

"You said before that Zhou Yancun accused the Li family and Jiang Fan of joining forces?"

Zhou Jing's voice suddenly sounded!

"Not bad!"

Zhou Yantang frowned. Although he didn't like this nephew, he still spoke!

"Haha, Jiang Fan...interesting!"

Zhou Jing smiled suddenly!

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Yantang frowned!

"We Zhou family and Li family, I am afraid that Jiang Fan has been tricked by Jiang Fan!"

"Fucked? How is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked!

In this matter, there is no shadow of Jiang Fan's participation!

"Huh! Although I don't know what method the kid used, but it definitely has something to do with him!"

Zhou Jing smiled coldly!

However, everyone sneered at Zhou Jing's words!

"This kid is really annoying!"

"Yes, it's yin and yang weird when talking!"

"Jiang Fan was chased into the sky, if we can still design us, I will just eat the shit!"

"This kid is just pretending to be coercion, don't worry about him!"

"I don't have much abilities, it's good to pretend to be forced!"

Others whispered, looking disgusted!

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Zhou Jing was the only one who was right!

It's just that Jiang Fan's game was so good and too detailed that even Zhou Jing couldn't guess how Jiang Fan did it!

"Yantang, you said before that Jiang Fan's strength is very strong now?"

"Well! At the very least, he can resist Yan Cun and survive a single blow!"

"Being able to resist a single blow, this strength is already amazing! We must not let him continue to grow!"

Seeing Zhou Yuanwang remained silent, Zhou Yuande directly gave orders for him!

"Yantang, you guys will fix it and go directly to Los Angeles! Jiang Fan will never stay in Gaoli for a long time. He will go back sooner or later. Then, you guys..."

When Zhou Yuande said these words, Zhou Yantang just felt cold!

Jiang Fan still has a nuclear bomb!

Zhou Yuande asked them to go to Los Angeles to block Jiang Fan. It would be good if Jiang Fan could be killed, but if he failed, Jiang Fan would detonate a nuclear bomb before his death, and they would all be buried with Jiang Fan!

Zhou Yuande clearly wanted them to die!

They were in Hancheng before, and they did choose to sacrifice for the family, but active sacrifices and passive sacrifices are far apart!

All of a sudden, the complexions of Zhou Yantang's several people changed!

However, before Zhou Yuande had finished speaking, one of Zhou's servants suddenly rushed in!

"Patriarch, Yu's people are here!"

"Yujia? What are they doing here?"

Everyone is shocked!

At this moment, a clear, but somewhat gloomy voice suddenly sounded!

"Yu came here uninvited, all friends of the Zhou family, please forgive me!"

Accompanied by this voice, a dozen or so imposing Yu family members have arrived at the door of the Zhou family hall!

The leader is a gentle-looking middle-aged man. Although he is thin, he is sturdy and domineering!

This person is the head of the Yu family, the father of Yu Xiaodie and Yu Xiaoze, Yu Zhengming!

And beside him, it is Yu Jiasan who is less than Xiaoze!

As for the masters behind them, they are all at home!

Seven of them have a particularly strong aura, almost like a storm, and they are all fourteen peaks!

None of the others are below level fourteen!

As soon as he saw this battle, Zhou Yuande's face changed directly!

Even Zhou Yuanwang, who had been silent, stood up slowly!

"Master Yu, what do you mean?"

Zhou Yuanwang said coldly!

"It's not interesting, I heard that Zhou's family went to Los Angeles yesterday?"

Yu Zhengming barely pulled out a smile at the corner of his mouth!

"Not bad!"

Zhou Yuanwang nodded!

"What are you going to do?"

Yu Zhengming continued to ask!

"What are you going to do? It has nothing to do with you at home!"

Zhou Yuande narrowed his eyes and sneered directly!

"Hehe, Zhou Yuanwang, who is the Patriarch of you anyway? I think Zhou Yuande is much more imposing than you!"

Yu Zhengming sneered suddenly!

"Yu Zhengming, don't sow discord! Come to my Zhou's house, what are you going to do!"

Zhou Yuanwang's expression sank!

"Don't do anything, I just want to tell you, Los Angeles, your Zhou family is the nearest, it's best to go less!"

Yu Zhengming smiled proudly!


"Yu Zhengming! You are too presumptuous!"

"My Zhou family can go wherever I want, what to do with you!"

"It's impossible to treat your Yu family as the first of the seven giants!"

The Zhou family was furious!


"Patriarch Zhou, I can say it all! In short, Los Angeles is not a safe place, you better... be cautious!"

After Yu Zhengming said this, he turned around and left!

"Oh shit!"

Zhou Yantang and others trembled and suppressed their anger!

Yu Zhengming was obviously protecting Jiang Fan!

But no one dared to stop Yu Zhengming and others from leaving!

The Zhou family has been a big fan, especially last time Zhou Ning was calculated by Jiang Fan. The four families of Lin, Lu, Song and Yan have planted the seeds of hatred against the Zhou family, and now they have offended the Li family and the George family. If they have **** with the Yu family again, Zhou Jiake is really troubled internally and externally!

"Damn it! What the **** is going on! How come our Zhou family seems to have offended the whole world since we got the news that Jiang Fan was alive?"

All the Zhou family members said silently in their hearts!

It's weird!

Could it be that all of this is Jiang Fan's relationship?

Many people suddenly complained about Zhou Yuande's line for no reason!

The Zhou family got the huge wealth of the Jiang family, but the price it paid was too great!

Think about it now, it's not worth the loss!

Especially, that Jiang Fan, that Jiang Fan who looks like a monster!

This is still the result that he did not take the initiative to attack the Zhou family, if...

A trace of regret suddenly flashed in everyone's hearts!

A trace of haze appeared in my heart!

Only Zhou Yuanwang stared blankly at the back of Yu Zhengming and others leaving!

It was obviously hot now, but he only felt that the high-hanging sun was full of chill!

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