After leaving the hotel, Jiang Fan and Fiona went straight to the airport!

This time I have to do a big vote, and there may be other benefits in that place, so I must bring a few confidants over!

As for the candidate, Jiang Fan has a plan in mind!

Soon, the two arrived at the airport!

But before the security check, a group of people greeted him directly!

The leader is actually Li Chengquan!

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Mr. Lee!"

After they said hello, they suddenly smiled at the same time!

"Mr. Jiang, can you take a step to talk?"


The two walked away at random, and at this moment, Fiona's mobile phone suddenly "dingdong"!

When she turned on the phone, she saw a secret message!

Fiona glanced at it casually, and then she was stunned!

This secret report turned out to be what happened last night!

In the last comment, there is only a short sentence-the relevance evaluation of the layout person:

Li Family: 20

Zhou Family: 30

Jiang Fan: 98! !

Only a few people know how powerful the Sword of Thorns is, and Fiona happens to be one of these people!

Although Sword of Thorns lacks talents, the evaluation department is by no means an idiot who eats food!

Since it is said that it is 98% that Jiang Fan planned the incident, it is basically impossible to make a mistake!

In other words, they killed Alstom, turned the Li family and the Zhou family against each other, and backhandedly used the Light Council judges to kill the gargoyles and ignorant demons, causing these forces to lose a total of ten fourteenth-level peak powers. The man is Jiang Fan!

In an instant, the goose bumps on Fiona's body burst out!

She looked at Jiang Fan, who was talking with Li Chengquan with a smile in the distance, and couldn't believe her eyes!

too frightening!

He, how did he do it?

Level twelve, only level twelve!

At this level, such a proud record, the entire sword of thorns, no, even in the entire history, no one has ever done it!

Even her idol, Isaac, who is well-known in the world, can never do it!

A deep worship germinated directly from her heart. At this moment, Isaac, who was originally standing on the peak of her worship, collapsed instantly, but Jiang Fan was replaced!


At this moment, Fiona decided that Jiang Fan was her real idol!

The poor Sword of Thorns Evaluation Department didn't know that it was because of one of their secret reports that Isaac lost his most loyal fan forever!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, who is regarded as a new idol by Fiona, is looking at Li Chengquan with a smile!

"Mr. Li, is it all right here?"

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, I'm very sorry about this time!"

"You're polite, after all, I was the first to offend!"

"Don't dare, Mr. Jiang, think about what happened last night. There are many doubts and some questions. I don't know if I can ask for advice?"

"Mr. Li, what can you know? The matter is over!"

Jiang Fan's eyes are very meaningful!

Li Cheng is all sluggish!

After a long time, he suddenly laughed!

"Mr. Jiang said that, but after you return to China, can you help me contain the Zhou family?"

"Mr. Li spends a lot of money, for this tens of billions, of course I have to help!"

"Haha, Mr. Jiang is quick to talk, I thank you first! As for the Council of Illumination and the George family, I will definitely help you..."

"No need!"

Jiang Fan shook his head directly!

"For them, you can tell the truth!"


Li Cheng was stunned!

If you tell the truth, the Li family will be fine, but Jiang Fan will definitely be in trouble!

Although Jacob of the George family died in Zhou Yancun's hands, Hooney was actually killed by Jiang Fan!

As for Alstom, it is said that Jiang Fan was also harmed!

In any case, the two can't spare Jiang Fan!

But looking at Jiang Fan's expression, he didn't care at all!

This kid, why is he so confident?

At the thought of this, Li Chengquan's expression suddenly changed!

"Mr. Jiang, we happen to have a plane going to China, why don't we take you back?"

"Haha, good! Then thank you Mr. Li!"


After four hours of flying, with a slight turbulence, the plane finally landed on the ground in Los Angeles!

When the cabin door opened, Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath of the familiar air!

This time the Jedi fights back and returns to the lair, Jiang Fan feels like a world away!

At this moment, Wang Yi is already waiting here with his big and small pairs!

As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, a few people greeted him!

"Master! It's great that you're okay! I'm really worried about us this night!"

"Worry about a fart, can a bunch of choppy hurt me?"

"Yes, yes! Master Hong Fuqi, Tianshou and Tianqi, just fart can wipe out the Zhou family!"

"Exaggerated! How can I be so awesome? How come I have to have two farts! Hahaha!"

"Master, you are so humble! You are really a role model for my generation!"

The two toasted one by one, it was a great joy!

But in fact, only Jiang Fan knew that until now, his tense nerves were completely relaxed!

This night was not long, but Jiang Fan wanted to fight against the forces of the Quartet and turn things around!

On the one hand, he is worried about his team and fear of any accidents!

Seeing everyone is okay now, if he doesn't relax, he is really afraid that his nerves will break!

Soon, Wang Yi saw Fiona behind Jiang Fan!

"Oh! Master, you are amazing! You can get a little girl back once you go out!"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is Miss Fiona, get in the car and go home!"


However, as soon as a few people got in the car, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Hello, I am Jiang Fan!"

"Mr. Jiang, hello!"

Suddenly a voice full of elegant temperament sounded on the other side!

"you are?"

"Introduce myself, my last name is Yu, Yu Zhengming!"

"President Yu?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

But he laughed softly right away!

"I was thinking last night, you don't seem to care about the young lady!"

"Mr. Jiang joked, it's really because the incident happened suddenly, and there are a few ignorant people in the clan who need to be taught, which wasted time!"

Yu Zhengming's voice was apologetic!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

Although Yu Zhengming has only one explanation, the amount of information is extremely huge!

At that time, when Yu Xiaodie was cured of Gu, Jiang Fan left the Mingzi of Yu family!

The purpose is to use the family to contain the Zhou family at the critical moment!

But last night, there was nothing in Yu's house!

According to Yu Zhengming's intention, he should have wanted to support Jiang Fan last night, but there are obviously people in the family who don't want him to offend the Zhou family for Jiang Fan!

Needless to say, Yu Zhengming must have been cleaning the interior last night!

This elegant middle-aged man, Jiang Fan has never met him, but only by looking at this thunderous method, this Yu Zhengming is definitely a real ruthless character!

And this also proved from the side how accurate Jiang Fan's judgment was at that time!

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