God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1072: You deserve to be honest

"Patriarch Yu is interested!"

Jiang Fan spoke softly!

"Mr. Jiang joked, oh, yes, I mainly want to tell Mr. Jiang that Zhou's family should not go to Los Angeles in a short time. Even if there are a few fish that slip through the net, I believe that with Mr. Jiang's ability, it should be impossible. problem!"

Yu Zhengming's tone is still gentle!

However, Jiang Fan showed a slight smile, and then he spoke slowly!

"Thanks to the Patriarch's mind, next time I go to the capital, Miss Yu will definitely recover completely!"

Yu Zhengming's meaning is too obvious. This is telling Jiang Fan that the Zhou family's power is controlled by him!

And Jiang Fan also voted in return, and directly promised such a heavy promise!

"Hehe, thank you Mr. Jiang, you must be a good hospitality when you arrive in the capital in the future!"

Yu Zhengming's voice carries a sense of pleasure after relaxation!

"I also look forward to meeting Patriarch Yu!"

Jiang Fan also smiled!

Hang up the phone!


Jiang Fan let out a sigh of relief, and the whole person was relaxed!

What he fears most now is that the Zhou family kills a carbine!

But now with the restraint of Yu Jia, he can finally relax!


one left!

Jiang Fan looks at Wang Yi!

"Is Wei Ting still there?"

"Before, because you spread the news of the Wei family, it seems that the Zhou family has cheated the Wei family several times on the stock market, and some of the Wei family's masters have also miscalculated!"

"This time Zhou Yancun and others came to Los Angeles. He wanted to kill Wei Ting too. However, according to our style, the Wei family didn’t receive the ransom, so how could we not let this guy die, so we got him into the well. went!"

Wang Yi smiled!

"Very good! Where is Wei Fuling?"

"She was here, and the Zhou family didn't dare to move her!"

"Huh! The Zhou family is not a lunatic. If Wei Fuling is moved, the two families will have a great feud! Now, we can look forward to the performance of the Wei Patriarch!"



Weijia Building!

Wei Qifeng sat at his desk, staring blankly at the sky on the thirty-sixth floor!

The sun was shining right now, but Wei Qifeng only felt that the sky was cloudy!

Since the Zhou family learned that he secretly contacted Jiang Fan, several of the most profitable listed companies of the Wei family have been cheated inexplicably!

Not to mention the sharp decline in stock prices, the head of one of the companies was even exposed to a scandal, and the image of the entire company plummeted!

If it's just that, it's okay, after all, it doesn't matter to lose a little money!

But then, several fourteenth-levels of the Wei family were directly sapped!

Two of them had broken legs, and one hapless guy was doing great health care, and he was almost scrapped by the technician who served him!

Needless to say, all of this must have been done by the Zhou family!

It is a pity that Wei Qifeng dare not retaliate against them at all!

Don't even dare to publicize it!

Who told him to do things in an innocent way, poke the Zhou family's backbone behind his back?

All this is what he deserves!

Therefore, Wei Qifeng, who was full of grievances and stubborn prostate, directly blamed all this on Jiang Fan!

If it weren't for this **** to draw his salary from the bottom, how could he be so miserable!

So that his current reputation in the family has begun to decline!

And just last night, he suddenly received news that Jiang Fan was violating Hancheng and extorting the Li family!

For a while, Wei Qifeng was overjoyed!

This idiot went to blackmail the Li family for money!

It's just looking for death!

Even if he didn't sleep all night, he was waiting for the news that Jiang Fan was killed!

However, after waiting for a night, news of Jiang Fan was not received, but news of the bad luck of the Zhou family spread throughout the circle!

And just four hours ago, someone reported that they saw Jiang Fan and Li Chengquan talking and laughing at Hancheng Airport!

For a moment, Wei Qifeng felt that his world had collapsed!

This bastard!

Is he immortal or is his luck against the sky?

It can survive!

If I knew this, I should have sent someone to bring my daughter back last night!

Unfortunately, there is only one opportunity. Wei Qifeng knew that he had missed it again!

At this moment, he looked at the phone on the table with a gloomy face!

After hesitating for a long time, he finally picked up the phone, and then entangled in dialing Jiang Fan's number!

The phone rang for a long time, and Wei Qifeng's heart followed!

Finally, the phone was picked up!

"Hey! Jiang Fan!"

Wei Qifeng hurriedly spoke!

"Yeah? Isn't this Patriarch Wei? Is there anything wrong?"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Don't talk nonsense! Jiang Fan! This is not dead, you are really dead!"

"Hehe, who made me lucky? Is Patriarch Wei here to congratulate you?"

"Congratulations to your sister! Jiang Fan, you let my daughter go quickly, otherwise the grandmaster of my Wei family will surely step down to Los Angeles!"

"Come on, Wei Qifeng, don't you have a B-face? You are still bragging with me at this time, okay, I am waiting for your grandmaster!"

Jiang Fan said he was going to hang up the phone!

"and so on!"

Wei Qifeng screamed in a hurry!

"Jiang Fan, I, I admit that I was wrong, what do you want?"

"Hehe, Patriarch Wei, by now, you must have suffered a lot of Zhou's losses, right?"

Jiang Fan answered the wrong question!


Wei Qifeng was silent for a moment before he confessed!

"Your Wei family has suffered so much, don't you want to retaliate?"

"Retaliation? It's easy for you to say. This is my Wei family's failure. If you retaliate, this thing will only get worse—you! Do you just want to—"

Wei Qifeng's voice suddenly rose up, even more unbelievable!

Jiang Fan actually wanted his Wei family and Zhou family to go to war!

"Yes! You want to use me to attack the Zhou family, but I also want to use you to attack the Zhou family!"

"Jiang Fan! You, you are too mean!"

"Both each other! Patriarch Wei, if you don't provoke me at first, you won't be used by me, right?"

"Jiang Fan, don't dream of it! It is impossible for the two wealthy families to start a war so easily! Although the Zhou family secretly made several moves, they are all limited!"

"That's why I need you to do it to expand the battle!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"You! You are crazy!"

Wei Qifeng roared suddenly!

But Jiang Fan just sneered!

"Wei Qifeng, I said that if you want to deal with me, you have to pay the price!"

"Don't you think that the abolition of a few listed companies and a few masters in your area is even if it is revenge?"

"You, I think Jiang Fan...too simple!"

"You only have one choice now, which is to shoot against the Zhou family!"

"If you don't do it, I promise, the anger the Zhou family received in Hancheng will definitely vent to you!"

Jiang Fan's tone is full of playfulness!

"What are you kidding? What does the Zhou family's loss in Hancheng have to do with me?"

Wei Qifeng shouted angrily!

"That's too simple. I only said that you secretly sent a few masters from the Wei family to Hancheng to assist me, and all of this is just a conspiracy of you and me to set up the Zhou family!

"You! Jiang Fan, you are really crazy! Will the Zhou family believe in such a thing?"

"Of course the Zhou family won't believe it! But they just need to have a vent! After all, this morning they were stricken by Yu's stomach, with your Wei family's punching bag, you guessed it. What will they do?"

Jiang Fan laughed!

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