God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1077: Public opinion exploded

In the ensuing time, with the efforts of various forces, the entire China is boiling!

"The video is real?"

"Don't be led to the rhythm! How could Yaomen do such a thing?"

"The saint of Nima upstairs! I know that person, Qian Xiangchuan, the original principal of Peicheng of Yaomen!"

"Hehe, he is now promoted, and he is the head of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Northern Branch of Medicine Gate!"

"It turned out to be true! Is Yaomen so arrogant now?"

"Coordinates in Luocheng, this Qian Xiangchuan is going to catch, but our medicine gate elder Sun Chuanyi in Los Angeles!"

"I know that Mrs. Sun is very good. He cured my grandma's stroke!"

"Is there any emperor who broke the news, what is going on in this matter?"

A group of melon-eating crowds originally watched a few second-tier stars tear up, and were directly stunned by the sudden appearance of the big melon!

"I know, I was there at the time!"

"Qian Xiangchuan and these people don't know why, they are coming to Los Angeles to arrest Doctor Sun!"

"As a result, when I drove to Honghe Street, I ran into an uncle who was buying groceries!"

"Qian Xiangchuan and others had to say that the uncle was in touch with porcelain in order to avoid responsibility!"

"Later, I was even more afraid of taking responsibility and wanted to kill this uncle!"

"It happened that Dr. Sun passed by here and saved the uncle!"

"Qian Xiangchuan slandered the two as a gang! Want to take Dr. Sun away!"

"A group of us stopped, but Qian Xiangchuan actually instigated his subordinates to attack us. A kind-hearted man was stabbed directly by Qian Xiangchuan's subordinates, and everyone was gone!"

"In the end, the uncle took out a certificate of honor to prove his innocence, and then after the police arrived, Qian Xiangchuan absconded in fear of crime!"

A narrative post was directly pushed up!

The message below broke 10,000 in an instant!

"Yes, that's true after watching the video!"

"That uncle still moved the top ten outstanding figures in Los Angeles!"

"This Qian Xiangchuan is too shameless! It's simply not worthy of being a human being!"

"Huh! Don't talk about Qian Xiangchuan, how many good people are there in Yaomen?"

"Why did Qian Gouwei arrest Doctor Sun?"

"I know, it is said that it was because someone reported that Sun Chuanyi didn't save people!"

"Fart! Doctor Sun's reputation is known throughout Los Angeles!"

"Upstairs I don't know how to say, this Qian Xiangchuan and Sun Chuanyi had an antagonism very early. This is because they are now in power and want to harm Dr. Sun! Entering me is meager, and there is concrete evidence!"

Soon, more fierce revelations appeared!

"This Qian Xiangchuan was actually put to death!"

"And he was expelled from Yaomen long ago!"

"It was his son who married the niece of a big figure in Yaomen, and he was turned out by nepotism!"

"And as soon as he came out, he became the principal of Peicheng Yaomen!"

"Now he is even the chief of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Northern Branch of Yaomen!"

With countless revelations, the people who eat melons are suddenly shocked!

"God! This kind of quack who kills people can actually get to this position by nepotism!"

"If such a person is in power, in the future, the medicine gate will not all become related households?"

"Who would dare to seek medical treatment in the future?"

"You can't say that. People like Dr. Sun are good doctors!"

"But such a good person is going to be taken away by this shameless villain!"

"Yaomen allows such a mad dog to come out and bite people, the inside must be rotten!"

"This incident was originally because the person in charge of the Northern Branch received Qian Xiangchuan's benefits, so that he came out to arrest people! Click on my picture, there is a photo of Qian Xiangchuan sent by the media before giving a gift!"

"Fuck! The person in charge of this northern branch is not a good bird!"

In this era of explosion of public opinion, the most lacking is the melon-eating crowd with infinite exploration spirit!

With the continuous fermentation of public opinion, many internal black materials that were not mastered by various forces have actually been dug out!

"The person in charge of the northern branch of Yaomen is called Chaihu! This person is not of good character, and the disciples of Yaomen and girls have said that they have been harassed by him before!"

"It's over forty, and I still learn from others to make appointments!"

"He himself has dual nationality, and his son's money from the medicine gate is studying abroad in Citigroup! But the little beast account is all slander Huaxia!"

"Fuck! Yaomen directly cultivated a Muyang dog?"

"The children of high-level figures are so virtuous, no wonder it's so bad!"


The overwhelming public opinion brought a flood of terror on Yaomen!

In just one hour, the stocks of Yaomen's subsidiaries have fallen by more than 40%, which is equivalent to being cut in half!

And certain foreign chaebols actually started to take advantage of the trend!

A large number of frightened investors began to sell their stocks desperately!

And at this moment, a few inexplicable forces took action, and they actually started to take advantage of the opportunity to eat a lot!

The other party's financial resources seem to be endless, like a hungry whale, the scattered stocks in the world have been eaten up to 50% in a short time!

When all the forces reacted, the other party had already withdrawn away!

However, the stock crash can only be regarded as a trauma to the current medicine, and the scandals that continue to burst are the most terrible thing!

Qian Xiangchuan is just the beginning, and the person in charge of the northern branch is just another unlucky person. The most important thing is that the powerful people who eat melons actually took Qian Xiangchuan’s son and the deputy head of the medicine. Take it out!



Yaomen North Branch!

Chaihu's eyes were dull as he watched the shocking news constantly popping up on his phone. The whole person was almost like a fish that had been dehydrated for a long time, and the strength to move it disappeared!

That's it!

That deputy sect master will definitely be fine, and he will definitely become the last scapegoat for this matter!

"Qian Xiangchuan!!"

Chaihu gritted his teeth, almost squeezing the name out of his teeth!

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that this is a deliberate operation, otherwise the attack on the medicine gate will never be controlled so well!

It's just limited to him, Qian Xiangchuan and his son, and the deputy master!

However, he has no hatred for the man behind the organization of this incident!

He hates only Qian Xiangchuan!

If it wasn't for this idiot who had to have trouble with Sun Chuanyi, how could he give people an opportunity to take advantage of it, and how could such a big thing happen!

"Qian Xiangchuan, **** Nima! You bastard! It took me so much effort to climb to the position of the head of the northern branch!"

"But now, today, all this is ruined!"

Chaihu roared suddenly!

Smash the phone in one hand!

And at this moment!


The knock on the door suddenly sounded!

Then, a nice female secretary walked in lightly!

"Minister Chai, there is someone from Yaowanggu!"

"Is it here to punish me? Let them in!"

Chaihu gave a wry smile and waved his hand weakly!

"Haha, Shibabe, just a little rumors, why are you acting like this?"

Before Chaihu's hand was put down, a clear and somewhat magnetic voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a handsome man in his thirties, with a tall stature, walked in directly!

But when he saw this person, Chaihu suddenly roared!

"Qian Zhenxin! You **** dare to come!"

This person is the person in charge of Yaomen Yaowanggu, Qihuayicaoge, and Qian Xiangchuan's son, Qian Wenxin!

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