God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1078: I became a wanted criminal

Seeing Chaihu look angry, Qian Zhenxin smiled lightly!

"Shibabe, I know you are angry with my father, but things are already like this, even if you kill our father and son, nothing will change!"

"Little bastard! I shouldn't have listened to Huang Fulong's words at the time! Let your dad come to work in the Northern Branch!"

Chaihu's expression is so gloomy!

Huang Fulong is one of the three deputy masters of Yaomen, the uncle of Qian's wife, and Qian's greatest patron!

The medicinal gate is respected by the gatekeeper, followed by three deputy gatekeepers as auxiliary. Huaxia is divided into four parts, and each branch integrates multiple locations, and each elder is responsible for opening the museum and giving treatment!

Speaking of which, as the person in charge of the Northern Branch, Chaihu can be regarded as a great official in Xinjiang!

Of course, this is only the right composition of the medicine door. In fact, among the medicine door, the status of the door owner is higher than that of Bupleurum, and it is by no means a minority!

"Haha, Shibabe, as I said just now, it's too late to say anything. There is obviously an expert plan behind this incident. I'm here to tell what the uncle meant!"

"What can I say? It's nothing more than the one that made me commit the crime! Don't worry, I know how to do it, and I don't need you to teach it!"

Chaihu sneered!

"Shibebe willing to cooperate is naturally the best. Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. From now on, you will be yours!"


Chaihu stood up suddenly!

From the perspective of outsiders, the Sifang branch of Yaomen is absolutely beautiful!

But only insiders know that in Yaowanggu, some are better than this!

The Strange Flower and Grass Pavilion is one of them!

As the name suggests, this place is planted with exotic flowers and weeds, and it is the largest herbal cultivation site in Yaomen!

Many of these powerful herbs have become extinct, and each one is expensive!

The most important thing is that many of the people in this position are extremely powerful cultivators!

Those magical characters may not be strong, the various methods available are simply incredible!

Being able to exchange the position of the person in charge of the northern branch for the pavilion owner of this strange flower and grass pavilion, not only does not lose money, it is definitely a profit!

However, this position has been firmly held by Huang Fulong's first line. If he takes over, he will definitely be labeled as Huang Fulong's first line!

However, compared to future interests, even if you stand in line now, it is nothing great!

"You, are you actually willing to hand over the strange flower and grass pavilion?"

Chaihu was shocked!

"Of course! Shibbe, oh, you should be called the master of Pavilion Chai! Of course you are so intrigued, uncle will not treat you badly!"

Qian Yanxin smiled slightly!

"This, this...haha! Thank you, Deputy Sect Master Huang! Thank you Brother Qian!"

Bupleurum looks overjoyed!

But he reacted immediately!

"Who will take over the northern branch? Is it you?"

"Of course it can't be me!"

"Frankly speaking, you didn't belong to any faction before. Now that you have taken the Pavilion of Wonderful Flowers and Herbs, you are truly an uncle's person!"

"Others will never allow us to occupy the northern branch again!"

"But we can't occupy it, and of course we can't let other factions take advantage of it, so the next person in charge of the northern branch can only be someone who does not belong to any faction!"

"And when the situation stabilizes, is the time for our departments to truly compete for this position!"

Qian Yanxin smiled slightly!

"Yes! It should be like this!"

Chaihu nodded, but immediately looked at Qian Jianxin curiously!

"Then, what about you?"

"Me? Haha... for the time being, we are not in a hurry, the black hand behind the scenes has caused such a huge loss. The most important thing for me now is to find him first!"

Qian Zhenxin looked ruthless!

The fierce light in the eyes and Chaihu were shocked!

"Pavilion Master Chai, when the matter is over, I should go too! Just concentrate on doing the next thing!"

Qian Zhenxin suddenly smiled!

"no problem!"

Chaihu nodded repeatedly!

And Qian Zhenxin has left his office in strides!

At this moment, outside the office, there have long been two undisclosed elderly people waiting here!

These two old men are masters of Huang Fulong's men, Huang Zhao, Huang Mu!

Even in Medicine King Valley, they are ruthless characters!

This time, Qian Zhenxin's task is not only to deliver news to Chaihu, but also to lead these two masters to find the black hand behind this incident!

If you dare to attack Yaomen, no matter who the opponent is, there is only one dead end!

Qian Yanxin left the office and waved directly at the two!




"...Dear viewers, according to the clues provided by the police, the following photo is of the suspect Qian Xiangchuan! For those who provide clues, the police will provide 50,000 yuan as a reward for reporting!"

"In addition, this station reminds the audience that criminal suspects are frantic and extremely dangerous. Please be prepared to protect yourself and not blindly arrest them while reporting them!"

"Next, let's review the case! At 1:35 this afternoon, on Honghe Street..."


Looking at the screen on the big screen on the side of the street, Qian Xiangchuan in the hat hit the wall with a fist!

"Asshole! Sun Chuanyi, this old guy must have done it! I must kill him!"

"Deputy Hall Master, now is not the time to trouble Sun Chuanyi, too many people are staring at us!"

"Yes, the top priority is to rush back to the northern branch!"

Li Yuan and Zhao Wen spoke at the same time!

Their current attire is similar to Qian Xiangchuan, they both wear hats and look like passersby!

The two of them now wish to kill Qian Xiangchuan, because of this old bastard, they are now famous together!

Ever since I was young, I’ve never been like a street mouse before, and I’ve been so scared!

However, they are also cursing in their hearts, but they dare not directly attack Qian Xiangchuan. Who will let people have a good son?

"Go back to the northern branch? How do you go back? Now I have become a wanted criminal! The sky and the earth are all surveillance!"

Qian Xiangchuan couldn't help but roar directly!

next moment!

"Hey hey hey hey!"

"Isn't this the wanted criminal?"

"Qian Xiangchuan! It's him!"

"Grab him! This kind of beast with a stubborn life, absolutely can't let him go!"

The crowd cried out and rushed straight up!

This idiot!

Li Yuan and Zhao Wen can't wait to kick this idiot to death!

However, the two still grabbed Qian Xiangchuan and ran away abruptly!

The tenth level of speed is simply faster than lightning for normal people!

Soon, several people got rid of the chase of the crowd and stopped in a small alley!

"Damn damn!"

Qian Xiangchuan was very embarrassed, shocked and scared!

At this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly his cell phone rang!

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