Qian Xiangchuan was taken aback, and then found out that it was actually his son calling!

"Son! Are you in Los Angeles?"

"Just getting on the plane, it can be at most two hours!"

Qian Zhenxin's voice sounded!

They took a private jet of Medicine Gate, which was much faster than ordinary civil aviation!

"That's good! That's good!"

"Dad, how are you now? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay! Li Yuan and Zhao Wen are here! But Sun Chuanyi is too disgusting, this old guy actually wanted me! I was chased by a bunch of garbage! When you come, you must help me get revenge!"

"We'll talk about revenge. Now Sun Chuanyi has become a public figure. If you move him, not only us, but the whole medicine gate will be in great trouble!"

"Huh? Then, let him live so well?"

"No way, let me talk after this period of time! I will go this time, on the one hand, to rescue you, on the other hand, to find the black hand behind the operation!"

"Okay, anything will do, anyway, hurry up and save me!"

Qian Xiangchuan said, directly hung up the phone!

"Hehehe, when my son comes, Sun Chuanyi, I--"

Qian Xiangchuan's imagination has just begun, right now!

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded from a distance!

"Huh? I'm finished talking so soon? I still count on you to talk a few more words!"

In the next moment, an old man almost like a skeleton has suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley!

When I saw this old man, Li Yuan and Zhao Wen's scalp exploded!

To them, the terrifying wave of the opponent's twelfth level peak is almost like a landslide and tsunami!

"You, who are you?"

Qian Xiangchuan was trembling in shock, and asked with a look of fear!

"Introduce myself, I am a guide for the undead, a believer in the Demon God of Death, and even Master Jiang Fan's most loyal servant and lackey, a little necromancer, Curtis!"

The Necromancer spoke slowly with a sinister smile!


And at this moment, in Tu Kang's house!

Tu Kang and Sun Chuanyi both looked at Jiang Fan in horror and admiration!

They couldn't imagine it, but simply acting in a play would have such a terrifying impact on Yaomen!

"Teacher, we, we just released a video, how could it have such a big impact?"

Sun Chuanyi looked shocked!

"It's very simple, because there are too many unlucky people who want to see the medicine!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Yaomen has captured too many benefits over the years, invisible, it has long attracted countless people's jealousy!"

"Unfortunately, facing the medicine gate, they have no way to start!"

"And now, this video we released is undoubtedly the best opportunity for them!"

"To put it simply, I just used this video to make some noise on the giant ship of Medicine Gate, and they used this noise to cover up desperately to dig holes under the ship!"

"Otherwise, how could this news spread so quickly? So that the public relations of Medicine Gate would not have time to respond?"

The two of Sun Chuanyi were stunned!

"You, are you using them to fuel the flames and use your strength?"


Jiang Fan nodded!

"You remember, in this era, public opinion is inevitably profitable!"

"But, but it's done like this, teacher, isn't it a bit of a big game?"

Sun Chuanyi was full of cold sweat!

"Nonsense, how can you get the sweetness if you don't make it bigger? What's more, this is just an appetizer!"

Jiang Fan took a sip of the juice and smiled slightly!

"Open, appetizer?!"

Both Sun Chuanyi and Tu Kang stared out!

"Yaomen is now a loss on the stock market alone, no less than tens of billions! The blow to reputation is even more deadly! This, is this an appetizer?"

Tu Kang looked incredible!

"Otherwise? My ultimate goal is the northern branch of Yaomen. Compared with this, a little money and reputation is not an appetizer!"

Jiang Fan shrugged!


The two opened their eyes again!

The heart is about to jump out!

Northern branch!

At the Heisei Medical Center, the teacher really wasn't just talking about it!

He is actually playing the idea of ​​the Northern Division!

But, how is this possible!

Sun Chuanyi looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

"Old, teacher, you, are you kidding me?"

"Do I seem to be joking?"

"No, it's not like..."

"Of course not! You can try to think about what will happen next?"

Sun Chuanyi look at each other!

"Unlucky for Qian Xiangchuan?"


Jiang Fan sighed!

"I set up such a big stage. If I only dealt with Qian Xiangchuan, it would be too fussy!"

"Let me tell you briefly! This time the public opinion fermented too fast and too fiercely, even if the medicine gate comes out to refute the rumors, it is useless!"

"What's more, this video has completely nailed this matter to death! They have no room to stand up!"

"So as long as Yaomen is not stupid, the smartest thing to do now is to apologize to the public and then deal with Qian Xiangchuan quickly!"

"But simply dealing with Qian Xiangchuan can't quell popular anger at all!"

"So they still need a scapegoat with enough weight, and Chaihu, the current head of the Northern Branch, is undoubtedly the best choice!"

The hearts of the two trembled at the same time!

"Old, teacher, but Huang Fulong is the biggest..."

"Huang Fulong don't think about it! Yaomen is absolutely impossible to deal with him!"

Sun Chuanyi was interrupted by Jiang Fan before he finished speaking!

"A deputy sect master, the interest system he represents behind him is too huge! Even the medicine sect master dare not move him easily!"

"Don't say it's him, even if it's Bupleurum, I'm afraid he will pick it up and put it down gently. Maybe, the medicine gate will give him a better position as compensation!"

"If I'm right, I'm afraid it has already started! Next, Chaihu should apologize and resign as the head of the Northern Branch!"

Jiang Fan's tone is unusually determined!

And at this moment!

"Ding Dong!"

A push message popped out directly from Tu Kang's phone!

"Chaihu, the head of the North Branch of Yaomen, apologizes!"

Tu Kang clicked and took a look, his whole body was stunned!

Sun Chuanyi took a look at his mobile phone and was even more stunned!

"Chaihu expressed inadequate supervision, apologized to the society, and resigned at the same time?"

Jiang Fan's prediction has come true directly!

Then what he said about controlling the northern branch, isn't it, really?

For an instant, the two felt that a chill rushed directly from under their feet!

Jiang Fan, is it really omniscient and omnipotent?

"But teacher, even if Chaihu steps down, I won't be in that position!"

Sun Chuanyi finally calmed down and said!

"Of course it's not your turn! And even if it's your turn, I won't let you do this position!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"Huh? Why?"

Sun Chuanyi looked puzzled!

"Because you don't have that brain!"

Jiang Fan is not polite!

"The Northern Branch is a prince of a party. Not only does it have to be superb medical skills, this person must also be able to judge the situation, and be exquisite!"

"Yes, but isn't this the equivalent of making a wedding dress for someone else?"

"No! This involves Chaihu's next position!"

"He has resigned, what position can he have?"

"No! You are wrong!"

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