Jiang Fan's eyes seemed to see through Tianyu, and he saw the future!

"Strictly speaking, Bupleurum is not a member of Huang Fulong's line, and Huang Fulong must compensate him for being implicated this time!"

"Affected by public opinion, coupled with the internal operation of the caring people, Qian Zhenxin's position may be like a needle on a needle!"

"So the best result is that Chaihu took over Qian Zhenxin's fat difference! That is, the Yaomen's, the strange flower and strange grass pavilion!"

"At this time, even if Chaihu is not a member of Huang Fulong, he will be labeled as him!"

"And in order to balance the forces inside the medicine gate, the person in charge of the northern branch will definitely not have the turn of the Huang Fulong line to sit!"

"And Huang Fulong certainly doesn't want others to take advantage of this opportunity, so the greatest possibility is that this person will not belong to any department!"

Jiang Fan's analysis is as insightful, but Sun Chuanyi has become more confused!

"Teacher, what does this have to do with me?"

"It's a big deal!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"If he doesn't belong to any department, it means he is helpless!"

"It also means that he is very likely to be just a temporary substitute!"

"If there is someone who can help him sit down at this time, do you think he will desperately grab this olive branch?"


Tu Kang spoke first without hesitation!

"But teacher, who has such great ability?"

Sun Chuanyi is still confused!

But Jiang Fan raised his hand and pointed at him!



Sun Chuanyi looked dumbfounded!

"Yes! It's you!"

"Affected by public opinion, after the punishment is finished, of course it is the turn to reward!"

"The most effective way to eliminate scandals is never to explain and argue, but to clean up!"

"Your Sun Chuanyi's'righteous words without fear of danger' represent exactly the spirit of Yaomen!"

"Unless they are all idiots, Yaomen will definitely spare no effort to publicize your deeds! To stabilize people's hearts, and also add luster to Yaomen! And the trend of public opinion that we will guide next is the same!"

"At this time, if you extend an olive branch to him, the meaning is extraordinary!"

"As long as he can be **** with you, by virtue of the powerful public opinion effect you bring, it means that he is sitting in this position!"

"And what you can bring to him is far more than just this position, as well as the immense strength that I represent!"

"Of course, whether he can seize the opportunity or not depends on him!"

"If this person is not interesting, then I have to trouble it a bit and continue to change people! Haha..."

Jiang Fan smiled like a kind old grandmother!

But Sun Chuanyi and Tu Kang only think that he is now Grandma Wolf!

The two of them felt as if they had been poured with a bucket of ice water in the winter, and they felt chills all over!

Faintly, they seem to have seen what will happen in the future!

In the end, that person will only become another piece of Jiang Fan's chess piece!

No one can think of it, Jiang Fan simply threw out a video to guide public opinion, but there is such a deep calculation behind it!

Is he the devil?


The two swallowed and spit at the same time!

"Teacher, but, the impact of this incident might not be so big in the end, right?"

"Well! Combining the factors I don't know, and uncertain factors, it's only 50% possible!"

Jiang Fan nodded without hesitation!

"Then, in this case, isn't it possible that we will get nothing?"

The two were stunned again!

But Jiang Fan was equally surprised!

"Why do you think so? Just increase the success rate?"


The two almost knelt down!

Worthy of being a teacher, this, this thought is really unbelievable!

As for the teacher, sure enough, he can't be considered with normal people's thinking!


"Teacher, even if everything develops according to your forecast, Yaomen will never let you go!"

Sun Chuanyi suddenly exclaimed!

Tu Kang's complexion changed drastically!


This is the most terrible point!

But Jiang Fan smiled extremely happily!

"Retaliation? No, no, no! It won't be long before they will have to give me medals!"

Medal? !

The two were completely dumbfounded!

At this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Master! Qian Xiangchuan caught it!"

Curtis's voice sounded directly!

"Very well, send him to Wang Xinxin!"


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan's smile was even brighter!

But Sun Chuanyi and Tu Kang were dumbfounded!

I don't even know why Jiang Fan did this!

Because of Jiang Fan's previous help, Wang Xinxin is now the head of the criminal police team!

Send it to Wang Xinxin, isn't it the same as sending it to the Public Security Bureau?

What a joke!

With the power of Yaomen, I'm afraid they won't be able to stay there for four hours!

But Jiang Fan didn't explain this time, but took a leisurely sip of juice and moaned expectantly!

"Ha! I can't wait to watch this great show! Get the car!"


Qian Xiangchuan looked into the distance with dull eyes!

At this moment, he was sitting on a chair, his hands were handcuffed to the table!

Opposite him is Wang Xinxin with a righteous look!

As for Li Yuan and Zhao Wen, because they were violently beaten by Curtis, they are now seriously injured and are recuperating in the hospital!

"Say! Why do you commit a crime in the street!"

Wang Xinxin's willow eyebrows were erected, and he shouted directly!

"I, I am not, I don't have..."

Qian Xiangchuan opened his mouth and barely groaned!

Just as he was talking, his tears flowed out unconvincingly!

He is the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall of Yaomen!

Always interrogate others!

But now, he is handcuffed and is being tried by the people!

This kind of strong heart gap made him collapse!

"No? No? What happened to this video! What happened to the injured Li Chengfu? What happened to the corpse in the hospital!"

Wang Xinxin slapped the table suddenly!


Qian Xiangchuan was stunned!

"That's right! It's the poor passerby who was killed by you in the street today!"

"No! It's impossible! That person was fine when he was sent away!"

"Yes! But after being sent to the hospital, he died of internal bleeding!"

"Dead, dead?"

Qian Xiangchuan was completely stunned!

He always thought that this was an exaggeration by the news, but it was really dead!

In fact, he only needs to think carefully and know that all of this must be false, and Jiang Fan must have stolen the beam and changed the post, and found a corpse to frame him!

After all, Jiang Fan was rushing to harm Qian Xiangchuan. How can he really kill him?

But Qian Xiangchuan was shocked and frightened, and his brain was already down!

At the medicine gate, let alone one person, there are ten people, so what can he do if he kills them!

But, it's different now!

This is in full view!

Especially, it is equivalent to being in front of all Chinese people!

That's it!

For the sake of reputation, Yaomen will never protect itself!

I will definitely be shot!

When the time comes, the brain will be sprayed all over the sky!

The point is, I was wronged!

I was framed!

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