God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1081: Broadcasting loudspeaker in the village

"Comrade police! You, listen to me! It's not me! It's really not me! I was wronged! I was wronged!"

Qian Xiangchuan burst into tears for a moment, his big nose running down his chin!

"Dare to quibble! Be lenient in confession and strict in resistance! Qian Xiangchuan! Immediately explain your affairs! Otherwise--"

Before Wang Xinxin finished speaking, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly opened!

"Captain, Qian Xiangchuan's lawyer is here!"


Wang Xinxin was startled, then her face sank!

"The evidence is conclusive. What is the use of his lawyers? Really think we are the idiots in Citi? Let the criminals go and let them continue to harm people?

"Captain, I said hello from above, look..."

The man lowered his voice!

"...Forget it, let the lawyer come over! Let's go!"

Wang Xinxin frowned slightly, and finally nodded!


Following the departure of Wang Xinxin, the door of the interrogation room was opened again after a while!

Immediately afterwards, Qian Jianxin, with a smile on his face, walked in directly with Huang Zhaohuangmu!

at the same time!

Wang Xinxin, who was standing at the door to breathe, suddenly saw someone walking by the door!

"Jiang Fan?"

Wang Xinxin was startled!

Although the two contacted occasionally, they haven't seen each other for a long time!

Whenever she saw Jiang Fan, a smile suddenly appeared on her face!

"How did you come?"

"The thief in the house, I'll report the crime!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile!

"The thief in the house, why are you so happy? Also, you should call 110 for this kind of thing. Even if you come to report the crime in person, you should go to the security team. We are only in charge of criminal cases!"

Wang Xinxin's face is covered in circles!

"Ah? Really? I don't know!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Forget it, I'll help you ask a colleague, come in with me!"

Wang Xinxin took Jiang Fan directly into the building!

However, just after entering, Jiang Fan suddenly stopped in the corridor!

"In front, it should be the interrogation room?"

"Hmm! What's the matter?"

Wang Xinxin nodded, and then looked at Jiang Fan with curiosity!

"The murderer from the medicine gate should be here, right?"

"Yeah! How did you know?"

Wang Xinxin looked surprised!

at the same time!

In the interrogation room!


As soon as he saw Qian Zhenxin, Qian Xiangchuan was stunned!

Then wailed loudly!

"Son! You are finally here! Help me!"

"I don't want to be shot! I don't want to die!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I finally became a big figure in the medicine door, I haven't enjoyed enough!"

"I still want to add a younger brother to you!"

"Save me! Must save me!"

Qian Zhenxin, who was originally smiling, froze on his face!


Is this really human?

It's all like this now, and you want to add a brother to me?

You are really old and not old!

And Huang Zhao Huang Mu is even more disgusted, Qian Xiangchuan's kind of stuff is really superfluous to save him!

After taking a deep breath, Qian Jianxin finally stabilized his mind!

"Dad, calm down! Since I'm here, you must be fine!"

"Really, really?"

"Of course it's true! It's just that you can't show up during this time!"

"But it's okay. Those netizens are called Huan, but they are very forgetful. As long as you buy a hot search and let a few stardoms hype, they will forget all these things!"

"At that time, it will not affect us at all!"

Qian Yanxin smiled proudly!

"That's good! That's good!"

Qian Xiangchuan looked overjoyed!

"After I go out, I must cramp Sun Chuanyi! And that Jiang Fan! This incident must have something to do with him! If you don't kill him, it's hard to get rid of my hatred!"

Qian Xiangchuan looked ruthless!

"Jiang Fan? Is that the person who did you last time?"

Qian Yanxin frowned!

"That's right! That's him! That kid seems to be very powerful in Los Angeles, this time, it definitely has nothing to do with him!"

"Hehe, that's good, it seems that we have a way to track down the black hand behind the scenes!"

Qian Yanxin smiled slightly and waved directly!

Huang Zhao immediately took a step forward and tore Qian Xiangchuan's handcuffs to pieces!

"Let's go! I have already said hello, and someone else will handle the follow-up matters!"

Qian Yanxin said, get out of the room first!

Qian Xiangchuan hurried to keep up!

It's just that when they arrived in the corridor, several people were startled at the same time!

At the corner not far from them, a very handsome man was looking at them with a smile!

And beside the man, it was Wang Xinxin who was in charge of the interrogation just now!

At this moment, Wang Xinxin is looking back at Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan, why don't you leave?"

"Jiang Fan?"

Hearing Wang Xinxin's voice, Qian Zhenxin suddenly frowned!

And Qian Xiangchuan already cheered happily!

"Yes! It's him! Jiang Fan! You are here!"

When Wang Xinxin heard the voices of the two, she was shocked!

"Qian Xiangchuan? Who released you?"

Several people were stunned at the same time!

However, Qian Zhenxin immediately reacted. It seems that this woman still doesn't know that they have completed the formalities!

He was about to explain, but at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth!

Then, he suddenly took a deep breath and suddenly yelled!

"Not good~~! Someone is robbing prisoners~~~~!!!"

Jiang Fan's voice is almost louder than the big horn broadcast in the village!

Almost in an instant, the doors of several rooms not far away opened at the same time, and seven or eight men who were working directly ran out!

"What's the matter? What happened?"

"Huh? Isn't this the Qian Xiangchuan who just caught him?"

"How did he run out?"

"Who are you guys!"

A group of people are in professional habit and directly took out their pistols, deterring a few people!

At this moment, in fact, as long as Qian Zhenxin can continue to explain, the situation is still under control, but Jiang Fan has a tick at the corner of his mouth, and a ray of intangible matter is suddenly pointed at Huang Zhao!

Although Huang Zhao and Huang Mu are powerful, they are only level 13!

But Jiang Fan is a super master who can kill the fourteenth level peak alone!

Although this wisp of wind was just random, but Huang Zhao's scared scalp almost exploded in an instant!

Almost without even thinking about it, I tried my best to blast out a wave of power!



The palm force collided with Jiang Fan's finger wind, and it was as if a bomb was detonated in the corridor!

The fierce air wave not only smashed the lights in the hallway, but also directly blasted a few men into the air!

"heads up!"

Jiang Fan exclaimed and rushed out!

I saw him rushing in front of a few flying policemen, catching them one after another, and in the end he spun in the air and gently put the last policeman on the ground!

And until this time, Qian Zhenxin and others hadn't reacted at all!

"Go away! These robbers are martial arts masters! Go and find support!"

Jiang Fan yelled, and then directly glared at Qian Zhenxin and the others with a bewildered look!

"In broad daylight, the universe! You dare to come here to rob people, it's crazy! For justice! I, Jiang Fan, fight with you!"

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