God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1082: There is also a limit to the lack of heart and eyes

Qian Zhenxin and the others were at a loss!

They have never been so dumb in their lives!


Come to the criminal police team to rob people?

What's so special about this!

But the few people hadn't reacted yet, Jiang Fan had already roared, bursting out his strength suddenly!

For a moment!

An aura of terror like a landslide and tsunami, instantly locked Huang Zhao and Huang Mu!

"Not good! It's a master!"

"Pavilion Master! Run!"

Huang Zhao and Huang Mu suddenly screamed, almost desperately rushing towards Jiang Fan!

"Boom boom!"

A few people rallied in an instant!

Contrary to Huang Zhao and Huang Mu's expectation, they had been determined to stop Jiang Fan with a mortal determination, but although Jiang Fan's aura was strong, his fists were soft, and he didn't have much strength at all!

The two were overjoyed, and their shots became more vicious!

And Qian Zhenxin almost didn't think too much, so he subconsciously took Qian Xiangchuan and ran back!

Behind him is a wall. Although Qian Zhenxin is not strong, he still has nine levels!

He blasted out a palm, directly blasting a hole in the wall, and ran away with Qian Xiangchuan!

Jiang Fan's aura is too strong, if he continues to stay here, he will definitely die!

damn it!

How could this guy be so tyrannical?

He had done bail for Qian Xiangchuan himself, and now he was trying to escape for his life, so he ran faster than lightning!

But in the eyes of outsiders, this series of pictures just now is not like this at all!

First, Jiang Fan discovered Qian Xiangchuan who had been taken out privately, and then, a group of criminals who were found outrageously attacked the police officers who were warning the guns!

Jiang Fan rescued a group of criminal police at the moment of his death, but the two gangsters were brutal and aggressive, and they shot Jiang Fan directly!

The last person managed to escape with Qian Xiangchuan!

Seeing Qian Zhenxin escape, a group of police finally reacted!

"Hurry up!"

"This group of medicinemen is so rampant!"

"We actually came to our police force to rob people!"

"Never let them go!"

"If this murderer is allowed to run out, I don't know how many people will suffer!"

"That little brother, hold on! Our support will be here soon!"

A group of police officers roared!

"Don't worry! As a good citizen, even if Jiang Fan fights this fate, I will never let go of these bad guys!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

Huang Zhao and Huang Mu were all stunned!

They suddenly reacted in an instant!

not good!

Was caught!

After contacting the front and rear pictures, this robber's matter is really completely settled!

"No! You listen to me—"

It's just that before the two of them finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly rushed forward with an open door!

good chance!

Huang Zhao and Huang Mu's eyes lit up, and at the same time they slapped Jiang Fan directly with their palms!

However, as soon as they hit Jiang Fan, their pupils suddenly shrank!

Infinite horror appeared in his eyes!

what happened!

When internal force hits his body, how does it seem to have penetrated into the universe?

But before the two of them could react, Jiang Fan's two punches had directly hit them!

In an instant, the two screamed suddenly!

But Jiang Fan's screams were even louder than them, and the whole person was flying upside down, suddenly spouting a mouthful of blood!

The last thought before Huang Zhao and Huang Mu passed out was--

This kid obviously has nothing to do, so why pretend to vomit blood?


The three fell to the ground almost at the same time!

A group of police stunned!

Then, two people rushed directly and handcuffed Huang Zhao and Huang Mu, but the rest of them all rushed towards Jiang Fan!

"Little brother!"

"Brother, how are you?"

"You must not have an accident!"

"Yes! A good citizen like you can never die!"

And Wang Xinxin also rushed up!

"Jiang Fan! Jiang Fan! Don't scare me!"

Accompanied by everyone's exclamation, Jiang Fan finally slowly opened his eyes, and then barely stood up!

"Ahem, me, I'm fine!"

Jiang Fan gasped violently, and then coughed up another mouthful of blood!

The crowd who just watched exclaimed again!

However, Jiang Fan just wiped the blood from his mouth at random, and then looked directly at the wall that was smashed by Qian Zhenxin!

"I'm fine, I'll help you and chase the two murderers back!"


A group of police were shocked!

"Little brother! You are already injured!"

"Just leave it to us to chase prisoners!"

"Yes! Don't worry, we will never let them go!"

"No! Then, that person is a master, you are not an opponent, so you rush to catch up, what if something happens?"

Although Jiang Fan was shaking, his eyes were firm!

"You are all good policemen. You shouldn't be sacrificed in the hands of that cruel martial arts scum! Those two bastards, leave it to me!"

After saying this, Jiang Fan suddenly pushed away several detectives who were supporting him, stumbled and chased him out!

"Little brother!"

"Too, so touched!"

"Compared to that shameless Yaomen murderer, this little brother is simply a role model!"

"It's amazing!"

"Everyone cheers up, we must cooperate with Jiang Fan to catch those two **** back!"

Wang Xinxin roared even more in the end!


The eyes of a group of detectives are burning with raging flames!

And Jiang Fan chased after he vomited blood!

From where he passed, almost every camera captured the picture on his face!

I saw Jiang Fan frowning, his face was painful, and he would cough up a few patches of blood from time to time, but his eyes were always unyielding and firm!

Soon, at a bustling intersection, Jiang Fan finally stopped Qian Xiangchuan and his son!

"Qian Xiangchuan! Looking back is the shore! Even if you escape from prison now, you can't escape the punishment of the law!"

Jiang Fan gave a sigh of relief!

The crowds on both sides of the road were instantly attracted!

"Huh? Isn't that the murderer Qian Xiangchuan?"

"How did he get out?"

"Who is next to him?"

"Listen to this little brother, he has escaped from prison?"

"My God! This guy is too rampant!"

The crowd was shocked!

"You fart! I was released on bail!"

Qian Xiangchuan didn't have time to react and suddenly roared!


Jiang Fan was startled!

"Yes! I was proved, I am mentally ill! Son, show him the evidence!"

Qian Xiangchuan laughed triumphantly!

Humph, there are so many people now, even if Jiang Fan wants to disadvantage him, he dare not at all!

On the contrary, it is him. As long as the evidence of being released on bail is shown, the crowd will definitely turn towards him at that time!


As Qian Xiangchuan's voice just fell, Qian Zhenxin's face went down!


There is a limit to your lack of mind!

Talking about this at this time is simply looking for death!


next moment!

"Mental illness?"

"Yaomen will find a mental illness to be the master of the law enforcement hall?"

"Are you an idiot as the masses of our people?"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!


"It's shameless!"

"I don't know how to repent if I killed someone, and I want to use mental illness to escape the sanctions of the law!"

"The medicine gate is utterly bad!"

"Catch him! Never let this sinister villain go!"

The crowd was directly angry!

Rushed one after another!

And Jiang Fan is even more a tiger, directly holding Qian Zhenxin father and son!

The crowd even punched and kicked the two of them!

"Damn! Help!"

"Don't fight, don't fight!"

"I shouldn't escape from prison! I shouldn't say that I am mentally ill!"

"Uuuuu, I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

Qian Xiangchuan cried again!

And Qian Yanxin let his fists fall on him, and the whole person seemed to have been emptied of soul!

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