God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 108: I live live eating shit

"Lu He! You are the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, how can you do such a nasty thing! Do you know how heartbroken the teacher is?"

Jiang Fan, looking at Lu He who had already been beaten and **** off, said with sorrow!

"Actually, I want a female classmate's underwear! You, you are too much!"

Lu He, with a dull look!


Obviously you are the ultimate underwear BOSS, OK? I just want to use this thing to calculate you!

I have no fetishes!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan..."

Wu Chengliang said in a frightened voice: "You, are you yourself, should you reflect on it first?"

"What am I reflecting on?"

"Well, the Xue family said, you stole Miss Xue's underwear!"

Miao Yu whispered!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

when did it happen? Which style?

wrong! How can there be such a thing!

"Who said this?"

"Well, Tao Ping personally said to Ma Desheng in the morning! It is estimated that Fatty Ma should be reporting to the board of directors at this moment!"

As he was talking, the door of Class 3 was suddenly pushed open!

Ma Desheng walked in smugly! Behind him, Ning Changan and Tang Zhiyuan followed!

"Jiang Fan! You still have the face to stay at Blue Eagle!"

Ma Desheng, scolded loudly!

"I didn't do anything wrong, why can't I stay?"

"Huh! I don't know how to repent! Two directors, you see, Jiang Fan, there is no regret at all! This kind of person must not stay in Lanying!"

"Yes! As a teacher, it is shameless to steal clothes!"

Tang Zhiyuan nodded, looking at Jiang Fan with contempt!

"Jiang Fan, what do you want me to say about you! Alas! You are too impulsive!"

Ning Changan sighed!

"Ning Dong! What a pity for such a person! Let him get out of Blue Eagle quickly!"

"Yes! We must not let him stay and continue to ruin our Blue Eagle's reputation!"

"Get out! Get out of the blue eagle!"

"Yes! The teacher team should not be tarnished by this kind of stuff!"

At this moment, a group of teachers who were onlookers at the gate of Class Three were also excited!

"Jiang Fan, you also see, Lan Ying, there is really no way to continue to take you in! However, you were recruited by Principal Xia himself, so let's write a resignation letter by yourself. Principal Xia will look better too!"

Ning Changan said to Jiang Fan with a fake face!

Humph! With the resignation letter, it is equivalent to the fact that Jiang Fan steals underwear! On the board of directors, it happened to attack Xia Fanxing for an unknown reason!

Jiang Fan looked at a group of people with ghosts, and the corners of his mouth gradually aroused!

He really wants to leave Blue Eagle, but it will never be the reason!

"Director Ma! You said I stole underwear, is there any evidence?"


Ma Desheng was stunned!

"Humph, what the Xue family said is evidence!"

"What if the Xue family lied?"

"A joke! How could the Xue family lie! If they lie, then I, live streaming and eat shit!"

At this moment, in the distance, suddenly, Tao Ping's panicked voice sounded!

"Shao Jiang! Shao Jiang! Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Seeing Tao Ping running over, Ma Desheng was overjoyed!

He looked at Ning Chang'an and Tang Zhiyuan with piercing eyes: "Two directors, the witnesses are here! Just now, he personally told me that Jiang Fan stole underwear!"

Tang Zhiyuan immediately smiled triumphantly!

Humph! Jiang Fan, now, you don't need my Tang family to act, you are also dead!

But Ning Changan frowned, faintly feeling bad!

"Mr. Tao, you just came here! You..."

Ma Desheng greeted Tao Ping with excitement, but he just walked across to Tao Ping——

"Go away! Fatty pig!"

Ma Desheng was actually slapped out by Tao Ping!

Everyone was stunned!

But then, it's even more exaggerated!

When Tao Ping came to Jiang Fan, he suddenly bowed with his head almost touching the ground!

"Young Master Jiang! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

There was a dangerous light in Jiang Fan's eyes!

"If an apology is useful, what else do the police do?"

Young Master Jiang, are you angry?

Tao Ping was so scared that tears were coming down!

Suddenly, he had an idea!

"I'm sorry, Young Master Jiang! I shouldn't distort the facts and treat the underwear that my lady gave you as if you stole it!"


Ma Desheng, who had just gotten up, almost spurted out a mouthful of blood after hearing this!

What? Sent?

Others are also dumbfounded!

Completely dumbfounded!

Haha, didn't the young master say that Jiang Fan can't be offended? And depending on what he meant, he definitely hoped that the relationship with Jiang Fan would be as close as possible!

In this case, it is better to take advantage of the situation and let others think that Jiang Fan and our Xue family have an unclear relationship!

Hahaha! I'm such a genius!

Tao Ping was very excited!


"Jiang Fan, isn't the underwear thieves?"

"Miss Xue Jia, unexpectedly, took the initiative to give Jiang Fan underwear?"

"Use underwear as a token of love! Young people's thoughts are really unique!"

"Don't have any fun!"

"Teacher Jiang is really amazing!"

"Yes! Such a method is simply a role model for me waiting for single dogs!"

A group of teachers who watched the excitement looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Jiang Fan was startled, Nima! You panicked, it's so trendy!

However, now is not the time to clean up Tao Ping!

He looked at Ma Desheng: "Director Ma, is this the evidence you said?"

Ma Desheng opened his mouth wide, and then looked at Tang Zhiyuan and Ning Changan asking for help!

I don’t know, Ning Chang’an suddenly coughed: Dong Dong, how did you specifically operate the project you talked to me before?

"Ah! That project is a bit complicated, Ning Dong, why don't we go to my office and talk slowly?"

"Good good!"

Two people, talking and walking, disappeared at the top of the stairs in less than three seconds!

Ma Desheng was completely dumbfounded!

"Director Ma, I remembered just now, you said that if the Xue family lied, why did you come?"

"Me, what did I say?"

"You said you want to live stream and eat shit!"

The students in Class 3 suddenly booed!

"Nonsense! When did I say it! Humph! Jiang Fan, don't be smug! You're lucky this time! Next time you dare to violate discipline, look at me..."

Ma Desheng said, turned around and left!

It's just that he just took a step, and suddenly his feet slipped, and the whole person suddenly hit the ground heavily!

Ma Desheng suffered a long nosebleed and was embarrassed, but at this moment, Jiang Fan's ridicule suddenly sounded!

"Oh! It turns out that Director Ma said about eating shit, it means throwing a dog to eat shit!"

Jiang Fan, smirk!

"you you……"

Ma Desheng pressed his lips tightly and ran away with aggrieved expression!

At this time, Jiang Fan had already looked at Tao Ping with a gloomy expression!

"This matter ends here! If there is a follow-up, wipe your neck yourself!"

"Yes, yes! Don't worry, Shao Jiang! There is absolutely no follow-up!"

"Fuck off!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing that a big drama led by Ma Desheng ended in this way, the three classmates who were originally full of expectations were very dissatisfied!

"Ma Desheng, this idiot, in front of Jiang Fan, looks like a mentally retarded person!"

"What is it like? He is mentally retarded! With this kind of IQ, he still wants to calculate Jiang Fan?"

"It made me look forward to it in vain! It seems that I have to think of something else!"

"Yes, this idiot can't count on it, we have to do it ourselves!"

The students in the three classes are still discussing, and at the same time, Yue Yang's home!

Yue Jianshan, finally opened his eyes!

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