Since Jiang Fan was fainted by Jiang Fan's mouth yesterday afternoon, he has finally woken up!

Yue Yang, who was accompanying the bed, leaned in immediately!

"Uncle San! Are you okay?"


Yue Jianshan just woke up, his mind was still a little confused!

However, soon, he remembered what happened before!

"Asshole! This kid, unexpectedly, dare to sneak attack!"

"Yes Sanshu! Jiang Fan is too shameless!"

"Since he doesn't talk about justice, don't blame me, you're welcome!"

"Uncle San, what are you going to do?"

Yue Yang looked excited!

Jiang Fan, you angered San Shu, and he will let you know the horror of a real master!

"Check out that kid's whereabouts. Since he likes sneak attacks, I will make him look good tonight!"

"Okay! I'll go right away!"

On the other side, Ding Yong finally got up from the bed with a yawn!

However, he was awakened by someone!

"Brother Yong! Just now a brother came to report that Jiang Fan came out of home in the morning!"


Ding Yong was taken aback!

Afterwards, immediately ordered his men!

"It seems that Jiang Fan was likely to go back last night while we were asleep! Call all the brothers nearby! Block the intersection tonight, don't let it go alone!"


The subordinates agreed, but they showed a look of doubt!

"But, Brother Yong, isn't it more convenient for us to rush to his house and kill someone?"

"Idiot! That would be a serious crime! It's a felony! Can this be the same as street fighting? Do you **** understand the law? Get out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

His hand looked admired and hurriedly left!

Time, school will soon be over in the afternoon!

Jiang Fan rides on the bicycle, restarts, and the meal delivery mode!

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Hello sir! Your spicy hotpot is here!"

"So fast?!"

The guest was shocked!

"Little brother, don't worry! Just go at this speed, and you must give you a five-star praise!"

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Miss, the fried chicken you ordered!"

"Oh my God! Brother, are you flying? Only three minutes!"

"If you are satisfied, I hope to give a good comment!"

"I don't just want to give you good reviews! This is my mobile phone number! I will contact you often in the future!"


"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Madam! Your roast duck is here!"

"So fast! Ah! What a handsome little brother!"

"Ha ha!"

"Would you like to stay and share with your sister, what about this duck?"

"No need! No need!"

Jiang Fan walked all the way through the streets and alleys, driving fast!

But he didn't notice at all, a person, is, following oneself!

That person, wearing a night gown, covered himself tightly!

This person is Yue Jianshan!

"Jiang Fan! You run fast! But, it doesn't matter! When you slow down, you will die!"

Yue Jianshan, confident!

His light work is very powerful! Moreover, you can also take shortcuts! But Jiang Fan is different. Cycling so hard will soon run out of energy!

However, to his surprise, Jiang Fan has not slowed down even after one hour has passed!

"Asshole! Why is this kid so strong?"

Yue Jianshan, already, faintly felt tired!

Time, soon came to eight o'clock!

Yue Jianshan's face turned pale!

"Is this kid a pervert? He won't be tired?"

Another hour passed!

Yue Jianshan, with cold sweat on his forehead!

Until ten o'clock in the evening!

Jiang Fan finally stopped!

"It's ten o'clock, well, go back and rest!"

At this moment, Yue Jianshan, already tired like a wild dog, finally his eyes lit up!

"Jiang Fan! You really can't stand it anymore! Take it to death!"

Yue Jianshan jumped down from the surrounding wall!

Both palms were aimed at Jiang Fan's back!


Jiang Fan suddenly squeezed the handlebars and kicked hard!


Bike, go away in an instant!

Yue Jianshan looked dumbfounded!

Then, unable to stop, unexpectedly, a head hit the ground!


With a muffled sound, the hard concrete floor was actually smashed by Yue Jianshan!

"Fuck, bastard!"

"Intentionally! You must be intentional!"

The nosebleed that Yue Jianshan was hit was so long that he hated Jiang Fan!

"Boy! Even if you escape to the end of the world, today, I will kill you too!"

Yue Jianshan frantically mobilized the remaining true energy in his body and rushed towards Jiang Fan's house frantically!

However, just halfway through the run, the true energy in his body was finally exhausted!


Yue Jianshan finally stopped helplessly!

However, he is not an easy person to succumb. Today, Jiang Fan must be killed!

"Taxi! Stop!"

Yue Jianshan waved and stopped a taxi!

"Go to Da'an Street..."

Yue Jianshan just opened the car door, the taxi, unexpectedly, kicked the accelerator and ran away!

Yue Jianshan looked dumbfounded!

what's going on?

He stopped a few more rental cars, but none of them stopped!

At the same time, a message began to spread in the taxi ranks!

"Attention! There is a pervert in night clothes near Xiangjiang Road in Beicheng District. He is still bleeding from his nose. He is very wretched. It is very likely to be a mentally ill patient. Please be careful not to carry people easily!"

"Roger that!"

"Received! I saw it too!"

"Received! I stopped just now, and that pervert went so far as to get into the car!"

"Received! I also encountered it, but fortunately I was wearing anti-wolf spray!"

At this moment, Yue Jianshan has a sad look on his face!

Nima! Not only did he not stop the car, but he was sprayed with anti-wolf spray! That hot feeling, coupled with the wound on his nose, made him ecstatic!

"Jiang Fan! If I don't kill you today, I swear not to be a human being!"

Suddenly, Yue Jianshan's eyes lit up!

"Huh! What if you can't get a car! You can ride a shared bike! By the way, you can also regain your anger! Jiang Fan, I'm here! You prepare, die!"

At this moment, Ding Yong and others have also been ambushing on both sides of the street again!

However, compared to yesterday, the number of gangsters today has doubled!

Everyone is holding a bright machete!

"Give me all the tricks to highlight! Today, no matter what, Jiang Fan will be abolished!"

"Yes! Brother Yong!"

"Okay, now..."

Ding Yong said nothing, suddenly, another gust of wind blew!


"It seems to be the demon wind from yesterday!"

"Damn it! How could this gust of wind suddenly and inexplicably blow in the middle of the night?"

"Don't mention the ghost! In case..."

"No, no? Don't scare me!"

A group of gangsters, terrified!

"Shut up!"

Ding Yong was furious!

"Even if there are ghosts, the big knife in Lao Tzu's hand is not a vegetarian! For a while, once you see someone riding a bicycle, don't ask, just cut it for me!"

"Yes! Brother Yong!"

A group of gangsters promised loudly!

Soon, a **** suddenly whispered!

"Brother Yong! Look ahead!"

I saw a bicycle rushing towards here quickly!

Moreover, the people in the car are actually wrapped very tightly!

Ding Yong's eyes lit up, and a bloodthirsty light appeared in his eyes!

"Hey, Jiang Fan! Do you think I can't recognize you with such a tight package? You are too naive!"

"Brothers, get ready! Give it to me and hack him to death!"

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