God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 110: Shamelessly lie in ambush

At this moment, Yue Jianshan's eyes are full of excitement!

Ha ha, Jiang Fan! Grim Reaper, it's getting closer and closer to you!

You are bound to pay a tragic price for your shamelessness!

However, as soon as he was about to turn into the front street, suddenly a group of gangsters holding machetes in their hands rushed out shouting!

Yue Jianshan is dumbfounded!

Actually, there is an ambush?

Damn it! Knowing that it is not my opponent, unexpectedly, using such a nasty method!

But what about the crowd? I am Yue Jianshan, but this group of ants can not deal with it!

"Jiang Fan, you despicable villain! Good! Today, I will use your lackeys first!"

Yue Jianshan stood up and suddenly rushed to a group of gangsters!

For a time, the shouting of killing was deafening!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, who had just taken a shower, was coming to the balcony and looked down curiously!

"Oh, the fight was so intense!"

"Huh? This group of chaotic opponents are quite powerful!"

"Damn, I was slashed as soon as I finished the praise! You don't fight well, you always jump!"

Jiang Fan looked excited!

At this moment, the door next door opened, and Yun Xiaoru came over curiously!

"Brother Jiang Fan, there is a fight below!"

"Yes! It's miserable!"

"Wow! Really! Is that man in black an acrobat? Why does he always jump around? Oh! He was stabbed again!"

"It hurts to look at it!"


The two watched with gusto. Although there are always fights on Da'an Street, armed fights of this scale are extremely rare!

Yun Xiaoru even went home to take a handful of melon seeds and watched and ate with Jiang Fan!

"Strange, why hasn't the police arrived for so long?"

Jiang Fan is a little curious!

"Yeah, I should have been here long ago!"

Yun Xiaoru also looked confused!

"Wait! Did you call the police?"

"No, I thought you reported it!"

"Damn! Call the police!"

Soon, the sound of the police siren finally sounded!

At this moment, a group of Ding Yong's men have been seriously injured more than half! Even Ding Yong himself had a broken right hand!

But Yue Jianshan was even worse, with knife-edges all over his body! The whole person has become a blood gourd!

When the two parties saw the police coming, they immediately looked at each other unwillingly!

"Boy, don't be proud, I will have to hack you to death sooner or later!"

"Huh! The same for you, when my injury recovers, it will be your death date!"

Before the police arrived, the two sides broke up!

"By the way, Xiaoru, has Yu Dan gone to class these days?"

"No, she dropped out of school because of her health!"


"Hey, what a pity, a good friend is missing!"

Yun Xiaoru sighed!

Ding Yong called Yang Qi while accepting the bandage at this moment!

"Hey! Young Master! The kid ran away!"

"What? Run away?"

"Yeah! But don't worry, he was chopped a dozen knives, blood flowed into a river! Such a serious injury, at least two months!"

"Haha! Good! Good job!"

Hanging up, Yang Qi looked excited!

He almost couldn't wait to pick up the phone and was about to call Qiu Mingyue!

"No! Don't be so anxious, and contact Mingyue tomorrow, tomorrow!"

"Haha, Jiang Fan, tomorrow, I want you to see with your own eyes how Qiu Mingyue has embraced me!"

And the other side!

"Uncle San! Uncle San! What's wrong with you? Why do you hurt so badly?"

Yue Yang looked at Yue Jianshan's full body, and he was so frightened that he almost urinated!

"It's Jiang Fan! This villain unexpectedly found someone to ambush me!"


"I was injured too badly, I have to go back to my family to heal my injuries, you have recently kept a low profile!"


"Relax! Our Yue family will never suffer such a loss! After I go back, I will let Big Brother come over!"

"You mean let the uncle come over?"

Suddenly, Yue Yang looked excited!

"An uncle will do it! Jiang Fan is absolutely dead, there is no life!"

"Yes! Dare to offend our Yue family, it is his last mistake in this life!"



The next day was Sunday, but Jiang Fan still got up on time!

"Just right, today, you can run a few more orders!"

After Jiang Fan finished washing, he immediately ran into the street again!

One morning, it will pass soon!

Jiang Fan was about to eat something, when suddenly, the phone rang!

"Young Master Jiang, how are you doing?"

An unkind voice sounded!

"Yang Qi?"

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

This idiot, unexpectedly, dare to contact himself?

"Hehe, that's right, it's me! Young Master Jiang, was it exciting last night?"

Hey? Could this idiot also see the fighting downstairs?

"If you have a fart, let me go, I'm busy!"

"Huh! I am hosting a banquet at Fenghua Hotel tonight, is Shao Jiang interested?"

"Do not have time!"

"Oh? Is there no time or can't come?"

Yang Qi laughed strangely!

"You got kicked in the head by a donkey? Don't go!"

"Jiang Fan! If you don't come tonight, Qiu Mingyue will be mine!"

Yang Qi, hang up directly!

Jiang Fan looked confused!

What is the structure of Yang Qi's head? He hasn't asked him to settle the account yet, so he dare to come over and invite himself?

Row! Since you are not afraid of death, then my father is going to teach you this unfilial son!

Jiang Fan made up his mind and got busy again!

At six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Fan came to Fenghua Hotel on time!

The last time he came here, Jiang Fan slapped Yang Qi in the face. He didn't know what the idiot wanted to do, but he even dared to choose the address here!

When the doorman saw that Jiang Fan had stopped at the door of the hotel, he immediately drove him away with a look of contempt!

"Hey! Blind? Don't you know where this is? A stinky takeaway dare to stop here! Get out!"

Jiang Fan went up with a big loud slap in the face!


The doorman was beaten and forced!

"You, you...you dare to hit me?"

"It's you! Dog minion! Blind your dog's eyes! Even I dare to stop!"

The doorman is completely stunned!

"That, uh, are you?"

"Trash! You don't deserve to know my name! Where is Yang Qi?"

"Ah! Shao Yang is on the first floor lobby!"

"Get out! Next time you dare to scream, see if I don't pull your tongue out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Jiang Fan snorted and walked directly into the hotel!

Seeing Jiang Fan disappeared at the door, the doorman was suddenly afraid!

What a terrible momentum, this is definitely a superior!

However, how come I have never seen it before?

"Hey, who is that person just now?"

The doorman looks at his companion!

"I don't know, I've never seen it before! But looking at the momentum, he must be a big man!"

"Bah! Now these wealthy people are really perverted, and they come out to the banquet in takeaway clothes!"

"Shhh! Be quiet! We can't offend such a big person!"


Jiang Fan has now arrived in the lobby of Fenghua Hotel!

The furnishings and arrangement here are actually exactly the same as when I came last time!

Many well-dressed guests are talking quietly!

Jiang Fan's appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention!

"Huh? Who is this person?"

"Takeaway? Why did you come here?"

"Could it be that who is here to deliver food?"

"Don't be teasing! Isn't that slap Shao Yang in the face when ordering food?"

"It's probably the wrong place!"

"Hehe, he is a small person, you see, seeing this kind of scene makes everyone stupid!"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan jokingly!

However, at this moment, Qiu Mingyue's voice suddenly sounded!

"Jiang Fan? Why are you here?"

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