An unusually low-key Volkswagen Lavida is running fast on the road!

In the car, it was Jiang Fan and others!

It's just different from the outside, the inside of the car is extremely lively!

Since learning that he had gained Jiang Fan's trust, Douglas was obviously very excited!

Their brothers and sisters have been following Jiang Fan during this period, and have long been conquered by Jiang Fan's strength and wisdom!

The key is that the benefits of being able to gain Jiang Fan's trust are not ordinary!

When the two sides met for the first time, Curtis was just a small ninth-level necromancer, but now, he has become a powerhouse at the twelfth level!

In this world, who doesn't want strong strength?

And all of this, Jiang Fan can give!

"My lord, when I go to Mexico this time, I don't know what mission I have to perform?"

Douglas asked curiously!

"I don't know yet, but the task is not important. The important thing is that we are going to find the tomb of DiscoTripoca!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"What?! Then, the tomb of the Dark God that Isaac has been looking for?"

Douglas was stunned!

But Jiang Fan was also slightly startled and looked directly at Christine!

"You didn't tell him?"

"My lord, if this matter is spread out, it will be very unfavorable to you, so, so I haven't mentioned it to anyone!"

Christine said seriously!

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled!

"You did a good job! Douglas, don't blame her!"

"My lord, we are already very happy that you can trust our brothers and sisters so much! Don't worry, even if it is the future, as long as anything about you is concerned, even if it is between our brothers and sisters, we will not talk too much!"

Douglas looked serious!

"There is no need to be so cautious. Since I brought you out, I naturally trust you absolutely! In the future..."

Jiang Fan hasn't finished speaking, just at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"


How come every day in the middle of the night these past two days!

Are you not adjusting the system?

"Prison is a cage for prisoners!"

"It's strong and defensive, and it often puts an end to everyone's hope of leaving!"

"However, it has always been human nature to escape from the cage!"

"No matter how reliable a prison is, it can't detain the heart that yearns for freedom!"

This brief introduction is a bit too weird, right?

As soon as Qian Xiangchuan and his son were pitted, a world related to prison came!

"Ding! Please give Ray Breslin a tea egg made with strong tea!"


A little familiar, who is this guy?

Forget it, go find the tea eggs first!

Soon, Jiang Fan stopped in front of a congee shop that was about to close down!

"Boss, pack the rest of the tea eggs!"


The boss agreed and started packing directly!

Although Jiang Fan is already well-known, Ren never expected that this mysterious hero would come out to buy tea eggs in the middle of the night!

Soon, a large box of tea eggs has been packed!

Jiang Fan carried the tea egg directly into an unmanned alley!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! Reincarnation of Myriad Realms is on! Coming soon-"Escape of the Golden Cicada"!

It's actually this world!

The story of Jin Chan's escape is mainly the story of a prison escape master who makes a living by testing the firmness of the prison!

Ray Breslin is the strongest prison escape master. He has successfully escaped from 14 serious prisons with the most rigorous security and defense projects in 8 years!

His true identity is a prison security management expert. Every successful escape means that he can find the security management loopholes in the prison, and then strengthen and improve!

And his last mission is to challenge the "grave" in the legendary most dripping super prison!

However, when he was put in prison, he found that this was a dead prison with no view of the sea. Just when he decided to abandon his mission and wanted to show his identity out of prison, Warden Hobbs tortured him even more!

It turns out that Breslin was betrayed by its long-time partner Leicester. In order to occupy the company's huge assets, Leicester directly cooperated with Hobbs, the warden of the "Grave", and wanted him to never escape!

Breslin cooperated with Mannheim, whose alias is Lotmeyer, and finally experienced many difficulties, and finally succeeded in breaking out of prison!


Jiang Fan appeared again, unexpectedly came to a very wide square!

It's just that it's all surrounded by tough iron nets, surrounded by prisoners in prison uniforms. Above the square that is tens of meters high, there are countless iron ladders, and there are heavily guarded guards everywhere!

Jiang Fan just looked at it and knew that he must have been in the "Grave" prison!

Seeing Jiang Fan's sudden appearance, a group of prisoners who had been letting go was stunned!

Jiang Fan is now wearing an Armani casual suit. The superb texture does not look like a prisoner at all!

"Huh? How did this kid come out?"

"Damn! I'm in jail and still wear so coquettishly!"

"It's from Huaxia!"

"Hehehe, there are not many Chinese people in there, this kid's **** is really up!"

"Hey! Little handsome guy, your soap has fallen out!"

Several prisoners were immediately excited, and the eyes looking at Jiang Fan wanted to eat him!

I've been shut here for a long time, and the sows are all beautiful, not to mention that many people here are perverts themselves!

"Where is Puertus?"

Jiang Fan's face gradually became gloomy, but he didn't do anything, just said coldly! !

Puertus is exactly Breslin's pseudonym!


"This kid knows that mental illness?"

"Boy, don't waste your effort, that guy is already dead!"

"He was tortured by Warden Hobbs, and now he has a breath!"

"Hehehe, kid, stop talking nonsense, take off your pants if you know it!"

A group of prisoners opened their mouths one after another. Among them was a sturdy black man who stretched out his hand to Jiang Fan with a smile on his face!

Damn, this kid is so handsome, he must be cool today!


"You are locked here, it really is not without reason!"

Jiang Fan suddenly grinned, and suddenly kicked directly under the crotch of the strong black man!



This brawny man was kicked a full three meters high by Jiang Fan's yin leg!

He was still in mid-air and he already screamed miserably, and his eyes protruded a full centimeter, almost staring out the eyeballs!


The brawny man finally fell to the ground, but at this time, he had completely lost his breath!

Everyone was stunned!

They all looked at Jiang Fan in fear!

A few even clutched their crotch and peeed directly!

Too cruel!

Almost all people here have done things like murder!

But it was so cruel, it was the first time they saw it!

And Jiang Fan just smiled gloomily!

"Pultus, where is it?"

The crowd trembled, and at the same time stepped back, and then all pointed in one direction!

"Yes, over there!"

"He is with Lotmeyer!"

There are a few more courageous people who hurriedly spoke!

"Huh! A bunch of bastards!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully and walked over there directly!

At this moment, seeing what happened, a group of guards hurried over while blowing their whistle!

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