God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1085: Huaxia Zhibao Tea Egg

"what happened!"

"Who is fighting!"

"You **** pigs, you don't have a long memory!"

"Grab the fighting person and go directly to the confinement room!"

A group of guards shouted, opened the iron gate and rushed in!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has come to a corner!

I saw a few men here gathering together, looking anxiously at a man lying on the ground with apathetic eyes!

The man’s eyes were dim and his body was covered with scars. It was not difficult to see from his fingers that twitched from time to time, that the man’s spirit was on the verge of collapse!

This man is the protagonist of the movie Breslin!

Jiang Fan was about to walk over. At this moment, a stubborn, stout man suddenly blocked Jiang Fan's path!

This person is Mannheim who escaped from the "grave" with Breslin in the original book!

The reason why Breslin came here is actually Mannheim's daughter Jessica, who was hired to find a way to rescue Mannheim!

It is precisely because of this that Mannheim will take the initiative to approach Breslin!

However, in order not to reveal his identity here, he changed his name to Lotmeyer!

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Lotmeyer looked cautious!

He also saw Jiang Fan's kick just now!

Not to mention anything else, a single kick can kick a person weighing more than 200 kilograms to a height of three meters. This is definitely not what a normal person can do!

Although Jiang Fan was stopped now, his calf was trembling!

He is also afraid!

But if Jiang Fan is unfavorable to Breslin, then he won't be able to escape for the rest of his life, so he might as well die!

"Don't be nervous, I'm a delivery clerk, here to deliver food to Breslin!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Outside, takeaway?!"

Lotmeyer's eyes stared out!

If even the takeaway can come in this place, then he ran out early!

The rest are even more stunned!

"Our prison, can we still order takeaway?"

"I, I have been here for five years, why have I never heard of it?"

"Could it be that this prison is actually very humane?"

"Don't be stupid! How could this kid be a takeaway, kicking people to death without seeing a kick?"

"What's so surprising about this! This is a Huaxia takeaway! It's normal to learn martial arts!"

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Lotmeyer!

"Can you get out now? Mr. Mannheim!"

"You! How do you know?!"

For a moment, Lotmeyer felt cold all over his body, and his heart almost stopped beating!

This is his biggest secret!

Even Warden Hobbs didn't know his true identity, but the other party spoke out!

At this moment!

"Hey! This kid is here!"

"catch him!"

Accompanied by a series of screams, a group of guards finally rushed over and surrounded Jiang Fan!

"Boy, who are you?"

"Quickly confess your identity!"

"Otherwise, don't even want to leave in this life!"

A group of guards spoke!

"I'm Jiang Fan, a takeaway, hello!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Outside, the takeaway?!"

A group of guards are dumbfounded!

But they reacted immediately!

"Damn! This kid is playing with us!"

"Damn, dare to be presumptuous here!"

"Catch him to torture, you can surely ask him out of his identity!"

"No matter who he is then, spend the rest of your life here honestly!"

A group of guards laughed grinningly, took out their batons, and smashed them directly at Jiang Fan!

Facing this group, Jiang Fan didn't bother to do it!

Just beckon at will, the wind power is activated!

In an instant, a violent wind blew at the feet of several guards, and they were directly blown up to a height of five or six meters, and then fell heavily to the ground!


"My leg, my leg is broken!"

"My arm!"


"Support! Call for support!"

A group of guards screamed!

Soon, in the whole prison, the alarm bells blasted!

However, a group of prisoners didn't care about the alarm bell at all, they just looked at Jiang Fan in shock!


What is this skill?

Lotmeyer was even more shocked!

And Jiang Fan has come to Breslin!

"Bresslin, I'm here to deliver you takeaway!"

However, facing Jiang Fan, Breslin did not respond at all, just staring forward with blank eyes!

"Jiang Fan, don't waste your energy. He has not slept for five days after being tortured by Hobbes, and his whole person has collapsed. Now, he can only be considered alive!"

"Now that the alarm bell has rang, it won't take long for the guards with guns to come. Let's run quickly!"

Lotmeyer finally reacted!

Although Breslin was abandoned before, it was his only hope after all!

But now, seeing Jiang Fan's move, he has made up his mind, he must hug Jiang Fan's thigh tightly and leave here!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't answer at all. Instead, he took out the tea egg directly, and then opened the takeaway box!

Suddenly, a strong tea fragrance filled the audience in an instant!

"My God! What is this?"

"It's so fragrant!"

"I can't control my saliva just by smelling it!"

"Is it Chinese food? This is too exaggerated!"

Everyone's greedy eyes are red!

Even Breslin, whose eyes were dull, couldn't help but sniffed heavily!

The strong fragrance of tea entered his nose, and his eyes, which had been distracted, began to burst into vigor!

"Ah! What kind of taste is this, so refreshing!"

Breslin, actually spoke up!

Lotmeyer on one side was shocked!

I just smelled it, and I was sober!

What kind of food is this?

"The takeaway for you, eat it!"

Jiang Fan smiled and handed the tea egg directly in front of Breslin!

"Then, then I'm not welcome!"

Breslin can't control it anymore!

Not even willing to pick up the skin, just put a whole egg into his mouth!


"This taste is too ecstasy!"

"Not only the fragrance of tea from the East, but also the delicateness of the protein into the mouth!"

"Is this an egg? No! How can an egg have such a fragrance?"

"Now I just feel refreshed!"

"This thing is not only delicious, it's refreshing than drinking a ton of coffee!"

Breslin feasted, quickly swept away seven or eight tea eggs, and then jumped up!

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I can actually eat such delicious food! What the **** is this?"

Breslin looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"This is Chinese food, tea eggs!"

"Oh my God! So this is the legendary tea egg!"

"The treasure of China in the bend! A holy product of the same level as pickled mustard!"

"No wonder it was the local tyrants who were said to be able to eat this!"

"Sure enough, this thing is not suitable for ordinary people to eat! It's a blessing for Sansheng to be able to see it!"

"For the sake of tea eggs, I will work hard to reform! Be a good man! Try to get out of here!"

"Me too! I want to change my mind and work hard to eat tea eggs as soon as possible!"

A group of prisoners boiled directly!

And at this moment!

"Da! Da! Da! Da!"

Countless heavy footsteps suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, dozens of guards armed with guns rushed directly to the gate of the square!

The dark muzzle was aimed at everyone!

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