God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1086: This is really a rubber fruit

And in front of these guards, there is an unusually strong bald man!

This person is the captain of the guard, the first running dog under Warden Hobbs, Drake!

"The Chinese man inside, you are already surrounded, so if you don't want to die, just walk out by yourself!"

"Otherwise, bullets don't have eyes!"

"And you scum, get out of my way!"

Drake laughed!

Everyone panicked when they saw this scene!

Avoid one after another!

Drake is a real monster!

Although it won't kill them, but let them get shot, absolutely do it!

And Breslin's complexion changed drastically!

"Not good! Jiang Fan, run quickly, don't let them catch it!"

Although he was on the verge of a mental breakdown before, everything he saw and heard was remembered by his brain!

Once recovered, I immediately understood the cause and effect!

"Yes! Jiang Fan, run! But I hope you can bring a message to my daughter when you go out! She won't treat you badly!"

Lotmeyer also hurriedly spoke!

Now that Breslin is recovering, they can escape sooner or later!

Let Jiang Fan run off and bring a message to the outside world is the most important thing!


"Escape? What a joke! Forget it, I'll save both of you!"

Jiang Fan said, striding directly towards Drake!

Seeing Jiang Fan's acquaintance, Drake smiled triumphantly, and strode towards Jiang Fan with handcuffs!

"Boy! Count you acquainted! As long as you explain clearly how you ran in, you can survive! Otherwise, I will take you--"

While Drake was talking, he was going to handcuff Jiang Fan!


"Just you bullshit!"

Jiang Fan directly threw it up with a big mouth!



A crisp sound was accompanied by a scream, almost resounding through the entire square!

It was as if Drake was hit by Gundam, his whole person spinning and jumping with his eyes closed, spinning perfectly three thousand six hundred degrees in the air, and then plunged into a trash can not far away!

Only the toes are twitching!

The crowd was all dumbfounded!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"Well, is this a person?"

"Are the Chinese takeaways so strong in kung fu?"

"It's terrible! I, I don't want to eat takeaway in my life!"

"This is the real superhero. Compared with him, Captain Citi is extremely weak!"

Everyone is terrified!

Breslin and Lotmeyer were about to stare out!

A group of guards are sweating!

All the guns in his hand are aimed at Jiang Fan!

too frightening!

Drake is the strongest guard!

However, he was directly scrapped by the other party's big mouth!

If it touches their faces, what's the deal?

"You, you bastard, dare to beat our captain!"

"Surrender now! Otherwise we will shoot!"

"Kneel down! Kneel down!"

A group of guards screamed!




A white light flashed on Jiang Fan's hand!

At the next moment, all the guards only felt light in their hands, and their guns were cut off by Jiang Fan!

A group of guards were startled, the next moment!



"The Flash is coming!"

"No, Huaxia's takeaway is here!"


A group of guards screamed and ran away in no time!

Looking at the villain here through monitoring, the warden Hobbs who likes to make butterfly specimens, the whole person is messed up!

Although he was shocked when he saw that Drake was smashed by Jiang Fan's mouth just now, he still had the chance to win!

After all, he has a gun!

The gun is the most powerful thing in this world!

But the opponent just waved his hand and dozens of guns were all cut into two pieces!

Even if he slowed down the monitoring by sixteen times the limit, he didn't actually see what was going on!

How could this guy be so tough!

Could it be that China has already researched the weapon of relativity?

The point is, he is just a takeaway!

Is it now that China's takeaway staff have begun to use this concept weapon for self-defense?

Too unscientific!

"Don't run! Everyone is dispatched! You must catch him for me!"

"No! Just kill him!"

Hobbs suddenly roared at the big horn!

Once Jiang Fan is allowed to escape, their coordinates will be exposed, and then the angry customers alone will have to kill him!

Listening to the sound coming from the loudspeaker, Jiang Fan just smiled disdainfully, and then, when he reached out, he grabbed Breslin and Lotmeyer directly!

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of everyone's incredible gaze, Jiang Fan suddenly squatted down, and then suddenly let out a low cry!


The steel ground under Jiang Fan's feet was directly stamped with two deep footprints!

And Jiang Fan has already taken advantage of this reaction force to rise suddenly into the sky!


In an instant, Jiang Fan led the two to jump up to a full twenty meters!


"This bounce is too exaggerated!"

"Is this really eating rubber fruit?"

"He must be One Piece's man!"

The crowd screamed!

"What am I..."

Hobbes, who looked at the surveillance, looked even more bewildered!

And Breslin and Lotmeyer were completely sluggish!

The two of them were now hanging on Jiang Fan like two or two pork, and they were shocked that they couldn't even say a word!

And Jiang Fan landed on the upper ladder and jumped again!


In a blink of an eye, Jiang Fan has reached the top of the square!

It's just that the upper part of this place is full of unusually strong steel!

Wanting to get out from here is tantamount to idiotic dreams!

"Hehehe! Kid, you can't escape! Wait for death!"

Hobbes' voice suddenly came from a loud speaker not far away!

But Jiang Fan ignored him at all!

Just take a deep breath!

Then, in the shock of everyone's eyes, suddenly raised his hand and blasted directly at the steel wall above!

"For Lao Tzu—open!"

In an instant, the nine-yin and nine-yang zhenqi like a tsunami suddenly erupted!


A loud noise!

The steel wall, which was one meter thick, was directly torn to pieces by Jiang Fan's terrifying infuriating Qi! A huge hole with a diameter of ten meters was exposed!

In the next moment, the dazzling eyes directly followed the hole, completely illuminating the huge cage in the cabin!

Everyone stared blankly at the spilt sunshine!

It's just that even such strong sunlight can't stop Jiang Fan's light!

Under the sunshine, Jiang Fan's figure at this moment, like a god, is completely imprinted in everyone's heart!

"God, he must be a god!"

"Only gods can be so powerful!"

"Oh, god, save us!"

"I would like to serve you for the rest of my life!"

The crowd knelt on the ground, tears streaming down their faces, and sincerely prayed to Jiang Fan!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being worshipped by the aboriginals of this world!"


Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Is there a reminder after being worshipped?

At this moment, his thoughts suddenly changed!

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